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Posts posted by TK.

  1. Hm... it's more difficult to check the connections with this picture than expected.


    But since you've a scope: you should see some fast waveforms ca. 3 second after reset (after you've pushed the black reset button) for ca. 10..20 mS - thereafter communication will be stopped if no LCD has been detected.


    Ensure that you are using a 74HC595 (and no 74HCT595)


    If the signals don't toggle for 10..20 mS at SCLK/RCLK, then the issue must be already somewhere between the core<->74HC595 connection


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  2. The CLCD display should work by default without special re-configuration.

    So - this hint is only important if you've changed the configuration in the past.


    It could also be related to a HW connection issue, especially since the Displaytech 162a has no 1:1 pinning

    Could you please take a photo which shows the core<->LCD connections and post it here?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  3. Hi Bartosz,


    unfortunately I'm still not able to reproduce the issue at my side.

    It's very interesting that the issue doesn't happen with pre1, because in this release I modified the SRIO scan handling so that optionally IO pins could be used instead of shift registers. In pre2 I introduced the SRIO command, but it only changes the way how the SRIO driver can be configured and shouldn't affect the behaviour.


    I need more input.


    Could you please attach your .ngc file to this thread (just put it into a .zip file to allow an upload)?


    Your HW setup would also be interesting. You noticed unstable inputs, the reason could be that the cables between the MBHP_DIN* modules are too long.

    So: which modules are you using exactly, and how long are the cables between the modules?


    Does it get better if some modules are removed?

    E.g. if only the two keyboards are connected, does this help?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  4. Very strange! I need your help to isolate the problem at my side!


    Could you please try following versions and tell me from which one it isn't working anymore?


    -> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/backup/midibox_ng_v1_032_pre1.zip

    -> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/backup/midibox_ng_v1_032_pre2.zip

    -> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/backup/midibox_ng_v1_032_pre3.zip

    -> http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/backup/midibox_ng_v1_032_pre4.zip


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  5. It would be possible with the big brother MIDIbox SEQ V4 (without Lite) since the UI supports this - but the handling requires a LCD and GP encoders to shift the copied range to the new position.


    It isn't possible with MBSEQ V4L, and no, I won't add a special (difficult to remember and therefore never used) button combination.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  6. Good news on this topic: I got the PCBs and they are working!


    E.g. here I connected a TPD to the line drivers, a bidirectional SRIO is working over a long cable without flickering LEDs or unstable encoder/button scans:



    And I tried an AOUT_NG module which works as well:



    I'm surprised by myself that it works w/o issues, because I haven't found so many references to these wonderful chips in the DIY world :)

    Therefore I'm crossing fingers that I haven't overlooked something ;-)


    However, I will do some additional checks this weekend and release the .brd files if I don't notice issues.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. Fuer das zweite Quad-IIC Boards benoetigst Du eine spezielle PIC16F88 Firmware (*) fuer ID 18/1A/1C/1E, sowie eine modifizierte MBSEQ V4 Firmware, die Du Dir dann mit jeder Release selbst zusammenbauen musst, weil ich diese Bastel-Option nicht offiziell unterstuetze.

    Warum: weil es technisch und finanziell gesehen im Vergleich zu einem zweiten MBHP_MIDI_IO Board wenig Sinn macht.


    Schau mal in den Schaltplan rein: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_midi_io.pdf

    Fuer die beiden OUTs benoetigst Du lediglich zwei MIDI Sockel sowie vier 220 Ohm Widerstaende, d.h. die Kosten liegen bei insg. 2 EUR (+ 1 EUR falls Du keine Lochrasterplatine herumliegen hast)


    (*) falls Du Dich doch fuer die IIC_MIDI Loesung interessierst: ich habe hier zufaellig 4 vorprogrammierte PIC16F88 herumliegen, die der Eigentuemer sicherlich verkaufen moechte.


    Gruss, Thorsten.

  8. This output would happen if Phatline has set the MIOS_SHELL variable by accident, e.g. to /bin/share/sdcc


    Actually this variable shouldn't be set at all -. I added this due to a special user request some time ago, but it's more or less a hidden feature and should only be used when you know what you are doing ;-)


    So Phatline: please enter

    unset MIOS_SHELL

    and try it again


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  9. So wie beim MBHP_DIO Board.

    Ich weiss nicht, warum "SRIO num_sr=2" nicht funktioniert, doch wenn es mit num_sr=4 klappt, ist das in Ordnung.

    "num_sr=2" macht von der Laufzeit her keinen grossen Unterschied.


    Gruss, Thorsten.

  10. Seems that this wiki page is outdated. It has been written 2009, at this point of time SDCC 2.8.0 was the "latest and greatest" version.

    Meanwhile a newer SDCC version is provided by default, but it isn't compatible with MIOS8 anymore.

    Hopefully a Linux user who was able to install the tools successfully will update this page, otherwise many people will come across this inconsistent information in future and they will be stucked (like you).


    However, I'm unsure how I can help you.


    For me it looks like you did some changes in the original files which come with the MIOS8 repository.

    Unfortunately my crystal ball shows only white smoke there ;-)


    If you enter:

    cat $MIOS_BIN_PATH/mios-sdcc

    what do you see at the last line?


    It should be:

    sdcc --asm="${MIOS_SHELL} ${MIOS_BIN_PATH}/mios-gpasm -fixasm" $@

    If you see something else (e.g. a direct path reference to sdcc), then we found out that you've modified this file... ;)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  11. As mentioned above: you've to use SDCC 2.8.0, no other version will work properly.


    This message:

    make: /bin/share/sdcc: Kommando nicht gefunden

    tells you, that the sdcc command hasn't been found under /bin/share/sdcc

    This isn't a problem with 2.8.0, but with your unix shell setup.


    The big question is: why is it searched under /bin/share, and not under /usr/local/bin or wherever you installed sdcc


    What surprises me:

    you are able to retrieve the version - how exactly did you do that?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  12. Hier findest Du ein LED_MATRIX_PATTERN Konfigurationsbeispiel fuer 11 LEDS: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fcontrollers%2Fmidibox_ng_v1%2Fcfg%2Fdefault%2Fdefault.ngc


    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 0  pattern=1000000000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 1  pattern=1100000000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 2  pattern=1100000000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 3  pattern=1110000000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 4  pattern=1110000000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 5  pattern=1111000000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 6  pattern=1111000000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 7  pattern=1111100000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= M  pattern=1111110000010000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 8  pattern=1111111000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos= 9  pattern=1111111100000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos=10  pattern=1111111100000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos=11  pattern=1111111110000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos=12  pattern=1111111110000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos=13  pattern=1111111111000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos=14  pattern=1111111111000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=1  pos=15  pattern=1111111111100000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 0  pattern=1111110000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 1  pattern=0111110000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 2  pattern=0111110000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 3  pattern=0011110000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 4  pattern=0001110000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 5  pattern=0001110000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 6  pattern=0000110000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 7  pattern=0000010000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= M  pattern=0000111000010000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 8  pattern=0000010000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos= 9  pattern=0000011000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos=10  pattern=0000011000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos=11  pattern=0000011100000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos=12  pattern=0000011110000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos=13  pattern=0000011110000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos=14  pattern=0000011111000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=2  pos=15  pattern=0000011111100000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 0  pattern=1000000000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 1  pattern=0100000000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 2  pattern=0100000000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 3  pattern=0010000000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 4  pattern=0010000000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 5  pattern=0001000000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 6  pattern=0000100000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 7  pattern=0000010000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= M  pattern=0000111000010000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 8  pattern=0000010000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos= 9  pattern=0000001000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos=10  pattern=0000000100000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos=11  pattern=0000000100000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos=12  pattern=0000000010000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos=13  pattern=0000000001000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos=14  pattern=0000000001000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=3  pos=15  pattern=0000000000100000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 0  pattern=0000010000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 1  pattern=0000010000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 2  pattern=0000111000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 3  pattern=0000111000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 4  pattern=0000111000000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 5  pattern=0001111100000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 6  pattern=0001111100000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 7  pattern=0001111100000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= M  pattern=0011111110010000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 8  pattern=0011111110000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos= 9  pattern=0011111110000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos=10  pattern=0011111110000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos=11  pattern=0111111111000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos=12  pattern=0111111111000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos=13  pattern=0111111111000000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos=14  pattern=1111111111100000
    LED_MATRIX_PATTERN n=4  pos=15  pattern=1111111111100000

    Gruss, Thorsten.

  13. It's a simple DOUT based DAC, the ASCII based schematic can be found in the setup_* files (e.g. http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fsequencers%2Fmidibox_808%2Fsetup_seq_dr_default.asm )


    ;; CV values can also be output via DOUT shift registers
    ;; This option is sufficient to control the "velocity" of drum instruments, and it's cheap as well!
    ;; We expect following connections:
    ;;   DOUT         160k
    ;;    D7 ---o---/\/\/\---*
    ;;               80.6k   |
    ;;    D6 ---o---/\/\/\---*
    ;;               40.2k   |
    ;;    D5 ---o---/\/\/\---*
    ;;               20.0k   |
    ;;    D4 ---o---/\/\/\---*
    ;;               10.0k   |
    ;;    D3 ---o---/\/\/\---*
    ;;                5.1k   |
    ;;    D2 ---o---/\/\/\---*----o CV Out
    ;;              220 Ohm
    ;;    D1 ---o---/\/\/\--------o free assignable trigger
    ;;              220 Ohm
    ;;    D0 ---o---/\/\/\--------o another free assignable trigger
    ;; The DOUTx channels are matching with the AOUT channels as specified in the DEFAULT_TRKINFO table above.
    ;; Allowed values: 1-16 (selects DOUT shift register) or 0 to disable
    ;; Ensure that DEFAULT_NUMBER_SR is high enough so that all DOUTs are updated.
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR1  4
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR2  5
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR3  6
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR4  7
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR5  8
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR6  9
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR7  10
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR8  11
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR9  12
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR10 13
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR11 14
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR12 15
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR13 16
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR14 0
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR15 0
    #define DEFAULT_CV_DOUT_SR16 0


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  14. When you search for SPEAKJET_PORT in the source files, you will find the places which need to be adapted.


    Direct port access is a very dirty method (actually it was a bad idea to release the app this way...)


    Currently I'm not able to test this by myself, but it could make sense to access the module via J5 IOs instead.

    A tutorial can be found under: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Ftutorials%2F008_j5_outputs%2F


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  15. It seems that you are using LED digits with common anode (my examples are pre-configured for common cathode devices).


    So, instead of:

    # HW definitions for "Common Cathode" Digits
    # see also http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_ng/mbng_led_digits_mtc.pdf
    DOUT_MATRIX n=1   rows=8   sr_dout_r1=1  inverted_row=0  mirrored_row=0  sr_dout_sel1=2  inverted_sel=0
    DOUT_MATRIX n=2   rows=8   sr_dout_r1=3  inverted_row=0  mirrored_row=0  sr_dout_sel1=4  inverted_sel=0

    just write:

    # HW definitions for "Common Anode" Digits
    DOUT_MATRIX n=1   rows=8   sr_dout_r1=1  inverted_row=1  mirrored_row=0  sr_dout_sel1=2  inverted_sel=1
    DOUT_MATRIX n=2   rows=8   sr_dout_r1=3  inverted_row=1  mirrored_row=0  sr_dout_sel1=4  inverted_sel=1


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

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