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Posts posted by TK.

  1. This is a great idea! :smile:


    Please try this pre-release: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_seq_v4l_082_pre1.zip


    Button assignments:

       o CLEAR button now allows to clear individual tracks with the GP buttons:
         - CLEAR+GP1: clear note triggers (values are kept but not played)
         - CLEAR+GP2: reset velocity values to 64
         - CLEAR+GP3: reset note length values to half step
         - CLEAR+GP4: clear Pitchbend
         - CLEAR+GP5: clear all CCs
         - CLEAR+GP6: clear Seq1 + track configuration (*) (like before)
         - CLEAR+GP7: like GP6, could be used for other purposes in future
         - CLEAR+GP8: like GP6, could be used for other purposes in future
         Same for GP9..16 for Seq2
         (*) track configuration won't be changed if 'PasteClrAll' set to 0 in MBSEQ_GC.V4 file


    As long as the CLEAR button is pressed, the LEDs act as some kind of "track activity indicators" to notify the special function, and to give an oversight about the track utilization.


    Unfortunately the clear functions of GP#4...8 resp. GP#12..16 conflict with the activity monitor.


    E.g. track 4/12 not only store the pitchbender, but also the first 3 CC lines.

    Track 5..8/13..16 store the additional CC lines (4 per track).


    But GP button 4/12 will only clear the pitchbender (by intention), and GP button 6..8/14..16 will clear the complete sequence instead the assigned CC lines.


    This could be confusing, on the other hand the additional button assignments are more important than a consistent display.


    With some dirty patches in the seq core I could improve the activity monitor depending on how important the display capabilities are.


    Alternatively, I could change the recording function, so that CCs are not stored in the same track like PitchBend anymore. This would also solve an inconsistency in the mute function (which mutes PB and the first 3 CCs) - a difficult decision. 


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  2. Additionally, would it help for me to provide +5 voltage to the circuits from an AC or DC power supply (toroidal) to help the current draw?


    The current draw isn't that high, because LEDs are time-multiplexed.

    A 1A PSU should be enough, this can be delivered from a USB hub based PSU.


    but what I am looking to achieve here is a meter 32 leds tall.


    The firmware doesn't support LED matrices with 32 LED rows, 16 LEDs per row is the limit (and I can't change this anymore due to conceptional reasons).



    The reason I ask is because I can place 32 LEDs on one DOUT board. Then, Make the matrix using another DOUT board giving me 1,024 LEDs, in theory.


    It isn't a good idea to construct a matrix this way (and similar to the 16 LEDs per row max limit, also the column selection lines are limited to 16 for good reasons).


    E.g. if a matrix has 8 selection lines (as proposed above), each LED row will display a pattern for 12.5% of the reload period.

    With 16 selection lines (possible, but not so bright anymore), each LED row will display a pattern for only 6.25% of the reload period anymore. The pattern is still visible, but it's very dimmed.

    With 32 selection lines (your idea...), each LED row will display a pattern for only 3.125% of the reload period. I guess that with such a short duty cycle nothing will be visible anymore!


    Instead it's better to use multiple matrices (meanwhile up to 16 matrices are supported) with 8 selection lines each.

    Each matrix will require 3 DOUT SRs (one for 8 selection lines, two for the 16 LED pattern)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.


  3. Well, it has been requested that END shouldn't stop the sequencer anymore, and nobody complaint.


    If you want to get back the old behavior, you've to rebuild the firmware with following change in seq_song.c:


    search for following lines:

          case SEQ_SONG_ACTION_End:
    #if 0
            if( song_active ) // not in phrase mode
            song_finished = 1; // deactivate song incrementer

    and replace "#if 0" by "#if 1"


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  4. Hi,


    many files have to be changed to support another STM32F4 derivative, especially when it's smaller (memory & package wise) than a STM32F407!

    Even for me this would take a couple of hours (therefore I can't give you simple instructions for the required changes).


    Most difficult topic is to decide the IO pin configuration for the reduced 64pin package. Many peripherals won't be available.


    However, since you already own a STM32F407, it's probably better to skip this idea anyhow.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  5. Hi Florian,


    yes, I could add this to the firmware.


    I'm unsure about the best access method for this function - which one would you prefer:


    a) using a key combination, e.g. "COPY+CLEAR" (or similar)


    b) a dedicated button function, which can be configured in the MBSEQ_HW.V4L file on SD Card.

    Then you could sacrifice a typically unused button (e.g. UNDO?) and assign the new CLEAR_PB_AND_CC function to this button instead.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  6. Hi Lisa,


    They seem to have little effect on the sound, other than making it quieter. They also seem to effect the sound all the time, even when "ext in" isn't switched on.

    yes, the pots will affect the sound regardless of the "ext in" switch. Therefore turn the pot full left if you don't want to use the feedback option.


    You should hear an effect with "ext in" on, cutoff low, resonance high, pot at least in middle position.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. I can confirm that ULN2803 helps to get consistent brightness.

    Proven in the LRE8x2x4 project:


    For best brightness results, consider to use 8x16 matrices (each matrix outputs 8 meters, each with up to 16 LEDs), and not a 16x16 matrix, because than more meters share the same row SRs, than less time per meter to display the pattern!


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  8. The SID volume shouldn't be modified if the V2A option is enabled in the ensemble menu.


    From the user manual:

    V2A (Volume to Analog): Volumes are forwarded to external CV outputs as well (assignments have to be done in the setup_*.asm file). Note that the effective volume value behind the modulation path is taken - accordingly you are able to realize an external VCA to overcome the ADSR bug.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  9. The MIDI router is not enabled by default, therefore this won't work without further configuration.


    And to confuse you even more: the MF module has a special MIDI router, which is configured with the "MF" command, and ensures that "direct" communication between MF and core module won't be forwarded.


    Did you already found the configuration examples?


    -> http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fcontrollers%2Fmidibox_ng_v1%2Fcfg%2Ftests%2Fmf_cc.ngc


    The MF command specifies an midi_in_port, midi_out_port and config_port

    Did you already consider this?

    If yes: which configuration are you using exactly?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.


  10. You will find following option in the OSC menu which has to be enabled for all three oscillators:

    • GSA (Gate Stays Active): once activated, the VCA envelope won't be released anymore, resulting into a permanent sound. This allows you to control the sound volume completely with the internal, or an external filter, or with an external VCA. It's an option which allows you to overcome the infamous ADSR bug of the SID.

    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  11. Hi,


    I've no idea why there should be a problem with the SD card under these circumstances.



    I turn off, insert the SD card, turn it on, but by this time I do not work anymore at all.


    It isn't required to turn off the core when you insert or exchange the SD Card.


    What happens if you insert/remove it multiple times while the application is running.

    Do you get additional error messages in the MIOS Terminal?


    And what is the output of the "sdcard" command when you enter it into the terminal?


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  12. The b11 and b12, b21 and b22 etc are supposed to be connected with jumpers on the male pin headers if i just want unipolar out, right? If i want bipolar i can make the little schematic shown on the AOUT page with a trimmer and some resistors...


    yes, but this shouldn't make a difference for the gate LEDs - please focus to debug this first (yes, maybe there is a problem with J19 of the core module)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  13. I would propose to assign the buttons to Bookmarks, this gives you full flexibility (see also http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_manual_m.html)


    Just disable the current F1..F4 assignments in your MBSEQ_HW.V4 file (can be edited with the Filebrowser in MIOS Studio).


    E.g. if you are using Wilba's Frontpanel with button matrix change:

    # Following button functions are usually assigned to Fx
    # buttons, or to dedicated (labeled) buttons
    # In Wilba's frontpanel layout:
    # F1 is located at SR M3 Pin 3
    # F2 is located at SR M2 Pin 2
    # F3 is located at SR M2 Pin 3
    # F4 is located at SR M1 Pin 2
    # and there are dedicated buttons for Copy/Paste/Clear/Utility/StepView
    #                    SR  Pin
    BUTTON_BOOKMARK      0   0
    BUTTON_TRACK_SEL     0   0 


    And assign the SR/pin numbers to the bookmark function instead:


    # alternative (individual) bookmark buttons
    # no LEDs available!
    #                        SR  Pin


    2.. is there a quick way to clear all notes and start again from settings that I like to have as default? the reasoning behind this is simple, I like to know my 4 parts are set to certain lengths and forced to scale, but beyond that I do amm my pattern entry live from a blank canvas...then at the end of the song , I need ot be able to quickly erase all the data and star the next song...so far I have only been able to either do this by removing the staps manually or unplugging and replugging the unit...I am sure Im missing something?


    Use sessions!


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  14. For the sequencer, would it make sense to blink one of the encoder-ring LED's as a step-chaser that follows the pattern, like in this video?


    I guess that you are mainly searching for some „blink“.
    Well, I consider to display animated output waveforms of the controlled parameters in future! :smile:
    E.g. LEDrings should be animated based on the LFO and ENV depth parameter assigned to the corresponding encoder.


    I can save the patch, and I can see/read the file in the MIOS file browser, but when I press LOAD on the unit I get <no .MIO files>


    This was a bug (now fixed in the repository)

    Actually the LOAD page should search for .CV2 files, and not .MIO files


    Best Regards, Thorsten.


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