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Posts posted by ilmenator

  1. 15 hours ago, Acul said:

    Dann kommt eben alles auf den Müll.

    That's not necessarily the most constructive answer, given that you are asking 350€ for the stuff, but it certainly is one of the options you have.

    I'd just like to state that jjonas' comment quite nails it, and even his tone is appropriate. You should not be offended.

  2. If I remember correctly, the original WS PCM cards are smaller in size, because their CPU cannot address as much memory.

    I also seem to remember that the wave format is different, but I cannot find any source for this claim. So, I don't know for sure what is going on with the SR/01W cards and how compatible they are. However, given that they are larger in size, even with a passive adapter they won't be accessed properly. Everything else is to be tried out :-/.

  3. 5 hours ago, julianf said:

    I think that, over the years, you have spoken with me about nothing more than this... : (

    Your ongoing focus would certainly imply to me that you think that i am under obligation?
    (i know that this is the same question as i asked you in my last post, but you chose not to answer me then, so i must ask again)

    This is one of the times - 
    In that instant, i was not only able to answer you, but also to link you to where i had supplied that information to others before you even asked.  Then, as now, i think that most would assume that you did not want that information - that you were just checking to see if i would release it.

    Let me be 100% clear to you - 
    There is no one here who has asked me for any work that is a derivative of these designs, and has not been supplied what they have asked for - including yourself!

    If you do choose to reply, i really would appreciate an answer to my own question.


    I cannot really see an answer except that you link to a data sheet and say one should never trust the data sheet. What kind of answer is that? Also, this is just a drawing, I am talking about the file that you feed to the CNC router.

    Whether I think you are under obligation or not is irrelevant here. I am testing to see whether you would supply the files you have created based on the frontpanel drawings, because you have been asking for other peoples' files to be released... So far I don't see you setting a good example.

  4. Hi there,

    I am still working on this project, even though I haven't made any progress in the last year. I will probably continue to work on this after the summer.

    (Original) Wavestation cards and 01/W cards do not share the same wave format, so they cannot be adapted passively. They are completely different things. The WS SR uses the same format as the 01/W, though.

    Best, ilmenator

  5. 44 minutes ago, Antichambre said:

    Between you and me ;) it's easy to get the full version.

    Please, let's not promote this kind of software. The programmers should be rewarded for their work. If you can't or don't want to afford the legitimate version, then go for free software instead. Heck, you even know there is one out there but "hate" it. I don't get it...

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