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MIDIbox Newbie

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  1. Hi all, I am trying to midify my Crumar DS2. It does not appear to have a traditional keyboard matrix. It has 44 keys, each one send 5v when pressed to an 8 bit encoder circuit. I would like to wire in a Midibox that adds midi in. I imagine I would have 44 connections sending 5V via a couple of DOUT boards. Which project would be best for this application, the Midibox 128 or the Midibox KB? Thanks!
  2. My controller doesn't send a MIDI clock, just start and stop messages. I got it to work by going into MIDI config, Ext. Controls. There I could assign one button to start/stop it via CC messages. So that works for me. Thanks!
  3. I guess the midi standard would be that the MMC controls the start stop. But as far as I'm aware this is not implemented. Am I correct?
  4. Right, I do not want it to slave to a device. Just need my novation impulse controller to be able to start/stop the seq. Partly because of ergonomics, mainly because my switches are starting to die!
  5. Hi there, I was wondering if there is a way I can get my midi controller to control the transport on my Seq4? I read that there is no MMC control for the Seq4. Can I assign CC messages to start and stop my sequencer? Thanks!
  6. Here here! I just hope I don't forget to keep on checking back with this thread. Is there a waitlist or something we can get on? Cheers!
  7. Thank you! Getting back into Midibox stuff recently, now getting interested in diving into the BLM control surface. Oh no!
  8. Hi there, It is triggered with a combination of a trigger and an accent. Thorsten changed the firmware so it can provide individual accent levels for each instrument, like the 909. So the sequencer can handle velocity. As for pcbs I kind of lost my way with this project. I was going to make a few pcbs and make a project out of it but life and other similar looking projects kind of dimmed my motivation to do that. I have eagle files for the pcb if you want them. The firmware obviously here somewhere too. Best Al
  9. Thanks for the suggestions. Looks like I somehow fried my Stm32 chip, it was getting very hot and not responding to MIOS. Not to bothered as now I can upgrade my Core module! Will report back once back up and running.
  10. I found the schematics and board files. Tried attaching the zip file but keeps on failing . Send me your email address and I'll send them to you.
  11. I found this in my old files. Maybe able to dig out the sch/brd files MB-808_Manual_Beta.pdf
  12. Hi there, did you get the problen fixed? I am having the same issue with my Seq4 Aout setup. Gstes, triggers, clocks but no CV... Thanks!
  13. Here is a clip of the Midibox drum Sequencer driving a TR-9090. I have one issue. When in Live mode most of the drums do not trigger manually. I have a feeling it is because velocity is not being sent as well. Any ideas what I am doing wrong? Thanks!
  14. Hi, yeah, sure. I will dig it out when I get back to the US in about 2 weeks. Please remind me then if I don't get back to you!@ Cheers Al
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