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Posts posted by ilmenator

  1. 13 minutes ago, latigid on said:

    I'll probably put the matrix schem up at some point. For now, I'm happy to supply it to those who have purchased the PCBs (just Peter, Adrian H, TK. and lazy beta testers :P ) or to those who need troubleshooting advice.

    That's not so nice, what a pity. So I'd need to buy a PCB from you in order to receive the schematics, although I don't even want to use your board?

  2. Peter, nice work! Also good to see a mini-TPD, albeit this seems to have only a single color?

    Are the UI schematics publicly available or do we need to reverse-engineer them based on the v4+ config file? I'm thinking about my own homebrew version using Marquardt switches, I don't like those christmas tree ones you are using :-).

    Best, ilmenator

  3. 18 hours ago, Hawkeye said:

    Regarding the encoder knobs: we will probably suggest to Adrian to counter-sink them "into the frontpanel", i.e. have bigger cutouts, like another famous sequencer out there :).

    I'd rather not "countersink" them - I always feel better without dust getting inside the enclosure.

    • 64 input ports and 64 output ports, scalable
    • 8 mergers, freely configurable
    • a panic button
    • zero latency for the router
    • configuration via software interface ("setup")
    • handling via a dedicated hardware interface (remote control) that can be placed anywhere, e.g. on the mixing desk (like a Lexicon LARC)
    • ports can be given a name, and these names are displayed in the user interface
    • setups can be stored and recalled via MIDI, and there is a program change table like in some older Yamaha synths
    • activity display showing in-, out- and merger activity
    • modular approach, so that I don't have to pay for all the IOs when I only need 32 because I'm Hawkeye
    • distributed, as in "I have a number of racks with equipment, and these are located all around my studio, but I want to keep my MIDI cables short with only one 'multicore' going to the central matrix from each rack"
    • obviously DIY, but preferably there is someone who has done all the hard work, and PCBs are made available
    • affordable

    The v2 of this will feature all of the above :happy:.

  4. Hi,

    as far as I know there is no one who has ever tried this and reported back here on the forum.

    However, the main problem with unbalanced I/O chains (i.e. chains in which the input chain is much longer or much shorter than the output chain) is that whenever you have a matrix setup at the end of the chain, the timing is messed up. For a matrix configuration, it is important that the output pins are in a specific state at the time when the input pins are read.

    In your configuration, however, you have only digital outputs at the end of the chain (after the line driver module). As the integrity of the chains themselves is not altered by the TPD module, in theory this hardware configuration should work without any issue. But, there has been no-one who has tested this in real life so far.

    Kind regards, ilmenator

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