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Posts posted by Shuriken

  1. To respond:

    1. The encoding problem is a conversion problem. As Thorsten said probably not fixable.
    2. I am afraid it's also a conversion e.g. timezone problem.
    3. Might be just the active old ones, hence new ones are correctly displayed. I checked my album from 2009 and it looks ok.
    4. Not sure, might be a conversion problem as well.
    5. I cant find any settings on this. Might be just a new feature of the new version of the board software.
    6. The emoticon problem was fixed. I added the old ones. But it looks like in old post its still not parsed.
    7. Not sure.
    8. This should be fixed.
    9. I can't find anything setting on this. Maybe this setting was removed in the new version of the board software..
    10. Oh come on there is only 9 challenges :wink:
  2. I am very sorry for the people who have lost their money. And if the sad stories from Doug are true, i feel sorry for him. But that does not make it in anyway OK.

    The money is not his to take and he should have either not accept it or immediately return it when he realized he could not keep his end of the bargain.

    However after all these years i do not think it's very realistic to think that the he will ever refund any money. The money is probably long gone for what ever reason. It's hard pill to swallow but this is the harsh reality.

  3. The Rigol DS1054Z looks nice and the price level is the same as the DS1052E a couple of years ago. I would go for that one if i were you. If money is an issue, the Owon SDS5032E is like a 100 euro cheaper.

    Personally i wouldn't buy a scope which requires a PC. You are totally dependant on the whim of the manufacturer. If they decide to stop supporting the scope you are stuck with a very expensive brick.

  4. Ah ok, that's pretty cool. That would completely remove the need for a pc.


    So i guess by firmware you mean the dsp code that normally is uploaded through the software of UseAudio. I would recommend not to distribute that for obvious reasons :wink: 

  5. Well, the good news is you seem to have your build env operational  :thumbsup: 

    About the error you are getting, i am not sure. I do see a change in the makefile.

    Old Makefile (rev: 2172):


    # (following source stubs not relevant for Cortex M3 derivatives)
     ARM_AS_SOURCE = src/wave.s

    New Makefile (rev: current):

    # (following source stubs not relevant for Cortex M3 derivatives) 
    THUMB_AS_SOURCE = src/wave.s 

    If you are up for it, you could try changing it to the old one and see if it compiles.

  6. Clearly make is working. But i guess the option - version is not correct. I don't have a build environment under windows. But under linux the option is either --version or -v. Try that.


    Edit: The wiki has a problem displaying the -- correctly. I have put it in different tags so it's more clear.

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