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Everything posted by DrBunsen

  1. This is very similar to the idea I have had. But not identical. I am planning on building a 16E in a 1U or 2U rackmount. Then when the MIOS port of the firmware comes out, reflashing the PIC. Extra controllers (pots, faders, CV sockets) can be added as needed, as rows of 19" panels mounted above or below the 16E. One CORE should be sufficient though, and the extra panels would contain the extra circuit boards such as AIN, DIN, DOUT etc. The connectors between the panels would only need to carry power and the signal from the input/output boards to the CORE. The firmware should pick them up automatically.
  2. I have a question too: My encoders arrived today, 30 of them. Originally to build two SIDs, one for myself and one for a friend. I'm not building that one of him now. So, if I can eliminate one encoder from the SID front panel, I have enough left over to build myself a 16E. I notice that the Step A SID has the option of using either an encoder or up/down buttons for editing. I assume that the code stays the same, so if replace the editing encoder with two buttons on the Step C, that will still work (?)
  3. I'm interested in using VFDs as well - could you please show any links you have for suppliers and prices? Thanks.
  4. I haven't been able to look at the spec sheet yet, but if this chip does indeed use control voltage for the mix levels, you might consider the CV out module that TK is building for the MIDIbox SID. The code for this is/will be built in IIRC.
  5. Well, I guess I am really waiting for the official answer from Thorsten. Hey, there's no way I'm going to be charging him commercial rates for my time, so I don't really consider this "for profit". In fact we've already been discussing swaps. He's in Germany at the moment, and he might for example buy me a Schaffer front panel, or some more SID chips.
  6. Another MIDI interface with tape sync is the Opcode Translator ProSync - it's sitting on my desk. This will create the sync code you need to record on one track. I think it works with both Macs and PCs. This method should work with analogue tape, cassette, DAT, Minidisk, as well as CD-R.
  7. Hi, I would be up for 30 of those encoders, if anyone has some to spare. Clae.
  8. I'd go for RF instead of IR if possible, longer range, easier to spearate signals. You need RF serial transcievers, they need not be full duplex as MIDI signal is not bi-directional, but you'll be using twice as many. And they aren't cheap - I was looking at some for a wireless modem line, and they were about $45 US. If you are using computers, you could look at using MIDI over Ethernet - there are things out there that'll do that - and wireless 802.11b cards, which (IIRC) appears to the computer as an Ethernet device. If you wanted to be really sure, you could use an external Ethernet->802.11b adapter at each end. This is only good for a situation where you have a PC or laptop at each end. A cheap module you can just plug into the back of a keyboard would be great.
  9. Hi, A friend of mine doesn't like to solder, and he wants me to build him a full Step C SID, and pay me a little for my time. Is this OK under the "non-commercial" license? Clae.
  10. Hi Ian, Could you please tell us more about how you are using the switched encoders with your SID? Perhaps in Design Concepts? I'm interested in at least 16 of these, perhaps 32. Not sure which type yet though ;D Keep up the good work.
  11. I received the following reply from the seller: Thanks for your reply TK. He also has two 20x4 displays for sale; could I use them in the MIDIBoxen?
  12. I've put down a bid on the following LCD - a low enough bid to take the chance on it working - but I thought I'd better ask around and see if anyone can advise me before I bid any higher. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2548263627 20 x 2 Alphanumeric LCD display OPTREX DMC2059 This display has an Orange backlight (approx 14V) Extended temperature operation. Requires -7v bias for contrast control. Large Character format. I can't find a spec sheet matching that model number on the OPtrex website, or via Google. It's for the MIDIbox SID and the 16E or 64. Any advice would be appreciated.
  13. I had another idea to go with this. It might be nice to have some (32) LEDs to indicate which strip or row you are working on - 16 each for the vertical and horizontal modes. And the LCD could say "Volume ALL" or "Channel 5" (user definable) as well. Please excuse me if this is already built in.
  14. I also looked at some of those voice recorder chips for just the idea you are outlining above. It should be possible to build a sampler out of them. The ones I looked at could be configured for one long message or 8 short ones (or was it 16?). You'll need to do some MIOS programming, although there might be others on the list who are interested too. Try posting a message in the MIOS Programming forum. And have a search for "sampler" to see other messages about this idea. You'll just need to program a pulse to go to the right pins on the chip in response to the right MIDI messages (ie for note playback) or button presses (ie for recording). The Midibox 128 project might be a good starting point, as it is a general-purpose MIDI to pulse converter. Read the application notes for the chip very carefully. The ones I looked at had a pause between playing one message and another, and between recording and playing, and obviously you won't want that. There was a pin that you could pulse though which did some kind of reset on the whole chip, and I seem to recall thinking that that would work to bypass the pause. As for the input and output stages, I suggest you have a look at one of the voice recorder kits which has been designed around these chips, and adapt one of those. In Australia they are available from www.jaycar.com.au, www.oatleyelectronics.com, and www.dse.com.au. Your local kit and hobbyist shop or website will probably have one too. One other design function you might like to include is a variable playback rate, so you can pitch your samples up/fast and down/slow. The playback rate is sometimes adjustable in circuit. Your other alternative might be to build a MIDIBox SID and use the wavetable function built into it! TK, please tell me if I am barking up the wrong tree here.
  15. Hi, The index widget doesn't appear in Opera for Mac OS 9, although it shows up in Explorer. Just thought you'd like to know. Well done, I'll be ordering soon.
  16. Congratulations Thorsten, Â the new front panel looks a treat! Â I'm so building one of them now. And I'm very happy to hear that you are designing a CV out module for the SEQ unit. Â I was waiting for the forums to come back online last week so I could do a search for that very thing. Yay x 9 ;D ;D ;D When you orginally showed the front panel design for the SID synth, I thought the modulation matrix was buttons, not LEDS, for instant patching. Is that possible? The Australian electronics supplier Jaycar sells a nice line of miniature push buttons with LEDs inside them.
  17. Thanks for the comment TK, I'm glad you liked the idea. ;D ;D ;D
  18. Hi, This is an idea stolen from a professional digital mixing desk. I'm not sure how it would best be implemented, or which MIDIBox project it would be best to use, so I thought I'd post it here for comments. You have one row of 16 pots, rotaries or faders. This single row of knobs in fact controls 256 "virtual" knobs in an imaginary 16 x 16 grid. The box works in two modes: horizontal and vertical. In horizontal mode, each pot adjusts the same parameter across 16 different MIDI channels. For example, volume for 16 different voices. A button or menu selection allows you to change all 16 pots to another value (pan, effect level etc). It is like one row of the same knob across a mixing desk. In vertical mode, it becomes a "channel strip": adjusting 16 different parameters on *one* MIDI channel. This lets you get into detailed editing of a single voice. I realise that this could be simply implemented as patch assignments on the MIDIbox 16E project, which would have enough patch memory using the Bankstick (32 patches = 16 horizontal + 16 vertical patches). However, I thought I'd see if anyone can suggest a simpler or better way to create this. For example: each set-up would be 256 (16 x 16) parameters assigned to the 256 "virtual" knobs. This would be stored as a single patch, and the horizontal/vertical modes and parameter/channel selection simply changes what "virtual" knobs the row of real knobs is assigned to. The second way should use less memory, as you are not doubling up the assignments for the "virtual" knobs. (ie 32 patches x 16 values = 512 assigments vs 256 assignments). Hmm, doesn't save that much memory after all. Oh well, comments welcome. (A quick question for Thorsten: when do you expect to complete the MIOS port of the 16E firmware? And congratulations on the SID step C - it looks great!)
  19. I'm glad this topic of soft takover has been raised, as I was just about to ask a question about this, and wasn't sure how to phrase it. For devices or software that don't have soft takeover, is it possible to write it into the MIOS itself? This would improve the use of a pot-based MIDIbox with hardware synths. Another question: are rotary encoders only useful with software that is written to use them, or can they be used in a MIDIbox that will work with any synth? I've become confused.
  20. You could probably do this with an embedded Ethernet chip or kit and one of the new platform-independant Ethernet to wireless adapters, and a wireless card in your PC. Or you could try building a circuit to convert MIDI data to/from a radio or infra-red signal at each end, and simply plug it into a MIDI port.
  21. You could probably do this with an embedded Ethernet chip or kit and one of the new platform-independant Ethernet to wireless adapters, and a wireless card in your PC. Or you could try building a circuit to convert MIDI data to/from a radio or infra-red signal at each end, and simply plug it into a MIDI port.
  22. Please excuse me for being dumb but: This firmware will work in the 18 version PICs, correct? Thanks, and well done TK.
  23. OK here goes: I am willing to act as the go-between for an Australian bulk order of rotaries from overseas. Here's how I propose it would work. You can mail me with a *firm* commitment of numbers at clae@barrelfullofmonkeys.org . When the number goes over the minimum order, I will mail each of you back with costs and banking details. As soon as all monies are received, I will place the order, then when the parts arrive, I will split the package up and post your orders out. We'll need to include a cost for postage. I'm sorry that I can't offer to cover your orders before receiving any money. I am a pensioner living from checque to checque, and I simply don't have the cash flow to do that. I do however have access to a credit card to make the order with. If anyone has any doubts about my integrity, my ebay profile is up as clae13. I'm doing this so that I can get some affordable rotaries and begin my MIDIbox project, and so that everyone else can get started too. If the necessary amount of money for a minimum order does not come in, of course all monies will be returned to those who did contribute. OK, so now that I've volunteered this much, what I'd like from someone else is to do the research on where to order the right parts from at the best price. Once we have a consensus on that, and if everyone agrees, we can go ahead. I'd rather not confuse the issue by also ordering LCDs. The amount of time and effort I can volunteer at the moment is limited. Perhaps someone else could look into that. Feedback welcome. BTW the GST has replaced customs duty. You pay a flat 10% these days, except for luxury goods and cars.
  24. Hey TK, in no way was I asking you to take on designing yet more interfaces for the MBHP. The sound recorder chip is just something I've been looking at for a while, and I threw it out there for anyone else who might be interested. I was under the impression this was an open-slather design discussion forum for all MBHP hackers and fans, not a "please TK build me this cool thing I saw" whine site. I think by opening up the MIOS for us all to read and tinker with, you've done enough (lots!) I'm amazed at the work you have done already, and given to the world. There's no need to load you up with more :-)
  25. Hey TK, in no way was I asking you to take on designing yet more interfaces for the MBHP. The sound recorder chip is just something I've been looking at for a while, and I threw it out there for anyone else who might be interested. I was under the impression this was an open-slather design discussion forum for all MBHP hackers and fans, not a "please TK build me this cool thing I saw" whine site. I think by opening up the MIOS for us all to read and tinker with, you've done enough (lots!) I'm amazed at the work you have done already, and given to the world. There's no need to load you up with more :-)
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