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Everything posted by pay_c

  1. ??? Hmm, they are there. 1N 5818 , 6cent a piece. @Reichelt... I found them... ;D
  2. ??? Hmm, they are there. 1N 5818 , 6cent a piece. @Reichelt... I found them... ;D
  3. Hey Thnx folks! something interesting about LCDs can be found here: http://www.moddingfaq.de/index.php?artid=600 Inverted LCDs, blue ones, red ones whatever. Only bad thing: Its only in german. I will do that (guess blue or red... :) )
  4. :o A B S O L U T E L Y ! :o Thats some big one...
  5. Yes, thats true. I got 4 SIDs for about 10 Euros. Just that I have to get rid of the rest now... most people selling that stuff dont even know how to open it... If youre lucky, you can even get more C64 - SIDs from one seller at a time - so youve only gotta pay the posting once.
  6. Hi there! For the first message I´m posting here just one remark: DAMN IT!!! Thorsten, you made some DAMN good thing here! One of the *BEST* DIY Pages, which can be found on the Net! :o :o OK: Whats the point on 4x16 LCD-Displays? If I use one, are the bottom 2 lines clear or are they used (by the normal programm)? If used: How? ;) If not used: Where can I find the firmware (the original, not the .hex file) to programm it myself? Didn´t find anything ´bout this on the page.
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