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Posts posted by kristal=

  1. Aight, BO closes NAO! I'm running out of cardboard boxes and 17 participants is a great success! Thanks guys! So tomorrow, I'll start calculating the final prices and everybody will receive a PM in the coming days with the final price plus the request for the shipping address and Paypal email address.

    Everybody who missed the BO will have the chance to hop on a possible future BO consideration list.

    Now going to sleep for calculation powers. :sleep:

  2. @orange: Of cause I've seen her :) The switch idea is really nice, I like it. But a fan which generates noise in the audio path doesn't make sense. And as two members are reporting problems, I'm asking myself whether I should save the 10 EUR for a better purpose. Or do you think it's just the Sunon fan that works well? In contrast to the other fans which will generate noise...? Could that be the solution to the problem here?

  3. Good news everyone, Mrs. Guddy replied to me this very moment. She apologies for not replying immediately, she was busy in the company because of her being fresh from vacation.

    Her last sentence was: "Also her mit der Bestellung" which is really hilarious for a business letter. It translates roughly into: So gimme yer order! :rofl:

    This puts me in a good mood, because they are ready to handle our order in a timely manner. So no big changes in the time frame, I'll start to send out the invoices 21.09.-24.09. and hope you guys will pay fast. Order will be send out to ALBS when everybody has paid or latest 01.10.

  4. @Hawkeye: Not too many guys with the sur & family name from my hometown. In fact only one. And I'm sure it has something to do with homeland security reasons. They want to monitor the parcels which leave the US. Besides I don't want my file say under the "exports PCBs and chips from the US" entry "ask too many questions, probably a troublemaker". You'll sure get the full TSA treatment at the airport. :ermm:

  5. That's the exchange of mail. Nothing private I guess, so I post it here with blanked out names. I think the USPIS is happy when ppl are informed, so they don't have to do additional work regarding this matter:

    Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 12:05 AM

    To: *** - Chicago, IL - Contractor

    Subject: Re: US post office parcel#: EC***US

    Am 14.09.2012 02:43, schrieb *** - Chicago, IL - Contractor:

    Hello Mr. Schneider, I am emailing you regarding the above parcel package which is being sent to you from sender:
    **** *
    . I need further verification from you in order to clear this parcel to be sent to your destination because of your name being a common name match. If you can provide me with a middle name or mother's maiden name so that I can finish the processing of your parcel within the next 72 hours. Sincerely, M**** Export Control US Postal Service

    Hello Mrs. ****,

    thanks for your email. Funny, that I get mail from USPS, aren't the parcels normally processed in an automated fashion? I never received mail regarding my name being a common match. Anyway, my middle name is Christian, if you need that. If you forward the parcel to: ****** GERMANY it will safely arrive it's destination.

    Thanks for taking good care of the forwarding process!




    Hello Mr. Schneider,

    Thank you for sending me the inforation requested. I have passed your parcel and it will be arriving to your destination within a couple of days. As for your question below about why I needed the additional information. The USPS follows the export laws and changes to these laws which Homeland Security, Customs and Federal Government impose on us to follow. You are correct when you stated that you have received mail from the US before and that you have never before had to give additional information, but as of August 1, 2012 things changed. The parcels still go through our sorters as before, but now the sorters have been programmed with information that if a sender's or recipient's name matches a name on a common name list provided to us by the above agencies than the parcel will be pulled to the side and held for further inspection. The parcel than is processed and brought to my department which is Export Compliance and this is where we start the verification process of making sure that the name of the sender or recipient is not a complete match with the name of the list it was matched with. This is the reason why thousands of customers are contacted by my department every single day for additional information and be able to pass or return the parcel which are going outside of the US. These implementations are to protect the senders and recipients on both ends. In order to obey this further inspection, what you can do is when you have a parcel coming from the US, ask the sender to include your complete name as you have provided to me and ask for the sender to include their complete name, unless it is a company. I hope this brief explanation of our new process helps understand why the need for the additional information and also provides a solution to avoid delays in the future as far as your parcels go. If you have any other questions feel free to contact me via email.



    Export Control

    US Postal Service

  6. lol :laugh: aber cool, mach doch mal videos, wenn alles steht. kriegst auch ein youtube abo von mir. wenn ich nicht auf studioboxen sparen würde, würde ich mir den seq4 auch fertig bauen. und auch die mb6582 ist erst zur hälfte finanziert... naja bin auch ganz froh, sonst nimmt das bei mir auch alles überhand.

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