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Everything posted by jerash

  1. hello, I'm on the way to solder my 64 pots... and wondered about the StarLike cabling for 0-5V. There's only one connection on AINx4 modules (J7), so one wire would go to the first pot and then make a bride to the second, then to the third ??? If someone could provide a picture of a working cabling, i'd apreciate :) thanks, RAF
  2. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Salut, je viens de recevoir mes 6 PIC a la maison. Aucune taxes, je confirme (c'est marqué sur le papier des douanes). J'vais pouvoir faie plein de midibox, c cooooool.
  3. salut j'ai bien l'intention de laisser le plexiglass transparent, mais peut être avec une déco en peinture qui ne couvrierai pas tout, histoire de laisser voir le bordel intérieur ;) on m'a même proposé de mettre un néon fluo à l'intérieur... Et je me demande même si je vais pas refaire une boite tout en Plexiglass en fait. Ca se travaille bien, et ca a de la gueule. J'attends toujorus réception d'une comande de matos pour la finir.... RAF
  4. salu, moi g rien mis au nom de l'entreprise, sachant ke je travaille à mon compte (virtuellement bien sur). Y filent pas des résistances et des condos gratuits aussi ;D un midibox toute gratuite serait la bienvenue héhé Tiens au fait, j'ai mis à jour mes photos du modulozer en cours : http://perso.club-internet.fr/raphael.mouneyres/raf/mozer/gallery.htm good times ;) RAF
  5. rien payé du tout... pas de CB, ni de virement et encore moins de chèque. En effet dans les conditions, a la fin, ils disent que s'il y a des taxes éventuelles à la douane (dépendant du pays de destination) elles sont pour le receveur... mais bon je pense que ca va passer nikel, on verra, tu peux Toujours refuser un paquet ;) RAF
  6. hi, enjoy this article .... and build your own SID ;) http://messe.harmony-central.com/Musikmesse03/Content/Elektron/PR/SidStation-Final-100.html RAF
  7. jerash

    JDM programmer

    voila qq photos de ma midibox, en cours de construction http://perso.club-internet.fr/raphael.mouneyres/Chamie/ RAF
  8. merci gilles g réussi à le programmer. Donc mon JDM focntionne ;D Je suis même allé sur Microchip.com pour commander mes "Online samples", du coup si je recois tout ca, jvé pouvoir passer sur le MIOS ! RAF
  9. hi ! you've got it right, i need a backplane connection matrix. I've already designed several ones with different type of connectors (most of them have never existed though ;) and that's the first chellenge). Second challenge is the matrix wich contains more connections than really nedded so it would probably require some more electronics to switch the inputs. And finally, this backplane must be compatible with each type of data (Analog for Pots, Digital IN for buttons, and Digital OUT for Leds). It has a big effect on the backplane design so the little "modules" can be connected horizontally OR verticaly without worrying on Where and How to place it ;D As i'm still considering my actual midibox as a protoype n°01, i'll probably have some wires coming out of the modules, with an RJ45 connector (known from networks & Telecom world) on the other side. The backplane would be a simple row of female RJ45 connectors. With 8 wires on each connector i can handle all data types : Pin1. Vss Pin2. Vdd Pin3. Analog 1 Pin4. Analog 1 Pin5.Digital IN 1 Pin6.Digital IN 2 Pin7.Digital OUT 1 Pin8.Digital OUT 2 So One module would have a maximum of 2 pots or faders, or for example 2 buttons and 2 leds. You get the idea ? It's a kind of headache sometimes, but it's worth ! Thanks Thorsten for all this good brain-action :D RAF
  10. hello, i'm going to put a wall adaptor INSIDE the midibox. some pics to some ;) RAF
  11. just updated the web page with an 3D animation showing the modular concept : http://perso.club-internet.fr/raphael.mouneyres/Chamie/ any comments welcome..
  12. (you *must* integrate a blue neonlight into the case! ) Hey , great tip 8) Thanks Thorsten I'm just wondering if i wont make a new case all in PLexiglass ! I'm happy to know we have the same vision here ;p in fact this plexiglass surface is just a first try to connect everything and validate good working of the system ;D (so the 01 number upper right) Now i'll make a second surface withe small "modules" of plexiglass (3x12cm) that i can dispose on the surface as i wich (a kind of legos with pots, faders and buttons arrangements on the top) wich is the modular concept. By the way, i used Microsoft Publisher to lay down the layout and printed it with an ikjet printer. With the transparency of the Plexiglass i could easily use a permanant marker and draw the holes. peace, RAF
  13. I'm also considering building some pots arrangements on my mixiing surface to control the EQ on my 03D Yamaha digital mixer. In fact i'm copying the design of the DM2000 wich has a great look ;) take care, RAF
  14. hi thorsten, thanks for the reply :) I mounted the JDM inside the box next to the Core, can i leave the inside connector in place to program the chip and then to test it, or do i need to put back the jumpers to test the burned code ? RAF pictures of the box : http://perso.club-internet.fr/raphael.mouneyres/Chamie/
  15. hey :D just wondered what minimal setup can make the LCD work ? is power>core>LCD enough ? - MB64 firmware is in the chip - when i plug power, LCD baclight lits - then nothing else i'm thinking about contrast ans luminance pots, but here's the problem : the mini-pots i mounted on the PCB are hidden behind other components, so i'm unable to turn them in another position...too bad, i'll have to remove them and put big solid ones :( RAF
  16. you should be able to fix it with the help of ... 2 resistors :) i'll try a simple scheme you probably know (common electronics) [pre] ______ >Vin>--|__R1__|--------------------->Vout |R2| --------------------------------------->ground[/pre] correct me if i'm wrong but i think i remeber that : Vout = R2/R1 * Vin Vin is the output of your IR sensor Vout goes to the PIC input choose correctly your resistor and you should go ok ! RAF
  17. we have the same goal here. I just want to warn you in a way : if you want to monitor the master volume (wich is AUDIO level :P), there is no manner for the midibox to know about it until you feed the midi in with some midi data representative of this level. I you build a dedicated midibox16E, you will probably succeed as the firmware does have Ledrings (compared to the Mb64); until we are using MIOS ;) wich should be capable of both at the same time. For your information, i own a "Chameleon" wich is a prgrammable DSP made by Soundart (http://www.soundart-hot.com). I'll use it with my own software that will convert the "audio in" level into Midi messages dedicated to the midibox led-bargraph. Just an idea coming to my mind : by adding some code to the firmware, couldn't we monitor the level (voltage) on any Analog input of a AINx module, until we guarantee voltage between 0-5V ? RAF
  18. hi cyril, Does the LED link to push buttons is mandatory ? I mean, can i have the LEDs lit when midi in (note on for example) is received ? i want to build a VU-meter inside my midi, so i'd have an external device sending the required messages for the leds to lit. is it possible ? RAF
  19. jerash

    JDM programmer

    cayé ca marche ! il fallait "simplement" choisir PIC16F877 dans la Device list c'était précisé nulle part...m'enfin fo bien batailler un peu :P
  20. hi thorsten, finally my PIC "is able to groove" in fact, my JDM was ok blindly following the instructions given on the jdm webpage, i forgot a selection wich wasn' mentioned : choosing a DEVICE ! with PIC16F877 in the device list, all goes corectly now (reading/programming). So maybe you could add this in the webpage so other people meticulous like me won't mess up ? Only the screenshot had this specified, wich led me on the good way. thank you for your consideration, and may midibox be the next generation of award winning midi controllers :D RAF
  21. hi thorsten, finally my PIC "is able to groove" in fact, my JDM was ok blindly following the instructions given on the jdm webpage, i forgot a selection wich wasn' mentioned : choosing a DEVICE ! with PIC16F877 in the device list, all goes corectly now (reading/programming). So maybe you could add this in the webpage so other people meticulous like me won't mess up ? Only the screenshot had this specified, wich led me on the good way. thank you for your consideration, and may midibox be the next generation of award winning midi controllers :D RAF
  22. jerash

    JDM programmer

    au fait pilo, il est sympa le design et le système de menu sur ton site web (Blend in pulse).
  23. jerash

    JDM programmer

    j'ai pas d'osillo, par contre en mesurant avec mon voltmèter directement sur le cable série branché je mesure 11.52v (au lieu de 12v). c'est pas du 5v qui sort en fait, mais juske là tout va bien. De toute facon, quand je fais les test préconisés pour le JDM, j'ai pas tout à fait les bonnes valeurs. Je ne suis pas le seul dans ce cas, mais y'a pas de réponse claire au problème apparemment : certains changent des composants, d'autres modifient des options logicielles...pour l'instant ca ne donne rien, c'est rageant :! raf
  24. hello, what about a MBHP irc channel for all of us to be in a realtime discussion ? it would somewhat help for debugging... i can put a basic one up in a few days, and for those who don"t have a irc software, a web based acces is possible. any people interested ?
  25. So here we are... in my last posts, i gave all the results of the Thorsten's tests to the letter, and tried it again with no luck. I would request some step by step help if someone is available ::). well, on a first start here's the config i have : PC running Win98SE Grounded to earth COM2 is used (COM1 goes to my chameleon rack, wich is powered off) JDM programmer with soldering verified multiple times by me :P Ic-prog v1.05a :-[ waiting for that i'll continue with pots soldering. thanks for your help RAF
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