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About drumwide

  • Birthday 07/07/1976

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    Lindale, Texas, USA

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  1. any body ever heard of this place awesome parts, looks like a lot of things i would like to use on midibox!!!!! http://www.top-up.com.tw/front/bin/home.phtml
  2. i want to create a drum sampler. is there any way to interface a hard drive or flash type memory to the core to be triggered by the dout lines. volume would be controlled via the velocity portion of the midi code at the dac.
  3. My hats off to you smash. Keep up the good work.
  4. D2K..... Yes, I Â have working drum triggers. I am working on putting 8 usable trigger integrated into a mb64 v2.0, so the setup menus can be used and the different modes for the different displays. Next will be integration of more triggers(16-32) into mb64 v2.0. As soon as I have 8 triggers working well in mb64 v2.0 I will release it here. No hardware changes yet.......... Thanks for hangin' in there. I know it is taking me a long time. ;D TUB.... mbhp_trig8_v1 parts list 1---------------7808-------------------------8 volt, voltage regulator 2---------------LM324----------------------Quad op amp 8---------------1N4148---------------------diode 8---------------BAT85---------------------diode 8---------------100--------------------------metal film resistor 8---------------1k----------------------------metal film resistor 8---------------47k--------------------------metal film resistor 16-------------100k-------------------------metal film resistor 16-------------100nF-----------------------ceramic disk capacitors 26 pin SIL----------------------------------breakaway, single inline pinheader
  5. d2k, thanks for keeping your eyes open ::) for us at the portal. I hope everyone else would do the same. smashtv, I think you done the appropriate thing. It looks like maybe this guy learned his lesson. :-[ Keep up the good work guys. ;D
  6. Smash........... You never cease to amaze me with all your contributions to this community. Thank You for all of the time you have spent to make the midibox community better. (Im gonna try the ones w/o the switch first) ;D
  7. tub, here is a link to the thread that has info on the trigger handler that Thorsten so graciously wrote for me ;D http://www.midibox.org/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=mios;action=display;num=1073116355 ;D As for the parts list, I just copied the stuff off of the .brd file. But I will try to put a list together. ;D
  8. still working, slowly but surely ;). I am building more triggers and ainx4 to test 16-32 inputs ;D and trying to get functionality with mb64 v2.0 ???. Hang in there guys, Ill get it done eventually.... :-/ the circuit that buffers the piezo's voltage for the ain is available on the portal (thanks smashtv). If anyone tests it please let me know what happened. Thanks...
  9. check out this ebay store for switches, knobs, and lcds, also keypads, and other stuff. http://stores.ebay.com/Experimenters-Discount-Warehouse_W0QQsspagenameZl2QQtZkm
  10. not sure what is causing it, but I've experienced the same thing. ???
  11. not sure what is causing it, but I've experienced the same thing. ???
  12. hello all, thanks for hanging in there. I tried to upload to the portal but, I guess I did something wrong. Anyway, soon it will be posted
  13. yes, definitely still a go-er, School and job and kids and wife and .......not to mention two hard drive crashes. troubles have made it difficult to do any testing but I will post what I have. I tried to get into the portal tonight but it wouldn't load. smashtv offered some space on his server a while back to put the file(s), but i don't know if the offer still stands, I have the .brd file, just need some space somewhere to put it. If you need the .brd file email me, the rest will be posted soon, sorry for the wait.....
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