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Posts posted by kristal=

  1. hi,

    also wenn noch ein platz frei wäre, würde ich auch gerne mitmachen :flowers:

    da ich kein münchner bin, aber grad noch bayer, müsste ich erst 3std mit dem mietwagen anreisen + hotel, deswegen muss ich auch das ganze von meiner mietnebenkostenerstattung abhängig machen, je nach dem wie hoch sie ausfällt.

    könnte notebook, sequenzersoftware, kleinen midicontroller und soundinterface mitbringen. und fränkisches bier, falls jemand drauf steht. gute laune sowieso.

    würde jedenfalls gerne mal die pros kennenlernen und hallo sagen.

    grüße & servus kris

  2. I'm just thinking about heat and not ruining the PCB ;)

    If you got problems with heat, I guess a temperature controlled one might suit you best. My idea was ruining stuff with an uncontrolled solder station is probably more likely and expensive than spending money on a t-controlled solder station.

    @Hawkeye: I like my respiratory system as much as I like pink elephants. For me there are better ways to get high. :rofl:

  3. Hey Spazi,

    I've bought this station --- http://www.china-zhongdi.com/zd-931.htm --- for around 40EURs @ reichelt.de / Maybe available in your country, too .

    Noob friendly temperature controlled. Soldered a sammichSID with it and now a core32. You can always go cheaper, e.g. with the model ZD-99 with only a knob for temperature control for around 12EURs, but I like the digital feeling and 40EUR was not expensive for me.

    What I can also recommend is their smoke absorber -- http://www.china-zhongdi.com/sa01.htm -- got it for around 20EUR.

    Of course not necessary, but it is really nice when you're on a soldering spree. No nasty fumes in your eyes and lungs.

    :sorcerer: Maybe the hardcore pros are laughing at me, but for me it's really convenient.

    Just wanted to share my experiences with this soldering station, maybe someone could contribute his opinion, too.

  4. @Nils: Danke für die Antwort :smile: , jetzt leuchtet mir das Prinzip zumindest theoretisch ein. Da die günstigen Displays aus Polen/China schlecht dokumentiert sind, hab ich mir jetzt eins mit nem ausführlicherem Datenblatt gekauft. Sogar 3EUR gespart.

    Das Datenblatt zu dem Display (http://www.artronic.pl/o_produkcie.php?id=548) sagt mir: Pin 17 / Level L. Wahrscheinlich Low. Und sofern ich das richtig verstanden habe, wird bei Low der Reset gesetzt. Also löte ich ein Kabel von Pin 17 zu Pin 2 (VDD +5V?), da ich ja das Display nicht resetten brauche. Oder liege ich da falsch?

    @Hawkeye: Joah, also mal lieber nicht so viele Experimente. Werde mit dem 128x64 Display schon nicht falsch liegen. Hab eh schon einen halben Tag damit verbracht, Datenblätter zu studieren. Bin froh, dass ich da zu einem Ende gekommen bin.

  5. Hi Imp, danke für den Input

    habe auf http://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=10261 einen ähnlichen Beitrag gelesen, wo es heisst

    Except for RST (pin 18) which I left off because you can connect it however you like. Straight to 5V, through a momentary-off switch, or to an Arduino pin.

    Jetzt frage ich mich, was dieser RST Pin überhaupt macht. Anscheinend das Display auf den Urspungszustand zurücksetzten.

    Gibt es da keinen Pin auf dem Core32, der das übernimmt? Ich will ja das Display nicht dauerhaft resetten. Bin aber leider überfragt und erst am einsteigen in die Thematik.

  6. Hallo liebe Midiboxer,

    meine Core32 Modul dümpelt noch beim Zoll herum, deswegen habe ich mir in der Zwischenzeit Gedanken um ein passendes LCD-Display gemacht. Die LCD-Module Seite gibt ja schon viel her, bloß bin ich auf ein kleines Pin-Belegungsproblem gestoßen.

    Will mir folgendes Modul kaufen: http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=390248619120&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT

    Müsste ja grundsätzlich schon mal stimmen, hat einen VEE Pin, damit entfällt die (bei mir) fehleranfällige Bastelei.

    Das Datenblatt gibt mir folgende Pinbelegung: http://www.artronic.pl/o_produkcie.php?id=1219

    Leider verstehe ich nicht, wie ich den Pin 17/RST am LCD-Display auf dem Core32 anschliessen soll, weiß jemand mehr?

    Bedanke mich schon im voraus für Eure Hilfe.

    Beste Grüße

    Martin aka Kris

  7. Ich will jetzt nicht extra einen neuen Thread eröffnen.

    Ist es normal, dass meine 6581 SIDs schon nach kurzer Zeit sehr warm werden ?

    Alle VoltageTests sind erfolgreich ... irgendwie macht mir das Angst.

    scheint normal zu sein:

  8. hi duke,

    eigentlich ist es eine gewissensfrage, entweder du beharrst auf dem standpunkt, dass es ein geschenk ist und du keine rechnung dafür hast. das gegenteil ist schlecht beweisbar.

    oder du bringt den paypal ausdruck mit und zahlst auf die 240usd 19% steuer + zoll.

    ich hab mich damals für letzteres entschieden und vater staat 40EUR in die hand gedrückt. hab mich aber irgendwie trotzdem schlecht gefühlt, da man mir einfach das geld abgezockt hat, wofür ich aber keinen konkreten verwendungsnachweis bekommen habe (z.b. schule gebaut, giftstoffe in billigprodukten gescannt etc.) das geld könnte ebensogut auch für den transport von haubitzen nach afghanistan verwendet worden sein.

    die entscheidung liegt letztendlich bei dir. :clover:

    grüße kris

  9. ultra: well, if you're familiar with those devices, a video won't make much sense. i'd probably tell you stuff you already know. bummer with the rgb-matrix, but i understand it's complicated and you don't see an advantage in that. did a more lowcost and affordable approach towards

    an ableton controller today. maybe one could be realized in the future, when things are more clear.



    post-7120-051791700 1285428251_thumb.jpg

  10. @ultra: 5 colors are still impressive. i'm curious how this will look like. okay, i was wrong with the expression "overkill". i meant overwhelming :-))

    well, for the video i promised you... are you familiar with a clip-launcher? like the apc40 or the launchpad? because i'd like to just give you some humble input. not that i'll make a video and tell you stuff you already know.

    for the current frontpanel layout: your matrix is 9x6. but the button pad from livid is 8x8. are individual sizes possible?

  11. @tk: great to hear that rgb-leds are supported! i guess it doesn't make a difference if they are smd-mounted? at least if you are ignoring having them soldered.

    @ultra: 7 colors are more than sufficient! if your api forces ableton's colors to the nearest possible color, great. at least you can distinguish them. haven't made a video for you so far. my condo is in a mess and i'm lazy to clean it up before making this video. hope i'll find some energy soon.

    aren't the dogxl-displays a little bit of an overkill? but looks definitely interesting! have you thought about track selection buttons and solo buttons? you would have to add 2 more button rows, but they come handy. for example, selecting a track and changing the parameters of a plugin.

    or mute all other channels out.

    for some visualization for what a rgb-matrix could look like, i made a rendering of my rgb lcd-switch matrix idea:

    post-7120-036740200 1285342990_thumb.jpg

  12. i do think it's a shame to have the ability to read clip names and not put them on the midibox.

    that's what i'm talking about. my problem is, that when the clip matrix gets crowded, you're no longer able to differentiate between the clips.

    especially when more than 8 tracks will be used in a session and you are browsing with the red box. i'll make a video tomorrow to show you what i mean. it's just a big timekiller, thinking which clip in ableton corresponds to which button on the matrix.

    my idea was that your api is telling the midibox the name and color of the clip which then will be routed to a seperate module with the lcd-switches.

    as your api seems to already tell the midibox the clip's name, it would be awesome if the api could additionally tell the MB the clip's color.

    but as i do not know how much work this will involve, i'm already happy that your api is supporting motorfaders and clipnames.

    so i guess i should put my money where my mouth is, sell my apc40 asap and get a core32 module and a development kit for the lcd-switches.

    basic idea:

    post-7120-047166100 1285173645_thumb.jpg

  13. i have the ability to load almost any piece of information i want regarding live into the midibox.

    ultra, that's awesome! :-D

    okay i understand what you are planning. easy kits for diy. well, as you are bound to a duo-color matrix there's nothing i can think of what can be added. the preview button sounds reasonable. doesn't eliminate the time factor when doing something on the fly, but at least it's less prone to pushing the wrong button.

    as for the instrument programmer. maybe you could add a battery of switches to switch on/off certain synthesizer features. sometimes you have menus with 3 or more features you want to select, but you can only choose between them via midi. for instance, midi value "1" is a saw wave, "64" is a sin wav and "128" is a square wave. sometimes i want to switch an osc on the fly, but i haven't seen a controller which features a programmable switch to switch between those 3 states. the apc40 has a switch to select different devices in a track, but a lot more of them are required if you want to do awesome stuff.

    for the dj box: if motorfaders are supported it would be awesome, because of above mentioned problems. if they fit a pactec-10 it would be ideal.

    the lcd controller is a good idea, too. my dream controller would have a matrix of those switches:


    so yeah, i'll keep on dreaming :ahappy:

    the reason i want to use the pac-tec pt-10 is because it's compact, inexpensive, and easy to get. the idea is that anybody will be able to build this without having to build anything custom. if you know of another case, tell me plz.

    unfortunately, i don't know a suitable case. i thought about building one myself. and if one is build, 5 or more can be built simultaneously for giving something back to the community.

  14. okay, as an user of the apc40, i'm pretty unhappy with its limitations.

    the matrix doesn't support rgb-leds, everything is green. or red when launched. but you can't distinguish one clip from another. when looking for a specific clip you want to launch, you first have to process/think about the pattern in the ableton session, then you check back the pattern on the apc40, then you launch the clip. but all this processing/thinking/aiming about pushing the right clip is pretty time consuming and kills creativity and your flow.

    so for example, if the api could tell the controller that the drum clips are violet and the synthesizer clips a blue and the matrix-leds therefore indicate the drum and synthesizer clips in their colors, it would be like being a child on christmas eve. or alice in wonderland with all the colors. :frantics: don't know if that's feasible but your impact on the artists using such a matrix would be huge.

    oh and regarding the faders of the apc40. it's such a joke, i don't know who is using this thing for a professional live session on stage. because if you load a session into ableton, start some clips and then move a fader trying to increase the volume on a channel for example - it does nothing. first have you have to move the fader to the top and then it will do something. but the audience will be super happy if the fader first have to reach the maximum volume level before you can choose the right one you need. it's nearly impossible to use it in a professional way. if your api could eliminate this joke you probably could earn a huge sum from ableton, because the current situation is rather unsatisfying.

    so enough with this rant, it's just the current situation with the apc40 and i'm looking forward to contribute something towards a better ableton controller. i'm a bad programmer, so maybe i should design a case or something.

  15. sweet idea! does your live api support motorfaders? like if a fader is moved in ableton, it will move on the controller as well? and will the api support led-ring knob states like the apc40 does? because if your api will meet these two criteria, i'm going to sell my apc40 immediately and build my own abelton controller. with a hell lot of knobs!! :-D

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