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Posts posted by cimo

  1. hola

    el tema de los botones "hechos en casa" ya ha sido tratado varias veces, ni una pero en espanol, SASHA es quien ha alcanzado hacer cosas increibles, pero tiene acceso a una maquina CNC.

    Busca en el forum y te saldran varias cosas, keywords: SASHA, BACKLIT BUTTONS, DIY, etc

  2. hi

    i ve ordered some stuff at mikes shop but got no answer, he may be in vacation, is there anybody who has the following to sell?

    in order of importance:

    1- core PCB

    2- PIC socket

    3- optocoupler socket

    4- the rest of components

    if you have some spare parts you want to get rid of, please PM me

    simone and the mosquitoes war

  3. .. ys i ve dug a little bit in the forum and i ve seen that  somebody has already attempted to find out the protocol but it didn t work out.. too bad .. that s exactly what i was looking for.. well i guess that is what a lot of people is interested in...

    so i am still stuck to this point dunno if i cna go on with the pcbs and panel layout before figuring out something about the LCDs settings nad coding.. now i ve also savaged my old MB so i will have to use the Microkontrol for quite a while, btw i was so surprised to realize that the Microkontrol doesn t have the midi feedback feature.. yeah MB rocks ! TK your stuff is better than korg !

    i have the feeling that i am not the only one who s trying to create a surface control more oriented towards plugins control than mixing control so perhaps we could join force ... write here if anybody is interested, i have plenty of svgs and eagle libraries for all the components but i miss coding skills...


  4. hi there

    as mentioned to Wilba i have not too much time for this project but i joined cause... well cause i couldn t resist.. if there is anything i can help with, ask

    about the panels i am on, count me in whatever it is the final choice


  5. .. i came up with this idea:

    there is this C4 module right? it has rows of encoders with LCD on top, that s what i need, so i can have one core master with makie control and th eother slave with C4 emulation is that possible? does it make any sense ?

    unfortunately i haven t benn able to get my old core working.. so i ve ordered a new pcb and can t test anyhting for the moment... mike hurry up!!!


  6. for example i can open a thread in miscellaneous and put in the title TUTOR OFFER and write on the text if there is anything specific i want to add for example the language i know, specific knowledge and period when i am available or my private mail, so anybody can search for the word TUTOR OFFER and see if anybody is available.

    it would be then up to the tutor deciding to publish the mailing or part of it if considered of any help to the others.


  7. hi

    when i first stepped into the MB world i had the impression that the MB users were somehow divided into 2 groups and that you could spot the 2 groups just counting the number of stars on their profile, pompous names like "guru" "moderator" etc, or "newbie" etc... well it took me some time to find out that the main difference between  MB users is

    group A) my level of knowledge is 5 then i ll take a project at level 6 and goddamnit if i have lunch before i see those fancy leds lighting at my will, coffee please

    group B) can i have a step by step guide ?

    now, of course there is nothing bad with having step by step guides and for sure there is still the need of an improved documentation on uCapps and of course me myself i posted stupid question and help requests (and still do) that were already answered but, goonzy, believe me it s worth the time to learn some soldering tricks, learn by yourself how to  make some changes to main.asm etc. after all MB is an addictive project and you will want more of this stuff and for the modular concept of the MB project it can t be written a step by step guide for every possible MB.

    I think it s somehow in the spirit of this project "forcing" people to learn about their own limits and pushing them onward towards new electronic landscapes .... wow ... we may create a new religion ...  ;D

    I remember that in the beginning an experienced user was PMing with me for quite a while giving me some first directions and eventually shipping me a preburned PIC that i needed.. lately i did the same with some newbie, in the spanish forum, i think  it could be started a "tutoring" service where people with experience could offer themselves for helping newbies to enter the MB world, that would possibly avoid people posting questions like "what kind of PIC should i order?"

    my 0.108101 Danish Kronor


  8. .. i would also add that 80% of DIY projects will soon or later stop working for bad soldering joints (even commercial stuff easily get problems after intesive use) , or other failures and you gotta be ready and know how to fix things..

    .. and you can t miss the sweet smell of burned rosin...

    my 0.0146067 €


  9. hi

    yes i have to admit i didn t think about that but i have a demo version of Eagle and it s ok cause i am drawing quite small PCBs but the front panel is bigger and it won t fit on the demo limits of Eagle.. i have access to another PC Windows based with full Eagle but this Powerbook is my daily bred...

    isn t there a way to export Eagle projects in .svg files or other vectorial files?



  10. .. just a little thought, don t know if it makes any sense to you...

    .. but 16 dollars shipping for a 20 dollars LCD seems to be quite a lot, can t we (europeans) get them shipped to a single address in europe and then forwarded.. or could n t you ship ONCE to a single guy in europe who will forward them ?

    .. i can receive internationally almost any kind of stuff when i am in tenerife, it s a so called port franc and we don t pay VAT or whatever it is called in your country.. but i won t be there before the end of september..

    .. if i should have it received here in Denmark i had to pay 25% extra for custom doll.. that makes 21+16+5=42$

    ..that said i d be in for 1 if we can solve this problem..

    ..and thank you guys so much for making this happen, i wouldn t find the time to work on a SID project by my own for ages..


  11. this is for the OSX users:

    what do you use for the creation of PCBs and general frontpannel/construction software? i am using INKSCAPE to draw the project and then importing manually the measurement into EAGLE to create pcbs that will fit in the box, alignment of buttons, shafts and holes, etc.But this is my first project where i use vectorials for the panel, and i am asking myself if there is a smarter way to work.

    What s your trick to work with PCBs and vectorial files to create a project?

    thanks simone

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