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Everything posted by TK.

  1. Superrr :) Ja, sobald das MF Modul angeschlossen wird, sollte dieses Flag wieder aktiviert werden. Dass ueberhaupt ein 0-Wert gesendet wird, wenn keine Motoren angeschlossen sind, ist eigentlich eine "Imperfektion" im Treiber. Andererseits ist dieses Verhalten der einzige Anhaltspunkt dafuer, dass der Treiber ueberhaupt im Hintergrund laeuft, was dann wiederum fuer die Fehlersuche wichtig ist. Deshalb habe ich keine automatische Deaktivierung eingebaut, sondern es bei einer manuellen Konfiguration belassen. Wer mir eine Freude bereiten moechte, kann diese Fallstricke ja einfach mal sammeln und mir zuschicken, so dass ich sie in meine Homepage einbinden kann. Sprache ist egal (die gesammelten Werke koennten spaeter von anderen Leuten uebersetzt werden). Gruss, Thorsten.
  2. TK.

    Encoder Problem

    das kann ich ja nicht wissen... ;-) Dumme Frage, aber man weiss ja nie: verwendest Du auch die aktuellste Editor-Version? Bei der alten funktionierte die Enc-Mode-Konfiguration noch nicht richtig Gruss, Thorsten.
  3. TK.

    Encoder Problem

    dafuer fast alle MIOS applikationen. Da sich momentan eigentlich fast alles nur noch um die MIDIbox NG dreht, war das nicht ganz klar. Am besten forderst Du mal mit dem Editor einen speicherabzug von der MB16E an (Receive-Button), speicherst ihn auf Platte und schickst ihn mir per EMail. So kann ich besser nachvollziehen, wo es hakt. Gruss, Thorsten. P.S.: wenn die Absolutwerte korrekt gesendet werden, ist es kein Hardware, sondern ein Konfigurationsproblem
  4. TK.

    Encoder Problem

    Die genaue Anschlussbelegung befindet sich hier: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_dinx4_16enc_alps_stec16b03.pdf Leider hast Du nicht geschrieben, mit welcher MIDIbox Du die Encoder ausprobiert hast. Ich nehme mal eine MIDIbox16E an, hier senden die Encoder naemlich per default absolute Werte. Relative (also +1/-1 etc.) MIDI events werden natuerlich auch unterstuetzt, sogar mehrere Varianten: # ENC_MODE_ABSOLUTE send absolute value # ENC_MODE_40SPEED send 40 +/- <speed> (for Native Instruments Software) # ENC_MODE_00SPEED send 00 +/- <speed> (for Steinberg Software) # ENC_MODE_40_1 send 40 +/- 1 # ENC_MODE_00_1 send 00 +/- 1 # ENC_MODE_INCDEC send CC Inc/Dec # ENC_MODE_LCEMU send 0<speed> when turned clockwise, 4<speed> on counter clockwise # (protocol used by Logic Control/Mackie) den Modus kannst Du entweder im "Encoder Mode" menue, mit dem mk_syx Script oder mit Serge's Editor fuer jeden einzelnen Encoder einstellen. Gruss, Thorsten.
  5. Setze mal in main.asm das ENABLE_MOTORDRIVER flag auf den Wert 0, danach sollte dieser Effekt verschwinden. Gruss, Thorsten.
  6. Two MIDIbox LC made by Axel Is this the MIDIbox of the Year? :D Lay back and enjoy: Best Regards, Thorsten. P.S.: there are still other very great made MIDIboxes in the queue, I will publish the pictures as soon as the server in Austria is up again. However, this Twin-MIDIbox LC demands for an exception :)
  7. I finally found the file in an old backup: http://www.uCApps.de/mbhp/mbhp_mf_interconnections.pdf Best Regards, Thorsten.
  8. I found it in an old backup :) http://www.uCApps.de/mbhp/mbhp_mf_interconnections.pdf Best Regards, Thorsten.
  9. Axel: danke fuer den Input, er hat mir mein Weltbild wieder geradegerueckt ;-) Sly: in main.asm das #define LCD_USE_SECOND auf 0, und #define LCD_EMU_COL auf 40 setzen Ich habe es mit dieser Konfiguration jedoch schon lange nicht mehr ausprobiert, es koennte sein, dass in lc_clcd.inc das Layout angepasst werden muss. Gruss, Thorsten.
  10. Hi Dan, naming the buttons is not possible w/ the old MIDIboxes due to conceptional reasons... but should be possible with the MIOS version Best Regards, Thorsten.
  11. Hi Mike, did it work with another MIDIbox? In this case it must be a wiring error -> check the connections again and again and again Best Regards, Thorsten.
  12. Hi Sly, I haven't found the time to re-create the diagram (I'm too frustrated that I deleted the file by fault... :-( ) Please: don't connect any fader if you are not sure about the pinning in order to avoid any risk of damage. One simple exchange of two pins could fry the fader -> trashcan Once I've more time again (2-3 days) I will inform you about the correct wiring. In the meantime you should connect the analog inputs to ground. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  13. Hi, this isn't an OS specific job, but just an option which could be added to any application. The 24LC256 types made by Microchip offer 3 additional CSx inputs which could be used to select the EEPROM. There are two ways to use these signals, the easiest would be to connect every single CS0 to a free DOUT, and the other 2 pins to ground. The DOUT can be controlled from the application with the MIOS_DOUT_PinSet function, and this function could be triggered by a MIDI event (see *_mproc.inc) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  14. Thanks for your understanding! Yes, holidays would be nice ::) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  15. Thanks for your understanding! Yes, holidays would be nice ::) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  16. TK.

    MIDIbox LC V1.1.2

    Hi Steven, currently only the displaytech 240x64 is supported, for other GLCD types special drivers have to be implemented. I'm still waiting for three different graphic LCDs which I will receive from users in the next days/weeks. Every new up&running LCD will be announced here. Yes, the LC application works with graphical and character LCDs. The same informations will be displayed on 4 different display pages, which can be selected by special function buttons - however, the layout is different ;-) And everybody is free to change the page layouts for his personal needs. I will create some new screenshots of the character LCD option soon, so that the difference is clear. Best Regards, Thorsten.
  17. I neither have a personal interest in a SW60XG, nor for a digital output, nor for an analogue sampler ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  18. I neither have a personal interest in a SW60XG, nor for a digital output, nor for an analogue sampler ;-) Best Regards, Thorsten.
  19. Hallo, Deine Pot-Eingaenge haengen in der Luft, deshalb sendet die Box Zufallszahlen. Falls Du noch keine Fader hast, schliesse die 8 analogen Pins (J5) einfach an Masse Gruss, Thorsten.
  20. TK.

    widerstaende DIN DOUT

    Ich sage einfach mal: egal ;-) Die kleinsten Widerstaende (0.25 Watt) reichen allemal. Die Sternschaltung ist nur fuer analoge signale relevant, um Jitter zu vermeiden. Bei digitalen Signalen ist es egal, woher die Masse kommt. Widerstands-Arrays lassen sich problemlos einsetzen (spart Loetaufwand) Gruss, Thorsten.
  21. Das LCD selbst verbraucht so gut wie keinen Strom, aus dem Datenblatt ist ja zu entnehmen, dass der Wert bei ca. 1 mA liegt. Bei Graphic-LCDs sind es maximal 10 mA. Die Hintergrundbeleuchtung verbraucht dafuer umso mehr Strom - siehe Datenblatt: typischerweise 200 mA. Mit dem Backlit-Poti kann man den Strom wiederum reduzieren, das Backlit wird dabei dunkler. Gruss, Thorsten.
  22. Hi Lo, unfortunately there is currently no way to configure the applications w/o the assembler. Creating a GUI is a lot of effort and should not be started before the features are frozen... for myself it would be a "creativity blocker" if I would have to adapt a GUI to new features with every new release. yes, a MBMF port is planned, it will be compatible with the PIC16F solution so that Serge's Editor can be reused. The pot on the MF board has to be adjusted, yes. The MF calibration app allows you to find the perfect settings for: MF board voltage, motor speed for up/down movements, MF deadband, AIN deadband. The deadband itself is just the value range in which changes are ignored. For example, if the analog input has some noise which causes jitter, you can increase the deadband in order to filter the unwanted changes. With an increased deadband value you also decrease the resolution. For a 10-bit value a deadband of "0" is recommented. For a 7-bit MIDI value, a deadband of "7" is perfect (just try it to find out the difference). The PIC16F firmwares are working with a deadband of 7 by default. MF deadband is nearly the same - it means that the fader will only be moved if the new position is above or below the current position +/- deadband value Best Regards, Thorsten.
  23. Hi Lo, unfortunately there is currently no way to configure the applications w/o the assembler. Creating a GUI is a lot of effort and should not be started before the features are frozen... for myself it would be a "creativity blocker" if I would have to adapt a GUI to new features with every new release. yes, a MBMF port is planned, it will be compatible with the PIC16F solution so that Serge's Editor can be reused. The pot on the MF board has to be adjusted, yes. The MF calibration app allows you to find the perfect settings for: MF board voltage, motor speed for up/down movements, MF deadband, AIN deadband. The deadband itself is just the value range in which changes are ignored. For example, if the analog input has some noise which causes jitter, you can increase the deadband in order to filter the unwanted changes. With an increased deadband value you also decrease the resolution. For a 10-bit value a deadband of "0" is recommented. For a 7-bit MIDI value, a deadband of "7" is perfect (just try it to find out the difference). The PIC16F firmwares are working with a deadband of 7 by default. MF deadband is nearly the same - it means that the fader will only be moved if the new position is above or below the current position +/- deadband value Best Regards, Thorsten.
  24. Hi Lo, a port of all existing PIC16F firmwares to MIOS is planned, so that the configuration will be as easy as with the old firmwares. But it could take some weeks until I will find the time for this step Best Regards, Thorsten.
  25. Hi Lo, a port of all existing PIC16F firmwares to MIOS is planned, so that the configuration will be as easy as with the old firmwares. But it could take some weeks until I will find the time for this step Best Regards, Thorsten.
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