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Posts posted by cimo

  1. hola lucho

    como Audiocommander esplico muy bien una vea la cosa s epuede esplicar asi:

    si piensas en una MB como a un ordenador (y lo es en verdad)

    el  Bootstrap Loader es la BIOS

    MIOS es windows XP

    MB64 es una aplicacion

    el Bootstrap Loader se puede cargar en el pic solo con un burner mientras que MIOS y el software MB se cargara a travez de la entrada MIDI

    MIOS, Bootstrap Loader y MB se pueden descargar de la seccion Downloads de Ucapps.de (mira en la esquina arriba a la izquierda de esta misma pagina)

  2. MRE we need to laugh a little when hard times come ... better than making hara-kiri with a 30 watts Weller iron..

    so i ve found the little bug and ... surprise surprise ... the error was mine: somehow the cathodes lines were connected to D2 D3 D4 D5 instead of D0 D1 D2 D3 so (since i had 4 pins of the DIN SR#3 free, without use) i decided to use encoders on DIN SR1 pins 4,5,6,7 and DIN SR2 0,1,2,3 leaving DIN SR1 pins 0,1,2,3 free.

    pics soon


  3. hola lucho

    para conectar pots a un CORE --- AIN module

    para conectar botones a un CORE --- DIN module

    de toda forma es posible conectar algunos pots o algunos botones directamente al CORE sin necesidad de otros modulos

    aqui encontraras alguna informaciones sobre como utilizar el J5 del CORE para pots o botones, por cierto un lcd no es necesario (io diria que es inutil) si solo necesitas utilizar 2 pedales, 4 botones y unos leds, toda la configuracion la podras hacer directamente en el codigo.


  4. hola

    podrias montar un par de botones a los lados del pedal para utilizarlos como bank switch y quiza utilizar unos leds o un "numero echo de 7 barritas rojas" (perdona no tengo idea de come se llame en espanol :-)) para tener un feedback visual de que para metro estas usando.

    Como ya te comente ante veo el utilizo del PIC 18 mas sencillo del 16 porque ya tendrias la MB64 lista para tu proyecto con un minimo de modificacion..


  5. Ciao Cimo!

    Inanzitutto ti ringrazio x la tua disponibilita

    cerco di aiutare tanto quanto sono stato aiutato e non ci riesco ! :-)

    -95 pulsanti

    -64 potenziometri

    -35 encoder

    hai pensato di usare meno pots/encoders/pulsanti ed utilizzare le funzioni di bank switch ?

    Reaktor puo anche inviare dei segnali out di tipo controller sempre con range 0/127,ho fatto qualche prova e funziona ma mi piacerebbe sapere (non avendoli sul midibox64) se si potrebbero pilotare anche i led ring.

    si i ledrings si possono controllare da un midi out di traktor

    Ho anche riscontrato un problema di loopfeedback e volevo chiedere se il midibox puo inviare da un canale ma ricevere da un'altro.

    NON SO !!!


  6. hola alogic

    yo tambien trabajo con un kole que pincha vinilos, me pasa el sonido a mi y yo lo reviro con ableton, el problema es como siempre la latencia, o sea el kole no puede poner a tiempo los vinilos si el sonido pasa por mi tarjeta de sonido (aunque con latencia de 5 ms) porque el sonido que el tiene en los casco llega en anticipo sobre lo que sale de mi tarjeta de sonido y va a los amplis.

    Lo solucione asi:

    es sonido que sale de su mixer lo divido en 2 (o escojo dos salidas de su mixer si hay), uno va a mi tarjeta de sonido el otro a un otro mixer que esta entree yo y el kole, la salida de la tarjeta de sonido tambien va a dicho mixer asi que alli puedo controlar si lo que va a los amplis es el sonido original (sin latencia, para cuando mixa el kolega) o lo que sale del laptop (con latencia, para cuando trabajo el sonido yo).Todo eso lo controlamos muy comodamente con un x-fader.

    El ableton lo pongo a tiempo con una pedalera y la funcion de tap, te duele la pierna despues de una sesion de 2 horas pero se puede sobrevivir o tambien pensaba en pagar alguien para que le diera al pedal todo el tiempo ;-)


  7. hola

    vamos a ver

    lo que necesitas es un controlador midi que tenga como minimo dos entradas anlogica para conectarle dos pedales de expression para controlar dos parametros del V-AMP 2.

    si es asi solo con un modulo CORE te vale porque un CORE puede llevar hasta 8 inputs analogicos, efectivamente un PIC 18 es un procesador muy potente por tan solo 2 inputs analogico de toda forma la diferencia de precio es de algunos euros y quiza en el futuro podras anadir funcionalidades a tu MB.

    Por cierto ya tienes pedales de expression?


  8. yes go for it, i ve also dreamed of wifi on my guitars and there are almost ready to use usb wifi chip, very small and low power consuming.I have also to say that i always use my laptop with the guitar so i need to be nearby the screen so no really need for wifi for the moment



  9. hi

    i remember now that the pins of DIN SRs were not directly related to the DOUT SRs .. i mean that you can "say" to MIOS that the DIN SR #1 is related to the DOUT SR #3 (for example) but that doesn t mean that pin #6 and #7 of the DIN SR #1 are related to pin #6 and #7 of the DOUT SR #3.. as far as i remember it was something like

    DIN - DOUT

      0 - 0

      1 - 1

      2 - 2

      3 - 3

      4 - 7

      5 - 6

      6 - 5

      7 - 4

    still i am not sure if this was the case and also if this can be the cause of my troubles!

    to be more precise i have 4 encoders connected to the DIN SR #1 but only the 2 encoders conencted to pins # 4,5 and 6,7 are triggering 2 ledrings while the other 2 encoders connected to pins #0,1 and 2,3 are working properly but not triggering ledrings, i can say that all ledrings are working ok because i can trigger them from an external MIDI input..


  10. hi

    so now all the ledrings are working and i can trigger them if i send some MIDI from MiosStudio for example .. but only 2 of the encoders are actually triggering 2 ledrings while the other 2 ledrings are triggered by other MIDI event.Now if i try to change the MIDI CC of the encoders to match the MIDI CC that triggers the ledrings it won t work anyway because also the MIDI CC of theledrigns will change.. ???

    how am i supposed to fix this? why the first (and only) 4 encoders are not related to the first (and only) 4 ledrings? any idea?



  11. hi

    txx guys for the comment .. i had forgotten that i used to play music before getting stuck here  ;) maybe it s time to get back in track.. properly said..

    about Sounds for zara s dreams it can be interesting to know that it was not overdubbed (except for 1 single Subtraktor synth s track) and that all layers (3) (yes of course except the reason s) are played simultaneously (waves tap delay with full feedback)

    hopefully i will soon post pictures of my latest project: it s a simple idea but quite innovative .. i am still having some troubles with ledrings but i am posting already here http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?topic=8551.0 so if you think you can help ....


  12. hi

    artesia, i consider Waves plugins among the best around.. i think somebody consider them not really so good because they suck quite much CPU so that it can be reasonable sometime to go for a cheaper less requiring plugin..

    and yes no doubt that they are expensive!


  13. Can you explain in details what you used for the XY controller for the touchpad ?

    it is connected to a usb hub so it is "just" as a normal mouse (you can keep your hands on the controller without having to grab the mouse) and it has a special latch rocker switch that will act on the left button (if you use ableton you will clearly understand the function of it, anyway also in an another software it can be used to move 1 knob/fader (reminder for me = adding 2 ledbars to monitor the events)

    And what do you use for the USB controller to be completly plug and play ?

    audiotrack MidiMate http://www.audiotrak.net/xpmidi.htm - I also used a cheaper kind of USBtoMIDI cable which used the same driver (romio)

    And you speak about 64 mb on inside memory, but I haven't see a CF adaptor, so what do you use??

    also the memory is attached to the usb hub so it can only be reached via the computer, well all the guitar can only used with a computer..

    let s keep in touch


  14. hi

    i worked with this idea of the MB in a guitar a while ago and you can see what i ve achieved here


    i have another project almost ready as an external box for guitar/bass

    but i have to admit that your ideas go quite far from my project, keep us posted i d love to participate somehow on this project, very interesting..

    .. but be aware: since i ve started playing with MB in guitars i don t play the guitar anymore!  ;)


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