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Posts posted by stuartm

  1. Just tried to upload the latest firmware (v4_082). Upload with MIOS Studio (2.4.6) stops at a few percent and reports:


    "Upload aborted due to error #14: Invalid SysEx commandNo response from core after 16 retries!"


    Any ideas ? Also happens with older firmwares ....

    /edit: on STM32 core that is.

  2. @Stuartm: the big question is, in which page such a global parameter should be made accessible.


    Since your request really makes sense (because unequal intensity settings in the tracks result into unwanted delay differences), I could also change it that way, that the intensity parameter is always changed to the same value for all tracks. And if somebody doesn't like this handling, it could be optionally disabled in the (new) Options page (available with V4.078), which allows to add more customization flags without much effort at my side in future.


    Dunno, there's some space left in the Groove page, above No. 7/8 (right after Intensity).

    But your approach with the Options page sounds sensible, might prevent compatibility issues.

  3. Hi there, been absent for a while, now back to jamming with the MBSeq on latest firmware - sweeter than ever !


    One thing I was wondering about: the groove can be set individually per track.

    Would it be useful to have a kind of global groove parameter ?

    I.e.: scale groove itensity (pre-configured for each track) from 0% to 100 % ?

  4. Very nice! Could you explain a bit more which parts of the MIDIbox platform you've used in there?

    Also, how do you get the data for the LED meters? Is that via MIDI or a Traktor-specific protocol ?

  5. The Euclidian sequencer is very nice, very accessible, especially with that pattern display on the right !

    Regarding the Remix page: Killer !

    Just one thing I haven't wrapped my head around yet: when I do a full pattern switch (not remix), not all of the mixer map settings are sent.

    Is it somehow related to the tracks ?

  6. For Live, you could use the ControlSurface Scripts, either by emulating an existing ControlSurface (IIRC, the LaunchPad mainly communicates via MIDI-Notes) or creating your own.

    Having the MB64 LEDs react to MIDI notes should be possible, I was thinking about that too for my Live controller, but never investigated it more deeply.

    The key thing in my opinion to have a definite MIDI response from the DAW, especially when loading a set an "initialising" the controller.

    An "easier" way would of course just to switch LEDs on/off following button presses, but this leads to trouble if the DAW and LEDs state differ on initialisation.

  7. the main page now displays the effective BPM

    This is the edit page, right? Am I too blind to see it ... ?

    /edit: got it, it's actually the page that you get when pressing "exit", does that have an official name ? I call it just "Menu" myself.


    On anther note: when selecting a tempo on the tempo preset page, shouldn't it flip back to the BPM page ?

  8. You're not too far away with the classical Patterns and Song schemes from the old drummachines, however the SeqV4 gives some more flexibilities.

    1) Basic Level is a "Track" (I wont go deeper into parameter layers and stuff right now)

    Thats one sequence which you usually edit notes in and such.

    The "name" of a track is set in the "Track Event" screen, but only shown in the edit screen.

    2) Pattern:

    Four Tracks form a pattern. This is the basic level you can save. The patterns (due to historical reasons) are organised in Banks and Pattern Numbers.

    E.g. 2:E4 is Pattern E4 of bank 2. This allows a large number of patterns, i.e. groups of 4 tracks to be saved in the box.

    When you save a pattern (Utility -> Save) you can define a category and a label.

    These are displayed in the "Pattern" screen, where you can also select which patterns shall play.

    3) Groups:

    The Seq can play 16 tracks in parallel. So you can select up to 4 patterns to play in parallel (4x4=16).

    To have a different naming, these are assigned as "Groups", so you have Group 1 to 4. This was also from an UI point of view to easier access all 16 tracks via 4 group + 4 track buttons.

    4) Song:

    Like on the classics, several pattern can be arranged to a song, i.e. a sequence of pattern to be played.

    There are song positions (A1 ... P8) for which you can define the 4 patterns to play and for how long, but also stuff like mixer maps etc.

    In song mode, it just runs thru as defined in the song positions (think classical linear sequencing)

    In phrase mode, it stay in the song position until you manually select another one (think kinda ableton live clips).

    Hope that helps.

  9. ... i noticed that not all of them are mutebale ... like Note and Pitch are, would it be possible to have also Prob,Delay,Roll,and Roll2 mutable??

    Confirmed here. The Hold-Mute screen for parameter layer muting actually lets you set "Mute" for some parameters, but they aren't really muted / still affecting the track. Not sure whether it's a bug ...

    I found the parameter mute _working_ for:

    - Note

    - CC

    _not_ working for:

    - Velocity

    - Length

    - Roll

    - Prob

    - Delay

    /edit: oh, this is of course on a normal track, the manual just says this is for a drum track. :ermm:

  10. Great to see your project is still going on !

    Two things that popped up for me:

    On the front panel, the vertical distances between the LEDs and the buttons is more or less the same, so it looks like one large grid, which is isn't.

    Could be useful to move the buttons and their respective LEDs closed together in terms of vertical distance to have a better "grouping" effect (at least to my eyes ... ).

    Secondly, have tried to shift the Core32 slightly outside of the main button PCB? That would need extra space on the sides, but probably, the case can get more flat.

    On a similar note, how do you intend to interconnect the Core and the button PCB ? Depending on that, you might save some height space, as well.

    Oh, and I'm quite anxious to see that LiveAPI implementation. If I get it right, it's a dedicated application only for the Core32, correct?

    Keep up the good work ! :thumbsup:

  11. Ich habe den Midibox SEQ_V3 und bin eigentlich damit sehr zufrieden

    Ok, das hat dein erstes Posting nicht verraten. Deshalb hab ich dich in die Newbie-Schublade eingeordnet, sorry.

    Aber da du SeqV3 kennst, macht das die ganze Sache schon mal einfacher.

    Meine Prioritäten habe ziemlich genau beschrieben – geht eigentlich gar nicht genauer (und lieber Transpose als LCD!)

    Ok, eventuell auch nur falsch verstanden.

    Ich meinte, das deine Anforderung "Bedienung funktioniert komplett ohne Display" wesentlich "härter" ist als z.B. die von dir beschriebene Transpose-Funktion.

    Denn die erste Forderung wirkt sich auf das gesamte Konzept aus, letztere ist "nur" eine Software-Funktion und die passende Zuordnung eines Buttons.

    Du hast deine Prioritäten sehr genau beschrieben, es sind aber sehr viele, und daher ist eine schnelle Antwort nicht leicht.

    Mein Vorschlag: schau dir den MB-808 Sequencer an, der wurde wir gesagt so konzipiert, dass er ohne Display bedienbar ist. Schau nach, welche Funktionen schon abgedeckt sind und welche noch implementiert werden müssten ("nimmt alles auf" könnte ein offener Punkt sein, da nur für Drums konzipiert).

  12. Hi,

    das sind erstmal ne Menge Anforderungen, die du da hast. So was "easy programmieren" von Grund auf ist gar nicht drin.

    Du hast aber folgende zwei Stoßrichtungen:

    a) schau dir den existierenden Midibox Sequencer V4 an, viele Funktionen sind dort implementiert, allerdings werden LCDs benötigt; lässt sich vielleicht auch abspecken, aber das kostet einiges an Anpassungsarbeit

    b) schau dir mal den MB-808 Sequencer an, der wurde für den Betrieb ohne LCD als spezielle Variante des MBSeqV3 entwickelt, kann aber evtl. nicht alle deine Anforderungen erfüllen.

    Hardware: in jedem Falle Core, DIN und DOUT

    Noch ein Tipp: sortier deine Anforderungen nach Wichtigkeit, kein LCD ist z.B. für mich höherwertig als eine Transpose-Funktion.

    Im Endeffekt wirst du Arbeit hineinstecken oder Kompromisse eingehen müssen.

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