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Posts posted by TK.

  1. Do not give up! We are waiting MBHP based STM32F4 Discovery, with great interest. 


    SmashTV ordered another prototype some days ago which allows to mount an alternative SD Card socket which is better available (e.g. at Mouser)

    We also fixed two imperfections and want to ensure that this board is 100% right before more people are using it.




    J10A in the top left corner says D0 goes to PE8, but on the board further down it says PE8 goes to J10B D7, and that PE7 goes to J10A D0


    I fixed this in the schematic.

    The connections are like Sneakthief said


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  2. Es fehlt noch der SysEx string fuer die MTC digits:

    # this generic receiver (without controller assignment) receives the MTC digits
    # and notifies all events which select syxdump_pos=10:<pos-in-dump>
    EVENT_RECEIVER id=10  type=SysEx  stream="0xf0 0x00 0x00 0x66 ^dev 0x10 ^dump"

    Gruss, Thorsten.

  3. the green one is with the short leg/minus in right side connecting with max525 gnd leg, right?





    and the two red go with short leg/minus towards the bottom? 


    no, the long leg (anode) has to be connected to the 5V line towards the bottom.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  4. Wow! 2 releases at once, because the preliminary ones were never officially published:



    MIDIbox NG V1.028
       o DOUT_MATRIX n=8 properly supported
       o now up to 16 DOUT_MATRIX and DIN_MATRIX can be configured



    MIDIbox NG V1.029
       o added USB MIDI workaround for Windows
       o if a EVENT_SENDER is part of a radio group, and got a new value, it will only
         send the MIDI event if the new value is matching with the specified range.
         Usage example: cfg/templates/pg300.ngc
         send also MIDI event.
         Usage example: cfg/templates/pg300.ngc
       o support for MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 module


    + many bugfixes and minor improvements reported/done in the last weeks.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  5. Wow! 3 releases at once, because the preliminary ones were never officially published:



    MIDIO128 V3.017
       o the MIDI router forwards SysEx messages regardless if channels are filtered,
         or "All" is used. It's ensured that messages are only sent once if multiple
         router nodes forward to the same destination port.
       o corrected MIDI clock output



    MIDIO128 V3.018
       o added USB MIDI workaround for Windows



    MIDIO128 V3.019
       o added SysEx support for MIDI file player and recorder
       o MIDI file recorder now sets "end of track" marker at the end of a 4/4 bar
         to comply with the MIDI file spec, and to allow proper looping
       o support for MBHP_CORE_STM32F4


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  6. -After uploading firmware MBFM V1.4h, the MBFM display still shows MBFM V1.4g at startup. 


    this is now changed in the official V1.4h release



    From my quick tests it looks like just the first 16 steps are stored in RAM.


    strange! All 32 steps should be stored iN RAM


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  7. Yes, you are right - it's much more work than expected, it's not a simple change! :-/


    I started to adapt mbng_matrix.c, so that it should also allow MIOS32_SRIO_NUM_DOUT_PAGES == 64, but then I found much more places which actually need changes.


    Also mbng_dout.c as you already noticed. The table has to be enhanced by more granular patterns, and also the variable width (e.g. u64 for 64 dim levels), and finally MBNG_DOUT_NotifyReceivedValue which transfers the pattern into the pages.


    So, most of the code is constrained for 32 pages and 16 dim levels.

    Adding more flexibility would result into too much work at my side - I don't want to do this.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  8. Well done!!! Great case, great buttons! :)


    Could you please create a new Wiki page which explains the MCP6004 approach?

    I would like to link it to the MBHP_OPL3 page to inform other builders about this option.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  9. After I noticed how easy this is to implement, I couldn't resist to try it out immediately ;-)


    Thanks for the file! Your utility added an "End of Track" marker, and according to the spec this is mandatory (a well hidden requirement...)


    Please try this version: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midio128_v3_019_pre2.zip


    The marker also allows proper looping synchronized to a 4/4 bar (for those who are interested)


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  10. After reading the MIDI file spec, I found a much easier solution: it's allowed to split SysEx streams into small chunks, so that no big RAM buffer for the complete SysEx message is required.


    Could you please try this version: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midio128_v3_019_pre1.zip


    I tested this with MIDIbox SID and FM patches.

    They can be recorded and played back, and the SysEx messages are displayed correctly in Logic Studio after .mid file import.

    So, it seems to work at my side. :smile:


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  11. War meine Annahme denn richtig, dass Du LED Digits mit einer gemeinsamen Anode verwendest?

    Dass Du die Shift-Register Positionen ebenfalls anpassen musst ist klar, oder?


    Falls Du nicht weiterkommst, wuerde ich Dir empfehlen, die DOUTs mit den LED Digits erstmal direkt an das Core Modul anzuschliessen, und die Digits bspw. mit diesem .NGC File zu ueberpruefen: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fcontrollers%2Fmidibox_ng_v1%2Fcfg%2Ftests%2Fleddig1.ngc


    So kannst Du mit verringerter Komplexitaet die passende DOUT_MATRIX Konfiguration herausfinden.


    Gruss, Thorsten.

  12. The only missing piece is an EEPROM emulation for STM32F4.

    I will implement this sooner or later, but it won't be available in the next 2..3 weeks.


    If it's ok for you to start with a MBKB which can't store the parameters, I could give you a preliminary version.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  13. Sounds like a lot of work to adapt this - any volunteer?


    However, you could connect an ENC28J60: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_eth.html

    Cheap breakout boards for only US $4 are available at EBay: http://www.ebay.de/itm/New-ENC28J60-Ethernet-LAN-Network-Module-For-Arduino-SPI-AVR-PIC-LPC-STM32-/310670027142?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4855606986


    Then connect this module to a Wifi adaptor of your choice -> done


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  14. This is strange, because the filebrowser works at my side.

    Seems that it makes sense to update to a newer Juce version in the hope, that somebody already fixed this in the base library.

    I will try this sooner or later.


    Meanwhile, just enter the filepath directly into the entry mask left of the browse button.



    I'd like to have a possibility, to send a midi file from MIOS studio. I my case I was looking for a way to enable the sampling option in my Waldorf Blofeld.


    would be a very low prio topic for me.

    I'm sure that there a suitable MIDI players for Linux which allow you to do this already.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

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