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Posts posted by Shuriken

  1. The LPC17 Documentation says:


    J4A IIC port. Interface to BankSticks or to MBHP_IIC_* modules like MBHP_IIC_MIDI.



    J4B A second IIC port, which can also be used as an additional MIDI IN/OUT port (MIDI IN4/OUT4) if enabled in MIOS32 (add "#define MIOS32_UART_NUM 4" to the mios32_config.h file).

    MIDI IN4 will be available on the J4B.SC. If a 6N138 based optocoupler circuit should be connected, replace the 2.2k pull-up R10 by 1k, or add a second 2.2k in parallel to get 1.1k effectively.
    MIDI OUT4 will be available on the J4B.SD pin, it isn't required to remove R9 if already soldered - it doesn't hurt.



    So either J4A or if that one in use then you can use J4B.

  2. I might buy the win32 RPi cross compiler pre built ($10) and see if it works: here


    edit: The midi bridge is not required. TTYMIDI is an ALSA midi driver for the RPi UART: here   

    You could do that. Beware that it runs under CygWin. So you still have to do linux commands. Might be cheaper and more flexible to make a virtual machine with Ubuntu 12.04. There are a lot of tutorials available.

  3. I've just started using Raspberry Pi and am wondering how feasible it is to compile MIOS Studio for this platform?


    Of course it would need a serial port driver to work with the Pi's built in UART. 


    It would work with Hairless Midi Serial Bridge (which works great with MIOS Studio, btw) but there's the same issue: it needs to be built for the ARM platform and has various dependencies that make the prospect of a successful build seem a bit daunting.


    I'm not that experienced with Linux so I thought I'd ask for advice.


    You should be able to build MIOS Studio for Pi. Not sure about the Midi Bridge. But there seems to be a sourcecode for linux.

  4. J2: When used as +5V input: for supplying the core from an external stabilized Power Supply Unit (PSU). The voltage regulator (IC6) doesn't need to be connected, also the rest of the voltage stabilization circuit between J1 and J2 (X1, C8, C9) can be left out. If the core module (and all connected modules to this branch) drains more than 100 mA, it's recommended to mount C8 directly to J2 (a small cable between the outer soldering pads of the left-out 7805 will do this).


    So you need to apply the voltage to J2 and not J1. J1 is directly connected to X1, so it does make sense that you don't get any power up. Also you do not need to remove components. You could have just left them as is. It only states you can leave them out (to save on components).

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