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Posts posted by stuartm

  1. Hi Chris, welcome to the forums.

    A few comments regarding your post:

    ... building my own personally customed midisequenzer... I'm not too deep into programming and IC's...

    That's a bit conflicting, if you want to have it customised (in terms of functionality), you'll need to do some programming.

    What is not obvious to me:

    Do you want to build a MBSeq or do your very own Midibox design (not just the look of it, the machine itself..)

    I already got a roland sx404 Sampler i would like to control in step sequenzer style, so i would need just a midi out to do this, i guess a single gm5 usb module would do this job perfectly.

    I've got an older SP-404, yes you can trigger it via MIDI.

    I'm not sure why you want to go for the gm5, though.

    Also I'm owner of a edirol pcr300 midi keyboard controller, which comes already with Knobs, sliders and buttons, so i thought i could inicially use this to send the messages to the sequenzer... this would reduce the inicial pricing and layouting pretty much (although i would like to upgrade in future...)

    That is generally possible, see TK's video of controlling/triggering the MBSeqV4 with a Midikeyboard.

    However, this is more an extenstion than a dedicatec sequencer control surface. I mean, you'll need a certain amount of control on the sequencer anyway if you want to use it properly.

    So I guess i could start very fine with just some small enclosure and a few buttons and a display just to change internal values like banks, patterns and so on.

    I think one AIN module and one DIN module would do this job...

    The MBSeq requires two 2x20 character LCDs, otherwise, the MBSeq software is pretty useless.

    How would you programm sequences into the box with limited controls?

    You would have to come up with a software yourself that fits the small interfaces.

    This is not impossible, but needs some serious thinking.

    Now I Come to the questions those answers i couldn't make out yet, firstly and most important one, should i use pic 16 or stm 32? Ive seen these 808 project what is the way i want to go, could it also be done on a 32 bit board? Or is 16bit enough?

    The MB808 is a modified MBSeqV3, so you would need only a PIC-based core.

    For the STM32, currently only the MBSeqV4 software is available.

    I also own some motorola A920 cellphone with touchscreen I dont use since years but still working fine, my question is , is there any way to implant this touchscreen in a midibox?¿? This would allow me to make changes in the sytem without the need of knobs and buttons and would be pretty awsome!!!!

    Again, not impossible, but you have to develop a solution yourself

    Hope to find some answers so i could start as i cant wait to get on work with this heavenly project...

    Actually, it's quite earthly :ahappy:

    Ok, my recommendations to you:

    - keep reading

    - keep thinking about your concept and what you really want to do with the MIDIbox

    - keep in mind that this is not cheap stuff, if you want to get it serious and usable

    Finally, just to tease you, here is a prototype of nILS called "KaffeSeq" that might fit your ideas more than the fullblown MBSeq:


  2. @Echopraxia: think of Ableton Live clip launching quantisation. The other thing you mentioned is "External Restart" on MBSeqV4.

    From a technical point of view, I think is possible, as it is already implemented for the Pattern Change (see Options page):

    Sync. (Pattern) Change: if active, a pattern change made in the PATTERN or SONG page (Phrase mode) won't take place immediately, but will be synchronized to the pattern length of Y steps as defined at the left side of this item.

    From a handling point of view, you need to somehow set if you want to use immediaty mutes or "quantized" mutes/unmutes.

    Maybe a Shift-Mute function? Is Menu+Mute already occupied ?

  3. Hi Peter,

    I have built my MB64 Controller using a 2mm Frontpanel and the same technique with the M3 flathead screws / Senkkopfschrauben and spacers.

    1.5mm should work as well, since you dont put lots of mass on there.

    And yep, only disadvantage is you have screws on the panel surface.

    See also my Wiki article with some photos:


    Anyone ever tried epoxy ?

  4. What Nils is referring to is that the datawheel control whatever parameter is currently "in focus", i.e. blinking.

    When you go the BPM page and "select" the BPM value by either pressing its according button / turing the encoder below, it's then "in focus" or active or selected, whatever you like.

    You can then use the datawheel to inc/dec that value.

    This can by done with almost any parameter that is selected in most pages, incl. the Edit screen.

    From the second part of your post I read that you would like a dedicated BPM control encoder and use the datawheel

    This would require a modification of the MBSeqV3 software, which needs to be done in Assembler since it is not pre-configurable. You have to do some research in how/what to reprogram.

    But remind that this would make the datewheel loose its intended funtion (i.e. general purpose data modifier).

  5. Some updates:

    I've dubbed the controller "StuKontrol", just to give it a name :rolleyes:

    There is also now a Wiki article which I will try to finish soon, also with some more pictures:


    The controller is heavily in use, I'm still refining my performance approach with Ableton Live, recently got kickstarted again by some nice ideas.

    I haven't had the time yet to record another video demo, there will be one, promised !

  6. Here's an MP3 demo of what I mean:


    two layered kick drums, one triggered directly via the Seq,

    the other from the Machinedrum's internal sequencer running as slave of the MBSeq clock.

    First 8 kicks are more or less perfectly in sync, on the 9th kick the ext. restart happens and you can hear that they are slightly out of sync.

    I've tested different ports on the core, direct connections and different machines. All the same.

    I'll have a look at the source code, C is a bit more readable for me :blush:

  7. I would say if the transpose page stayed on octave or semi, whichever being the last setting used globally, would not do much good. I would tend to forget that I set it to semi and make a mistake during jamming. Anyone else?

    Also referring to your first post about this, I would also prefer to have Semitone selected first.

    How about a setting in the config file where you could select if you'd have Octave or Semitone selected first, as a global setting?

    On another issue, TK:

    I think the external Restart is not working as perfectly as it was on the SeqV3. I have the V4 now in the same MIDI setup as the V3 before.

    When hitting Start, everthing is fine and in sync. Stop, Start. Again in Sync.

    Now while the Seq is running, i hit the external restart ("ext. restart request" appears), the start signal is sent, but the slave machines are just slightly out of sync.

    It might be just a few ms, but I can hear it immideately.

    This happens when a stopped slave machine is started again as well as a running slave machine is "re-synched" (tried with different machines).

    Also, when I request an ext. restart while the SeqV4 is stopped (message appears) and then hit start, the slaves are slightly out of sync.

    This slighty discrepancy stays, and the only way to get rid of it was to hit Stop and Start.

    I guess that due to the MIDI handler in the Core, the function is implemented differently in the V4 than in the V3.

    If you need more info or some test data, I'll be glad to provide.

    This is THE killer feature of the MBSeq for me, so let's hope we can get this sorted out! :thumbsup:

  8. Finally, I finished upgrading my SeqV3 to V4!

    I'm still running it in the "old" wooden case to find out which additional buttons are useful for my workflow, then it will get a nice Schaeffer frontpanel.

    I did a few testruns, especially the Live Recording mode, work very smoothly.

    I'm quite happy to be able to play in more-than-3-note-chords with velocity and length :smile:

    As soon as I'm familiar with it and having done the new casing, I will definately do more demo videos!

    Oh, and in terms of feedback:

    Building the Core32 was a real joy!

    When I browsing through the "About this MIDIbox" menu, somehow the button assignments got scrambled (i.e. "exit" was "Follow mode", "Select" became "F1"), i rebooted and it was all perfect again, I couldn't reproduce the error.

    Also I once had a very brief SD card error displayed, but it did seem to affect anything.

  9. Ich ergänze den Thread mal mit aktuellen Erfahrungen:

    Versand von SmashTV ging nach 5 Tagen ans hiesige Zollamt, am 6. Tag (gestern) hatte ich die Benachrichtigung in der Post das ich das Päckchen beim Zoll abzuholen habe.

    Heute dann bei Zoll aufgemacht, erklärt dass es ein Elektronikbausatz bzw. nur einzelne Bauteile sind (damit keine Zollgebühr), mit meinem eigenen Paypal-Beleg den von Smash beigelegten Beleg über den Gesamtbetrag bestätigt, 19% Einfuhrumsatzsteuer bezahlt und fertig.

    Die Leute hier beim Zoll sind immer relativ entspannt, ich gebe aber auch stets korrekt an um was es sich handelt.

    Noch nie Probleme gehabt.

  10. I've had a similar problem with my MBSeqV3.

    When I reached for the left part of the Box, the Seq would always switch to the "Edit" screen, before I could even touch a button. Very strange.

    I can't remember what finally fixed it, but it could have been the R+C Terminator on the end of the DIN and DOUT chains.

    At least that made my LEDs stop flickering all the time.

  11. Song names with 20 characters are already prepared, but they are not editable yet.

    I'm not sure if they are really so important anymore since the new session concept gives you a better way to name (and organize/backup) your projects anyhow.

    Dang, I omitted to read the sessions as they have a separate page. Yes, sound perfect for me.

    In fact, I'm starting to think about the whole bunch of possibilities the sessions will introduce ... nice! :)

  12. I'm currently digging deeper into the V4 user manual, realising all the awesome stuff that's been implemented in V4.

    (I finally ordered my Core32, so V4 is imminent for me :rolleyes: )

    TK: could it be possible to also give the Songs a name?

    As the naming scheme seems to be quite developed, i think it wouldn't be tricky regarding the interface.

    I also noticed there is some free space in the song->utility page.

    So, is there memory (foreseen) for song names ?

  13. :ahappy:

    I also thought about posting this.

    XKCD is the greatest nerd/science/engineering webcomic!

    and I love the "Ardunio - just for Blog cred" on this one.

    He's really into all this stuff.

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