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Everything posted by TK.

  1. Hi Sephult, see also this thread http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=concepts;action=display;num=1046190688 once I've ported the MB64SEQ to MIOS, it will be easy to reuse the sequencer engine also for other control surfaces. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  2. Hi Dan, the "snap" mode allows a similar use like with motorfaders. However, the pots will not be moved automatically, but they won't send new values until the received target position has been reached. See also the MB64 tutorial for additional infos Best Regards, Thorsten.
  3. Hi Pearl, ok, with the houston emulation it makes sense, as it controls the LED rings directly. The difference of the two code lines is not only the comment, but also the value which will be "or"ed to the LED pattern: 0x08 for the 12th LED, 0x80 for the 16th LED Best Regards, Thorsten.
  4. TK.

    SIDBox / PWM

    Hi Richard, thanks for the nice words :) PWM works only with the pulse waveform, maybe you've selected saw or triangle, therefore you won't hear an effect Multitimbral: there is an undocumented feature which allows you to play the SID in this mode: when you look into the sid_presets.inc file, you will find three different MIDI channel settings named EEPROM_V1_CHANNEL, EPPROM_V2_CHANNEL, EEPROM_V3_CHANNEL. When you change the channels to different values, you are able to play the oscillators independently Have fun! :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  5. TK.

    MIDIbox64SEQ Beta

    Hi Dan, currently I'm working (and testing :)) on the final PIC16F based MB64seq. I set some limits for this firmware so that a) it ever get finished, and b) I can save time & effort. So, outlook for the final PIC16F based firmware: 128 patterns per BankStick copy function for patterns steps can be triggered by buttons manually steps can be shifted syncable pattern switching sequences of patterns (A1->A2->A3->A4->A1->...) repeat function (*1, *2, *4, *8 ) MIDI Learn replaced by cheap & easy config submenu fixed button layout (means not customizable) fixed pot layout fixed LED layout (16 LEDs only) I made the layouts not customizable because the PIC16F version is mainly for existing PIC16F based Midiboxes. The MIOS based version will be much more flexible (e.g, up to 128 LEDs, much more buttons, also rotary encoders and graphical LCDs can be used, etc.) Finally my answer: if you require a special adaption for less pots, wait for the MIOS based firmware... :) MIDI Out LED: this is the wrong board for such questions. However, the LTC module is so small that I just only can suggest: check the wires! Best Regards, Thorsten.
  6. Hi Rogic, you can just activate the toggle function of the MB64 for each button seperately, in this mode the LED will indicate the status. In this case the toggle function of Traktor should be deactivated! Meta events: for virtual instruments not interesting. Meta events are programmed sequences of MIDI data and useful for MIDI devices which are working with SysEx messages or similar. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  7. If you don't want to change the data structure, you could use the min/max entry as 3th and 4th parameter. In midi.inc you have to remove the call to MIDI_GetPotValueAndScale and in your meta handler you have to write: FLASH_H 0 ; prepare flash pointer rlf POT_CTR, W ; (pot_ctr << 2) & 0x7e andlw 0x7e addlw 0x01 ; add 1 for the min/max entry FLASH_WL ; this is the low byte of the pointer call BANK_Read ; get flash entry thereafter the Min and Max value are in FLASH0 and FLASH1 and can be used for NRPN Release date for MB64 18F: currently absolutely unknown Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. You could change IFSET MIOS_PARAMETER1, 6, iorlw 0x08 ; set 12th (center) LED if bit 6 of received CC value is set to IFSET MIOS_PARAMETER1, 6, iorlw 0x80 ; set 16th (center) LED if bit 6 of received CC value is set but note that Logic/Cubase sends 12 different patterns only, therefore more than 11 LEDs doesn't really makes sense in a LC emulation. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. I would prefer the slow one, so that peaks don't blow the fuse Best Regards, Thorsten.
  10. Like everytime when I start to improve the MIDIbox64 SEQ firmware, also this time I was distracted by a nice sequence that I found during the tests of a new function. But only a special gimmick makes this sequence so vital as it can be heart in the mp3 example - my thought: hey, this could be interesting for the community, a starting point for exchanging tips & tricks in sound enhancements. The demo (SID Demo 10, mixed for headphones ;-)) http://www.midibox.org/midibox_sid/mbsid_demo10.mp3 So, my intention was to use three filtered audio delays in this setup: MB64SEQ+Keyboard ---[MIDI]--> SID ---[audio]--> Logic ---[VST]--> Compressor ---[VST]--> 3 filtered Delays --> Audio Out The filtered delays are VST effects, realized with Reaktor like shown here: (but I think that also common VST delays and VST filters could be used) Three different filters are selected: lowpass, highpass and bandpass. The cutoff frequency is modulated by a LFO (!) for an automatic varied timbre. Also the panning is modulated. The delay time depends on the BPM, factor: 1.5 for BP, 1 for HP, 2 for LP. The results: from 0:00 to 0:16 - just a phased bass as entry from 0:16 to 2:00 - a single SID + the delay effect is played, more and more notes fill the sequence from 2:00 to 2:17 - two SIDs (brass preset) with a VST chorus effect + dynamic filter, controlled by MB64SEQ from 2:17 to 2:50 - plus a second track which controls a single SID (+ the delay effect) from 2:50 to the end - the ultimate sequence w/ three SIDs (slightly detuned and tranposed) + the filtered delay effect, played by MB64SEQ + RM1x + Logic (drums are played by a RM1x groovebox, synced to MB64SEQ, strings played with an AN1x, bass with Reaktor SalEM1 VSTi, everything recorded and arranged with Logic) Ok, how about your favourite effects? :) Best Regards, Thorsten. P.S.: thanks to György Birki, the creator of the Reaktor based filter delay macro, which comes with the standard library - it's really a fine toy when you combine multiple instances :)
  11. Hi Noskule, quick question: are you using the most recent version v1.01? Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. Hi Dan, incompatibility isn't an issue - the SID input is just an option which allows you to mix the oscillator outputs with an additionial audio source before it goes into the filter unit. It can result to nice effects :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. Hi Noskule, now you have to modify the "LED map" with the editor so that only the received status will be displayed. For the first shift register change it from "DIN SR #1 (Button ID #0-7)" to "MIDI Status rec. for Entry #0-7", for the second "DIN SR #2 (Button ID #8-15)" to "MIDI Status rec. for Entry #8-15", etc Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. Well, you could modify the meta event, so that the parameter value is taken from another pot, and you could also modify display_l.inc, so that a string depending on that pot position will be displayed. Sure, you could also define two meta events which decrement/increment the parameter as replacement for the "selection" pot. But all these solutions require a different data structure and therefore a new editor -> have fun with programming ;-) From my experience controlling synthesizers on this way isn't really ergonomic, parameters should be grouped and should be selectable from hierarchical menues. My suggestions can be found under Projects->SID->Control Surface, and as I wrote in the news section, a generic "MIDIbox TC" is planned with the same possibilities. Release: maybe in 6 months, when all current projects have been finished. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. Hi Pearl, I don't have so much experience with transformers, but the circuit looks good (well balanced). To the seperate supply for the displays: should go to the backlights only (draws 100mA and more), and not to the general +5V input of the displays (draws just only ca. 1mA). On this way you will not run into trouble with the polarities. Motorfaders: 2 x LM317 have to be used for 16 faders due to the max rating of the LM317 (if you are using the original MF layout, you will do this anyhow). A power consumption of 1A per 8 faders is very common when you switch to a new song and all faders are moving to a new position. "Current too much": yes, thats the other side.... I would recomment fuses (buy 10 or 20 at once!). Best Regards, Thorsten.
  16. Hi Dan, in far future I will provide a special mod for MIDIbox SID with a small amplifier and a panorama circuit (Mono In->Stereo Out), controllable via MIDI and Modulation Matrix. But in the meantime the only solution is to use 4 seperate audio outs or one stereo out (audio outs can be joined by using 10k resistors). I would prefer the first solution, as it allows you to mix the channels, to set the panorama, and not at least to attach EQs and effects seperately. Yes, you could realise a stereo input, too, but this really depends on your final circuit. Example: if you join SID1+2 for left channel and SID3+4 for right channel, the input of SID1 should be the L input, SID2: open, SID3: R input, SID4: open Or create two chains: Audio In L->SID1->SID2->Audio Out L Audio In R->SID3->SID4->Audio Out R But as I already wrote: I would prefer seperate outputs Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. Hi Matt, this could be realized with the "MIDI merger" application, which provides two MIDI Ins and one MIDI Outs. It requires some additional modifications to parse for program change events, however - the source code is free available ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. TK.

    core module j5

    Hi Rob, the open analog input A4-A7 should be connected to ground, otherwise the box will send random MIDI events Best Regards, Thorsten.
  19. Hallo Sly, Die ID 00...0142 ist nicht optimal, damit wuerdest Du die Device ID auf 42 setzen. In Deinem Fall waere 00..0100 besser geeignet. Zur MF Calibration erstmal eine Frage: wenn Du den ersten Fader bewegst, sollten sich die restlichen Fader automatisch mitbewegen. Laesst sich das bei Dir reproduzieren? Gruss, Thorsten.
  20. Hi DriftZ, yes, a LED for each pot makes sense. Will be supported with the next update of MIDIbox64 SEQ 8 tracks with the PIC18F based SEQ: maybe ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  21. TK.


    Hallo Sebastian, zu den LCDs: sofern Du "character LCDs" verwenden moechtest, kannst Du quasi jedes hernehmen, sie sind quasi alle HD44780 kompatibel. Bei EBay gibt es 2x40 LCDs im Ramschverkauf (siehe bspw. http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3018908161&category=12070 Grafik-LCDs: hier wird es schon schwieriger, ein passendes zu finden. Momentan werden nur KS0108 kompatible unterstuetzt. Sobald ich die zusaetzlichen Treiber in MIOS V1.2 integriert habe, wird es zu diesem Thema eine bessere Dokumentation geben 2: man muss den Bootstrap-Loader einmalig in den PIC18F einprogrammieren, danach funktioniert der Update auch ueber das MIDI-Interface. Falls Du den JDM nicht nachbauen moechtest, kannst Du mir den PIC auch einfach (zusammen mit dem Rueckporto) zuschicken 3: die Reihenfolge ist egal, in den Listen (mios_tables.inc und lc_io_table.inc) traegt man einfach die Pin-Zuordnung ein, den Rest uebernimmt die Software :) Gruss, Thorsten.
  22. Hallo Sly, Du hast Deine Box wirklich schnell auf die Beine gebracht! :) den idealen Kalibrierungswert kann man mit der "mf_calibration" Applikation ermitteln. Siehe auch: http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=mios;action=display;num=1049264534 Zu Logic: irgendwo unter Options->Control Surface->Allgemeine Optionen (bin leider gerade nicht unter Windows eingeloggt...) kann man die MIDI-Bandbreite einstellen. Per default steht sie auf 50%, mit 100% erhalten die Fader oefters einen Update, und bewegen sich somit "smoother". LTC: hierbei gibt es das Problem, dass der Bootloader bereits vor der MIOS Initialisierung einen SysEx-Request mit der falschen Baudrate verschickt. Deshalb waere es besser, wenn Du das "to-COM" Flag in der PIC ID einstellen wuerdest (siehe Concepts->MIOS->Bootloader). Gruss, Thorsten.
  23. Ich bezweifle, dass das moeglich ist. Und wenn, waere die Ansteuerung viel zu langsam :-/ Der PIC ist halt nur ein 8 bit controller... Best Regards, Thorsten.
  24. The random notes could be caused by an "unterminated" DIN chain. So far as I remember greg's layout doesn't come with the regired 10k pull-up resistor on the input of the last 74HC165 (Pin 10). It should help :) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  25. The command set of this display is the same, so it should be compatible. To the 4x20 LCD issue: it seems that not all wires are connected correctly. Black lines are visible when the display has not been initialized. Best Regards, Thorsten.
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