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About drsyncenstein

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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MIDIbox Newbie

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  1. Well I'd gladly buy 1 leftover if your customers don't show up. Just pm me.
  2. I'd like 100x 1Q031 which is a black cap with a square transparent lens. They look great, but first things first; let's see what happens with the other switches. I'll wait for a week to see if i can get things cheaper, if not then Stryd and I will decide who will be ordering what. If possible, I would not mind to add your switches, but it will save your very little i guess.
  3. Got results back, they're not much different from stryd's: 3FTL6 0,98 euro, 3FTL6-Q 1,19 euro But i noticed that the parent company of MEC is APEM. They are MEC distributor for Benelux. I'll give them a try.
  4. @Shum: he's trying to control an analog synth with midi messages. That is not so weird is it? Lot's of people doing that. Very cool project if he succeeds!
  5. So, you are combining the midibox sid and a 303? I thought that you'd just use the midibox sid software to control the 303, without the sid chips.
  6. I mailed Elproma for a quote.
  7. For EU inhabitants a large order from Australia might add a 20% customs 'bonus', so splitting up might not be a bad idea in itself. The Elproma main office is in my country, I wouldn't mind helping out here. (As long as it's all prepaid.)
  8. I've got to let this sink in, but got no time tonight. But I do know that the 3372 is also used in the prophet 600 and the rhodes chroma polaris. I attached the filter schematics. polaris vcf.pdf
  9. EFM is known for his errors, I'd stick to the Expander schematic. I'd been thinking about this too, but I quit it because I had no idea how to switch the filters with the midibox software. Would be cool though.
  10. Got your cubes too, thanks!
  11. The jomox switches are different. If i remember correct they are Omron. Farnell used to stock them, but no longer. They only got square types now; http://www.omron.com/ecb/products/sw/28.html
  12. opamp; rail to rail opamp, which means that it will output to almost the voltage of the powersupply. The lm358 should do that too. Just be carefull with your pcb layout if you use the tlv. I understand the left part of your schematic, but i do not understand what you are trying to do in the right part, where you switch the resistors using ic12. The inputbuffer for the 4 waves seems fine, ic9 looks good. But I would just sum the outputs from ic9 using one opamp as summing mixer. If you need the trimmers you can just put them between the ic9 outputs and the input of the summing amp. Also, I would breadboard it first, before you make a pcb.
  13. allright, digital in and digital out. always confuses me ???
  14. I'm no electronics guru, but i guess you could mix the signals in a simpler way. See: http://www.wisc-online.com/objects/index_tj.asp?objID=SSE3403 Notice that the signal is inverted, but that should not matter. You'd have to reduce the output of the summing stage, or you'll get overload in the next tb303 stage. Also, you do not need a cv to switch the cd4066, you can use a din out from the midibox. I made a simple drawing to show it. For the din out's, I'm sure stryd_one knows more than me about it. Another thing, the opamp you use is pretty fast, they oscillate pretty easy. I'd stay in tb style and use a 4558, tl07* or a ne553* if you are more into hifi. sum.JPG
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