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Posts posted by sonicwarrior

  1. Gibt's auch noch Leute, die mitmachen wollen, statt nur zu labern? :P

    Bei den 2180B sind wir mittlerweile bei über 60 Stück

    und bei den 2181A bei über 25 Stück.

    Daneben werden noch That 340P bestellt (definitiv, momentaner Preis ohne MwSt und Versand: 4,95 Euro pro Stück).

    Bei den That 300 würde einer gerne 15 Stück nehmen,

    allerdings müssen insgesamt mindestens 25 Stück zusammen kommen.

  2. Hallo,

    in einem anderen Forum starten wir gerade eine Sammelbestellung

    mit folgenden THAT-Chips

    2180B (Pre-Trimmed)


    Preise sind (in Euro, ohne Mehrwertsteuer, Verpackung/Porto):

    2181A 6.51

    2180B 4.12

    Sind Preise für 25 Stück, da sollten wir eigentlich drüber kommen,

    d.h. es wird wahrscheinlich günstiger.

    Von den 2180B nehme ich allein 20 Stück.

    Deadline steht noch nicht fest.

    Bitte nur bei definitivem Kaufwunsch und entsprechender momentaner Geldflüssigkeit posten mit gewünschtem Typ (von den beiden gelisteten) und Stückzahl und Standort, falls nicht Deutschland.

    Verteilung für Deutschland mache ich.

    Ggf. schicke ich auch in andere Länder, die höheren Versandkosten müsst Ihr natürlich zahlen!

    Versand erfolgt per Einwurfeinschreiben

    (kostet 3,05 Euro nach Deutschland, wenn ich genug (gebrauchte) Versandtaschen

    habe, ansonsten muss ich noch welche zusätzlich kaufen, das

    geht natürlich noch drauf, günstige Quellen dürfen gerne genant werden).

    Folgende zusätzliche Versandkosten werden gleichmäßig aufgeteilt:

    Vom Versender zum Sammel-Organisator.

    Vom Sammel-Organisator zu mir.

    Wieviel das dann letztendlich wird, weiss ich nicht,

    sollte allerdings nicht allzusehr ins Gewicht fallen,

    hängt dann natürlich auch von der Anzahl der bestellten

    VCAs ab.

    Edit: Hab jetzt ne Deadline bekommen: Bis nächste Woche Freitag (4.8.).

  3. But I don't think your design is a huge departure, sonicwarrior.  It's definitely TR-like and on-topic for this thread.

    Ok, now I'm relieved.  ;)

    And I don't see this as one project either, with a proscriptive approach to what is and isn't right.  It's more like a starting point where people can build what suits them.

    Ok, now I think I got it.

    But in my eyes it's a bit confusing and will definitely delay usable results.

    Perfect example.  I want velocity on my AOUTs, so I'm going to have to work that out for myself, with anyone else who wants to help.

    Well, I don't have the skill to program the code nor do I have the time to learn it. :-[

    So I'm dependent on what other people will program.

    I can only help out by suggesting UIs and later by writing a user manual or WIKI entry or so.

    Do you mean additional AOUTs for each DOUT (= trigger out) or

    AOUTs instead of DOUTs?

    The basis TR-like sequencer would have 1 row with 16 steps I think.

    But nobody really said my design is shit. I don't think that I've found

    a more complicated basis so easily. ???

    Don't worry sonicdude, I'll preserve what you've added.

    Ok, DrDude. :P

  4. I thought that list was meant to be a definition of existing "TR like" sequencers.

    Ok, this is were we need a project leader who decides where to go. :)

    So I'm not allowed to edit the wiki page? :-X

    Also the phrase " At least 32 steps per bar as maximum" makes no sense.  "At least... as maximum"?

    It makes sense:

    You can e.g. set the maximum steps to 15, 31 and as the greatest (at least) value: 32.

    Now clear? ;D

    What I'm missing a little is a "roll"/"flam" feature, it can be easily realised by sending 2 notes per step if the function is selected (like accent). However, this would also change the calculation for the patch size

    Well the problem I see here:

    Would this work with analog trigger outputs?

    With roll yes, but flam works with velocity, doesn't it? ???

  5. What about a dedicated track-selection encoder per row?  ;D

    Ah, nice joke.  :P

    Although: Would make much less sense than a selection

    with the buttons of the row because an encoder doesn't show

    the actual value. :P

    So we should introduce enoders with a 16 LED ring around them. ;D

  6. Your UI-design is really cool. I only would like a expandable modular concept where I can add additional Tracks as I need them.

    Well, let's see what the others say. As I will not program this because

    of missing knowledge (I can only program simple Java stuff)

    a programmer should give a comment about that.

    From the UI side I would suggest the following:

    1. In the source code you can set the maximal tracks shown parallel.

    (= the number of rows you want to have in your machine)

    2. 2-track would be default

    3. In a design with more than 2-Tracks in parallel the button should

    be labelled different, e.g. "Multi-Track-Select" and you select the tracks

    by first pressing this button, then the tracks you want to select

    by using the first 16-step row and then again the button.

    If more than the maximum tracks are selected only the first ones until

    the maximum value will be used.

    Edit: Some might ask why to use only the first row for the track selection.

    Reason: With the 16 LEDs for the "selected track(s)" I cannot neither display

    tracks that are selected doubled nor a specific order of the tracks.

    E.g. track 5 on row 1, track 1 on row 2, in my design track 1 would

    be on row 1 and track 5 on row 2 and the "selected track(s)" LEDs of both

    track 1 and 5 would be active.

    I think this is still better than to show the selections only in the display.

    But an additional dedicated display page may help to clear things.

    4. In 32-step-mode the maximum tracks is cut into halves.

    So if you have the 8-track solution you can select 4 tracks there

    showing all 4 32 steps fully.

    5. Because of that I think it makes sense to allow only multiples of 2

    as value for the maximum parallel tracks:

    2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16

    There is still a problem:

    How do I select a track for the edit functions (currently: copy, paste, clear)?

    That's also something I have currently not

    considered in my UI design. :-[

    And: What's with a 64-step mode? ;D

    Edit2: I have made some smaller changes (Separate encoders for Tempo/Data, added MIDI button, only one button for Play/Pause)

    and found a solution for "How do I select a track for the edit functions (currently: copy, paste, clear)?":

    With "Select track". Man why didn't I get this earlier? ;D


  7. I would prefer a solution with direct access to eg. 8 tracks. A bit like the Doepfer Schaltwerk does it.

    Would be nice to expand the design with this as an option.

    Well, in my eyes there are some points that speaks against such a solution:

    1. Money (showing 8 tracks [with how many steps?] would require 8 x 16 LEDs and buttons

    in a 16 step solution, in a SDS-6-like solution still 24 buttons and 8 x16 LEDs would be needed)

    2. Space (I would prefer a relatively compact solution)

    3. Do you really want to solder sooo many LEDs (and buttons)?

    4. I think the SDS-6 and Schaltwerk confuse with showing so much tracks at once.

    5. Monome costs 500 US $ (That would be 1000 US $ alone for 8 x 16 tracks) -> No solution

    and even more confusing than the SDS-6 or Schaltwerk.

    Edit: In my UI design suggestion you can select 2 tracks for the two rows in 16 step mode:

    Press "2-Trk" and then select 2 tracks (the lower one would be in row and the greater one in row 2).

    I think that's a nice compromise.

  8. Ok, here is v1 of my UI design suggestion:


    Ready for comments now. ;D

    I hope I didn't forget a feature.

    Should work without a description, else my design is shit.

    I changed the following:

    -  16 instrument (trigger) tracks + Accent


    - 16 instrument (trigger tracks)

    Why? I recognized that the TR-808 has had only 12 tracks

    and 17 tracks are stupid to select. ;)

    Every track could be accent, so we don't need

    a dedicated accent track.

    - At least one programmable analog trigger out


    - One trigger out for each track (= 16 trigger outs)

    Is anyone against this changes?

    (If not I will change this also in the wiki page)

    I think there are two groups here by now:

    1. Wanting a TR like sequencer with trigger outs

    for creating x0x-clones without the MIDI timing problems.

    2. Wanting a TR like sequencer for their MIDI synths

    (e.g. Novation DrumStation)

    Each group has different focusses.

    Personally I think that the original MIDIbox SEQ is

    better suited for group 2 because of extended features

    like velocity, etc. which would be complexer to create

    for analog machines (velocity would need 1 CV out for every

    track!!! Remember how expensive the AOUT is? :P

    Or how much work the AOUT_LC? ;) )

  9. On my Mac (commandline) I got the following error message:

    tar -xvf hd44780.tar



    tar: Skipping to next header

    tar: Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers

    tar: Read 8425 bytes from hd44780.tar

    tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors


  10. I've found some fonts that look like a CLCD if you want?

    That would be cool!

    I think your computer has a keyboard attached too :P

    Of course, but as I have to simulate a real life UI and not software:

    The keyboard keys are not helpful.

    But I've already started to draw in Open Office.

  11. Well, Flash costs too much and Dynamic HTML IMO is too complicated

    for prototyping.

    And as you can't press two buttons at the same time with a mouse

    it is not appropriate. :P

    I think it's easier to draw an image with the UI and

    do the rest as explaining text.

    I'll try to do that image with Open Office as it

    doesn't need to be as beautiful as a final front panel design. ;)

  12. I don't know if this is a new idea, but I think it would be cool, especially when you're sequencing real drums sounds.

    We're talking about a TR-style sequencer.

    For sequencing real drums you should IMHO use software like FXPansion BFD

    and also a software sequencer. That gives you more control about things

    like "groove quantize" etc. .

  13. please, could you write a list of features a good old tr seq should have ?

    (resolution, interface, number of voices ...)


    - 16 trigger tracks (I think this is what you call "voices") + Accent,

    this would allow to do a fully featured TR-808 clone (which had 16 instruments)

    - Shuffle

    - For the resolution I think 96 ppq would be OK.

    - At least 32 steps per bar as maximum

    - Editing while playing

    - Syncable via MIDI Sync (Master or Slave)


    - A dedicated tempo poti

    - At least 16 buttons with LEDs for the Steps,

    I would personally prefer a solution with 32 buttons: 16 bigger ones and 16 small ones

    so that the machine wouldn't be blown up to much in size.

    It would be the first machine with direct access to 32 steps.

    With a shift button the step buttons could be used to select the track/instrument/voice

    or however you like to call it.

    - Patterns could be selected also with the step buttons and another shift button

    - Transport buttons: Stop, Pause/Play

    That would be the base.

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