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Everything posted by DrBunsen

  1. Still need to find Mr Driftz, anyone, anyone, Bueller?
  2. Have you checked out the Shifty Death synth? It uses a pre-built development board and a few added I/O component. Similar concept, although I'm not sure how readily available the hardware is. I have the board on permanent search on ebay, and they only seem to pop up every few months. http://www.gweep.net/~shifty/death/ Do you have a link for your DSP?
  3. Hi, I'm halfway through a trade with DriftZ, and I haven't been able to raise him on the message board for a couple of weeks now. Nor does his profile give an email where I can reach him direct. Is anyone in contact with him? I really need to reach him. If you have his email address, please contact me through the message board or my email from my profile. DrB
  4. You might also like to check out the analogue synth kits sold by http://www.paia.com
  5. Look good - I might be up for a few
  6. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3808015918&category=4660
  7. It's also claimed that dynebolic does automatic clustering, so maybe you can use all those pos computers together. I'd be interested to see how it actually goes in reality. There's some interesting DOS software around too, like this one http://www.urr.ca/software/converter/about.htm Keep us posted!
  8. Hehehe - does "pos" stand for Point Of Sale or Piece of .... ?
  9. There's a Linux distro that might interest you here: it's designed for music and media work on slow machines. http://dynebolic.org/ Did someone mention an Xbox earlier? This will run on one.
  10. Melbourne here. Still gathering parts. If anyone can work out which online retailer in Oz had the 2x40 VFDs on special for March, please post here.
  11. They sound awesome, but the photo link is not working. Any idea on price?
  12. You could have a look at the http://www.paia.com kits
  13. You have to download their current specials PDF
  14. Rockby.com.au have some on special this month, Hitachi compatible.
  15. Rockby.com.au have some nice looking 2x40 VFDs (like an LCD only the pixels are glowing fluorescent dots) on special for $AU25 each. I think they are Hitachi compatible.
  16. Heheh, I once crimped a 50-pin SCSI header with my teeth. They say the jaw is the strongest muscle in the human body. Worked too :-) I need some advice on connectors for another project I'm working on. It's not a MIDIbox, but I figure this is a good place to ask. I need to find an edge connector for slotting an exisiting PCB into. Sort of like a RAM slot - the edge of the PCB has 8 exposed tracks on one side of a little sticky-outy bit, on 0.1" spacing, and I want something I can mount to another PCB or protoboard and slot this PCB into it. I've looked through the catalogue for my favourite parts house, but I can't find anything suitable. I'm not even sure what you call this kind of connector. Can anyone help?
  17. He's got another one for sale. Click on "View seller's other items". He wants to charge me $125US for shipping to Australia, so it's probably only good for someone in the US. Looks nice though.
  18. Here's the summary I promised earlier. Some of them are adaptions/additions to Thorsten's SEQ, some have already been at least partly implemented, and some would require completely new firmware. /edit/ I hope modifying this entry doesn't bump the whole thread :P Alternative Sequencer Feature Ideas Roland x0x style - many requests stryd_one's vX or on the wiki "Classical" style - cjlargear /edit/ the SEQ V2 has many if not all of these features Sampler Portable battery powered SID+SEQ nb: /edit/ TK is now working on a control surface extension. Polyphonic SID /edit/ the SID is now poly Pitch quantized to scale or chord There's an interesting rant about the history of sequencers at this page http://www.sequencer.de/english/index.html. Oder auf deutsch http://www.sequencer.de/index.html
  19. !!!! What I was thinking: Start with 4 tracks, build up a nice pattern with the CS, then when you have that pattern worked out, leave it running and switch the CS to another 4 tracks (different MIDI instruments) to build up another layer on top. Â The original 4 tracks just play away in the background as a backing while you improvise over the top. Â If you switch the CS back to edit the original pattern, the new one is locked and continues to play. Â Whether in one or multiple COREs doesn't matter to me. It sounds like this is what you have achieved already. Â I'm impressed. ;D ;D ;D For sure! Â Thanks very much for the hints.
  20. Another simple starting point I thought of was a "tape style" 16 track sequencer. ie simply records incoming note information from a keyboard. With stop/start/rewind/ff, punch-in and punch-out (maybe as a footpedal), and track select buttons. I'm sure we'll all end up with even more respect for TK's coding skillz before this is through :)
  21. You're right, it's my dodgy soldering :-/ That's why I want to expand with as few new components as possible. The bit I'm still not sure on is whether I will have to change any code when I add new controllers, or whether MIOS will pick them straight up. [glow=red,2,300]All hail the might of MIOS ![/glow]
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