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Posts posted by cimo

  1. an anyone tell me more about "changing the main.asm for unmuxed analog inputs and recompiling the code".Huh!!!! sounds complicated!

    open main.asm you will easily find what you are looking for, there is plenty of explanation.. look for the words MUXED and NUMBER OF CONNECTED POTS, save the file follow the instructions here:


    upload with MIOS Studio, there you go: important as usual, all the unused AINs, in this case the J5 pins to ground, please..


    ... and you can modify main.asm with any text editor (such as text edit in OSX)

  2. thanks DOC

    now i got a more clear overview.. today i connected the GLCD but i fear i have some power problem cause my box is supplied by a USB hub.As soon as i ve got it started i will have a look at the LC first, then decide which way to go.

    My "fear" is that only one encoder will be displayed per channel (audio track channel, not MIDI channel) , while i will have almost all the encoders in the same channel, they will all be connected to VSTs/AUs plugins, as well as the buttons.On my actual setup, i have a bank of encoders going to 1 track and another to another track, i use it to apply effects to Live! channel tracks, while djing with the laptop or modifying the audio coming from my pal spinning vinyls.That s why i want to have a complete view of all the encoders values at the same time (pots imagine is even better), my laptop display isn t wide enough to allow all the plugins i use to be showed.

    thanks!! your help is very appreciated


  3. What I don't get ....

    If you put the displays on the MB64e, why do you want a LC then? For the channel strip?

    for the 4 direction switch to choose among clips on LIVE!

    You also have two displays then (1 per LC) and 16 Encoders. Maybe I put you a bit in the wrong direction with the extra MB64e.

    Almost no programming needed for this configuration.

    but will i be able to have the values of the 16 encoders displayed on the GLCDs?

    DOC: from your first post

    With LCDs under the MIDIboxLC you'll only see:

    - track message (the track names or values send from your host)

    - TimeCode/BBS display (data send from your host)

    - Rec/solo/Mute/Select Info of the channels you've selected

    You can also Display:

    - a VU meter

    - the encoder value (but I think, not the way you would like to)

    I fear, if you use the LC only for the display you would be dissapointed ...

    Also your 'wish list' doesn't match the LC very well:

    that makes me understand that i can t have the GLCD to display all the 8 encoders value at once.. right?

    thanks for your support and enjoy your vacation!!!


    EDIT: i ve also decided to step forward and try some practical stuff after all this theory: i ve bought the GLCDs and i will cannibalize my old MB64E and hook it up to a 128X64 GLCD and make myself an idea of display on MB!

  4. hi

    i took the following decision (temporary):

    3 CORES of wich 1 to MBLC and 2 to MB64E

    the 2 MB64E will have the same inputs and outputs, this for a more easy internal wiring -  they will be merged

    a Midi sport 2X2 (or similar) to merge the 2 MB64E and the LC to a single USB output

    now, reading http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_link.html i can t really understand if only 1 GLCD can be attached to the last CORE or if it s only a possible setup and it s possible to chain COREs with 1 GLCD each.

    as far as i ve understood, writing some code for customized GLCD display settings can be quite hard for one without coding experience but, well, that s what i want and i will give it a go or 2... if anybody can point me out where i d better start from..

    here exactly what i want:

    there are 2 COREs, in 2 chained MB64E with 2 GLCDs 128X64

    each display should display the value and possibly the pots image of 8 encoders, so it would be a little bit like the MBUC (8 values per display) and the MBLC (pots images) but with a MB64E setup (8 encoders)



  5. hola snorkman

    i see you ve bought the kits from mikes shop but the PICs.It s fine you buy them somewhere else, but are you aware of the fact that you will have to burn the bootloader with a special module before being able to upload MIOS via MIDI ?

    It s nice to see you are getting things done,,, cheers


  6. I wish NATO killed us all first time so few

    hey man take it easy!!! it s just a bunch of metal and plastic all in all...

    i had the same damned problem with 1 $ each squared blue leds, i had to fix some solder points on my custom made pcbs with ledrings, then it got better, but still some difference.. dunno if that can be the same on yours since they are directly soldered

    it s pity that your refined work can be spoilt by crappy material, you know we can always forward you some stuff you can t get there

    .. my plan for next 36 hours is to go as far as possible from my computer and forget about all the thingy here and have some beers.. it may be a good advice...

  7. wow i see.. time to redesign the whole thingy..

    so i will have to ask.. how difficult will it be to have the encoders values displayed in the lcds in the same style as the LC (knob images with values), in a MB64E?

    i decided to go for the 3 cores, on the LC core i will have the option to have some extra buttons for general purpose which is not bad and yes i meant a MIDI port as a MIDI hub, they ve become quite cheap ..

    It's true, that you can connect pots without motor to the LC. But (in my eyes) this makes absolutely no sense!

    it does when as in my case i won t use more then 4 channels

    thanks this is very important to me!!




    a new question to those with experience on multicore MBs:

    does it make more sense to split "symmetrically" the controls on the 2 MB64E cores or would that be better to group encoders on one and buttons on the other?

  8. hi all

    i was running more or less smoothly with my new project when i suddenly realized it may not be so doable as i ve thought in the beginning, so before spending too much time in something i will never be able to realize here i am asking for your opinion:

    planned it is a double CORE double GLCD MidiBoxLC with GPC enabled, specs:

    4 joysticks

    16 encoders

    16 backlit buttons

    2 GLCD 128X64

    4 tracks lines with faders, EQ buttons, pan and maybe solo and mute

    1 4 directional switch with central button

    1 jog wheel

    4 transport buttons

    now i ve understood that with the GPC i can use those 16 encoders and 16 backlit buttons to send and receive normal MIDI message, fine.But , will i be able to have the 2 GLCD to display the values of the 16 encoders? that s all i need, in fact the only LC stuff i need is the 4 directional switch to choose among Live! clips.Also the pseudo autoconfiguration of the 4 channel strips and ttransport buttons is something i d like  to have but not a must, i can configure them manually with MIDI.

    Then is this possible or will it be a hell of a work to program the GLCD to display what i want? (i have good will but i am a programming jerk)

    Maybe a third CORE just to drive the 4 directional switch and the other 2 with MB64E (and of course a MIDI hub), but still, i have never used LCDs so i don t really know what i can get from them, my plan is to have those pots images displaying the encoders value, 2 rows of 4 pots each display.

    best regards


  9. hi and welcome aboard

    i haven t that much to say about your need to know but about

    That zip file of the software scares the ship out of me Smiley

    yes i understand, it s been the same for most of us except for those who have arrived with their luggage of C and/or assembler, but it s just a matter of reading and reading and a bit of reading, everything is quite explained on comments in the code so...

      ... good luck

  10. Pero empezar por algo mas sencillo que implica o que significa realmente? Dame una idea

    1 core

    1 din

    1 lcd

    1s botones

    1s encoders

    1s potenciometros

    software MIOS y MB64E

    software de compilacion para assembler


    interfaz midi

    un cubo de paciencia

    1 litro cafe o te

    buena musica

    herramientas varias


    Tan complicado es armar uno de esos controladores midi para traktor?

    pues si, si para ti no fuera tan complicado no estarias aqui haciendo todas estas preguntas

    no son todas las midiboxes iguales pero con distinta cantidad y tipos de modulos?

    si quieres verlo asi .. son iguales o no? si tienes diferentes tipos de modulos no son iguales no? ademas el software tiene que ser adaptado a cada una

    El modulo MIDIBOX LC que tiene de diferente ?

    la MB LC utiliza el protocolo MACKIE CONTROL de Logic, que yo sepa traktor no lo utiliza asi que nada

    la MB64 y MB64E son controladores MIDI asi como suena


  11. hola tio

    como sigue eso? me gustaria saber a que estado estas?, calorcito pa madrid? aqui nos estamos moriendo de frio, que julio, no vel la hora de volver a los tropicos.. pues al final aguantamos con los hongos y la maderita tienes unos colores que se haran interesantes en las proxima decadas, ;-) bueno perdon el off topic, cuentam algo del cacharro eso.


  12. hola

    no tengas miedo en preguntar, lo peor que puede pasar es que nadie te conteste, evita pero sacar mil preguntas si solo esta en el sito desde un par de semanas, puede ser todo bastante complejo, dependiendo de lo que quieres hacer, MTE ha probablemente tardado anos para realizar su proyecto..

    Busque en esta pagina


    y ahi yo no veo ningun tutorial de como hacerlo ni que modulos necesito...

    eso es lo que hay, el traktorizer es una MB hecha por un usuario, el mismo no la ha acabada asi que entenderas que no es posible que haya un tutorial completo, ni manual, y quiza nunca habra, cuando tendras una idea mas amplia del proyecto MB, entenderas tu solo como armar el hardware y me parece que MTE ya haya publicado el software, de toda forma, lo que tienes que hacer es empezar por algo mas sencillo y ver despues las posibilidades

    como se comunica, quise decir a como se entiende con el programa tracktor y en caso de que quiera que un pote X sea de otra funcion como lo hago que tengo que programar? o en caso de querer usar la misma midibox para algun otro programa del estilo.

    MIOS/Download/complete applications/MB64E descarga unzip.Leete todos los archivos empezando por main.asm, mios_table

    Yo busque todo bien, capaz no me supe soslayar en este tema de manera adecuada ... disculpen. pero sigo buscando informacion Saludos Cheesy

    yo no entendi nada por semanas, empeze como ti haciendo algunas preguntas que, claramente ya habian estado (o sido?) hechas, despues de un par de meses empeze a hacer preguntas que no habian estado hechas aun, ahora, despues de 2 anos, hago prenguntas que ni merezen ser respondidas ;-)

    Que es un rotary encoder?

    en muy poca palabras un encoder es como un potenciometro a 360 grados o sea que no termina y sigue dando vueltas, no funciona por diferencia de resistencia sino de forma digital, lo mas comunes tienen 3 pins: 1 comun y 2 switches, dando entre 12 y 36 pulsaciones por vuelta, busca en la wikipedia, que se me dan mal las cosas tecnicas en espanol


  13. hola

    pero no entiendo por que no ponen ningun tutorial de como armarlo ...

    o sea se que el midibox se arma en modulos pero no como se entieden con la compu, o sea que modulos necesito para empezar

    -este es un sito gratuito echo gratuitamente y ofrecido gratuitamente, nada es debido, todo es posible

    -hay miles que han construido su MB asi que si no has encontrado las informaciones que buscas es porque no la has buscado bien y no porque no hayan

    no como se entieden con la compu,

    si te suena algo la palabra MIDI bien, sino ponla en google y no siguas con MidiBox hasta que no tengas una idea clara sobre aquello

    que dif hay entre MB64 Y MB64E

    desde el sito www.ucapps.de

    MIDIbox 64


        * up to 64 Pots or Faders, dynamic priorities: latency < 1 ms! :-)

        * up to 64 Push-Buttons

        * up to 64 LEDs

        * one internal bank

        * +16 external banks with every BankStick

        * sends CC/Note/Aftertouch/PitchBender/ProgramChange

        * Min and Max values, scaling over the whole pot range

        * Meta Events allow you to define SysEx strings and more

        * Normal, Snap (Soft-Takeover), Relative and Parallax Mode for pots

        * On/Off, On Only, Toggle Mode for buttons

        * integrated MIDI Learn Function

        * Setups exchangable via SysEx

        * Device IDs to address up to 8 boxes in a MIDI chain

        * Menu Buttons

        * Snapshot Button with Save/Recall function

        * Shortcuts for the buttons (SFB) for faster menu handling

        * LC-Display, different Display Modes

        * dedicated strings for every pot can be saved in the BankStick

        * MIDI-Merger

        * MIDI event filter for the merger

        * Optional RS232 Interface



    || Implemented:


      0%|  o 128 virtual pots which can be controlled with up to

      ||    64 rotary encoders

      ||  o Rotary Encoder Handler with interpolator (quadroubled resolution)

      ||    Example: a STEC16B normaly sends 24 pulses per revolution, but

      ||    the MIOS driver reacts on every falling and rising edge, this

      ||    results to 96 steps per revolution!

      ||  o up to 64 buttons, 64 LEDs (like MIDIbox64)

      ||  o independent selection of parameters (1 of 128) on-the-fly

      ||  o BankStick support (+4*8=32 banks with every BankStick)

      ||  o support for 2*16 display

      ||  o support for (optional) LED-Rings with up to 16*16 LEDs

      ||  o 4 customizable LED-Ring patterns in every bank

      ||  o Menu with 2 cursor and 1 exec button

      ||  o Different Display Modes

      ||  o Named Events (requires BankStick)

      ||  o Snapshot Button with Save/Recall behaviour

      ||  o MIDI Learn Mode for every encoder

      ||  o MIDI Learn for Single encoder, automatic row channel,

      ||    automatic row add

      ||  o Meta Events allow you to define SysEx strings and more

      ||  o MIDI Merger

      ||  o Exchange setups via SysEx

      ||  o min/max values for encoders

      ||  o Sending absolute values: xx xx [from min to max]

      ||  o Sending relative events: xx xx 40 +/- speed

      ||  o Sending relative events: xx xx 00 +/- speed

      ||  o Sending relative events: xx xx 40 +/- 1

      ||  o Sending relative events: xx xx 00 +/- 1

      ||  o Sending relative CC events: CC Inc/Dec xx

      ||  o Progressive Mode for Encoders (faster turns: higher inc/dec)

      ||  o "Fast" Button to enable the progressive mode

      ||  o "Slow" Button

      ||  o different button behaviour like on MIDIbox Plus

      ||  o optional MIDI event filter for the merger


      || Additional features provided by the MIOS based version:

      ||  o runs on a PIC18F452, source code published under GNU GPL

      ||  o On-Screen editing of MIDI Events

      ||  o On-Screen editing of pot lables

      ||  o On-Screen editing of banknames

      ||  o up to 8 BankSticks can be connected (-> up to 64 banks)

      ||  o Remote Control via SysEx

      ||  o banks can be copied

      ||  o an optional global MIDI channel

      ||  o Morphing function which allows to fade smoothly between two pot scenes

      ||  o optionally up to 64 pots or up to 8 motorfaders can be connected

      ||    in addition to the rotary encoders



    como ves hay toda la informacion necesaria solo hay que buscarla, en la wiki hay tutoriales y si estas interesado en el traktorizer el tutorial esta tambien en el thread mismo


  14. hola y bienvenido

    comprenderas que no te puedo esplicar todo aqui en un post pero te puedo dar unas direcciones, antes de todo,

    que tal te llevas con el ingles?

    sabes soldar?

    conocimiento de electronica?

    conocimiento de programacion?

    1)aqui a la izquierda hay un menu: donde dice MB Hardware Platform estan todos los modulos, solo necesitaras algunos de ellos, seguramente necesitaras un CORE, sobre eso no cabe duda, probablemente 1 o mas DIN, quiza 1 o mas DOUT Y AIN

    2)mas abajo dice Projects, sigue un listado de proyectos, tendras que eligir entre MB64 (potes) o MB64E encoders (y potes)

    3)hazte una idea mas o menos clara de lo que necesitas: haz un dibujo, en papel tambien si no sabes dibujar en ordenador, scanealo y envialo aqui en el foro, te ayudara a ti y a nosotros tambien para entender lo que buscas.Haz tambien un listado de botones, perillas, etc


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