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Hi, Ich schreibe mal hier auf Deutsch, da ich nicht wirklich des englischen mächtig bin und hoffe das mir jemand mal auf die Sprünge helfen kann. Folgendes: -System MBHP 18F452 mit 2x16Z LCD, 1 x DIN, 1x DOUT - angeschlossen sind 32 Taster und 32 LED's Mittels der Taster 1..32 sende ich einen PC Befehl, jeweils 1 bis 32 und dazu jeweils eine LED synchron zu den Tastern. Das Problem nun, die LED's werden angesprochen bei dem entsprechenden Taster, aber entweder nur kurz an, oder dauernd an oder Toggle. Wie schaffe ich es, das die LED anbleibt und erst aus geht, wenn ich den nächsten Taster drücke. Die Relay.ini, bei (midio128) hatte ich mir angeschaut, da funktioniert das ja, allerdings nur wenn ich einen PC Befehl in den MIDI-In schicke. Vielleicht geht es ja auch so nicht. Vorraus schomal danke für eure Unterstützung LG Uwe
Hi everyone. This is my first post on this forum. I have studying forum and for three years. Sorry for my bad english in some cases. I got an old organ "Ahlborn C33" made around 1960's. There are two manuals and pedal (and 33 stops). The instrument is functioning, but it was in very poor condition. Many of the keys did not work, some stops were not working, and the amplifier and speakers were outside the organ, because there was no room inside. The organ had about 200 ECC82 (12AU7) tubes and associated electronics that served as oscillators. Here are a few pictures of what they look like: I don't have old picture of mine working, but this is the same organ (without speaker boxes). I decided to remove all the old electronics because it was not possible to repair. Not only are the parts were unavailable and expensive, but the sound was not anything special. From the organ I use almost everything except tubes, resistors and capacitors. Many keys were damaged and needed to be glued or otherwise repaired. Each button has about a 10-15 contacts. I have removed the old cables and for each key merged only one wire. I soldered a wire to multiple contacts for a better grip (old 56K resistors are not connected). After that I again put mechanisms in their old place. Here's the picture: Also I made a fixes to pedal, but there was more work to do, because some mechanisms were literally broken. Then I ordered a printed circuit board and made connections to DIN, DOUT and CORE. I used two CORE printed circuit boards because there were more than 128 DIN. I have plenty of space in organ so I installed an old ATX case and motherboard ASUS P5PL2 (with CPU Celeron D 2,6 and 3,5 GB of DDR2 RAM). All this is powered by ZALMANN quality silent power supply (400W) that powers the PC and MidiBox (5V for logic and 12V for the foot-light). I installed the 60 GB SSD hard drive due to its speed and silence. PIC Midi printed circuit boards are connected to the Game Port. This motherboard have gameport header. It works great and proved to be the best solution for my case. Because Windows 7 and 8 can't support the old Game Port, I installed Ubuntu 14.04. The sound card is the integrated, and if need be, we can also think of a better (PCI or USB). Audio amplifier and speakers (2x12" 4 ohm) are mounted into organ. Speed: - computer turns on and loads Burea church samples in GrandOrgue in 1 minute and 5 seconds. - computer turns off in three seconds. Instead of the old registers that can be used for other (smaller) organ, I put aluminum panels with buttons and LEDs. I have not installed the panels on board yet. Later I will add labels. Sorry for plenty of wires :-)) . I'm sorry also for some bad photos. Now - one problem. I have two foot pedals (for great and swell manual). How to connect them to the "mbhp core"? On each of them I put linear potentiometers of 5 kilohms. The center of each potentiometer (taper) I connected with short cable to the analog input on the "core". The ends of each potentiometer I connected to 5VDC and GND respectively. However in "MIOS Studio" nothing happens when I move a foot pedal, there are no "MIDI events". All other controls are working properly. What could be the problem? Is there anything further to do to get a foot pedal operated with the application MIDIO128?
Hola, we recently had some very rainy days in southern Germany and MIDIbox-build-fever struck again, so I had to do something... my project build stack is very large, and even some started projects are not complete yet (MBProgramma), but this one has been on the wishlist for even longer than the Programma, so I just had to start it this year... otherwise it would probably never happen :-). I have to say, that the MIDIbox platform is phenomenal and addictive! It would be so nice to work on something of this quality on a daily job basis... results can be reached very quickly, the documentation and code base is great. Thanks a lot for everything, TK.! Let's start... Motivation * DAW hate Turning on the computer and loading a DAW as complex as Ableton or Cubase makes sure any of my already limited inspiration will be gone by the time it is able to record MIDI. I'd like to sit down and "just jam". I felt, very often, that what i played was lost in time, because, of course, the computer was off. So I wanted a simple MIDI recorder, that "just records" automatically a few seconds after turning it on, without any major interaction. If what was just played sounded nice, it would be automatically stored on SD card in compatible .MID format for later playback or even some DAW-based post-processing. If not, well, one could just jam on, or delete the track (called clip in this app). * Hardware minimalism Building the unit should be quick and cheap. There should only be a minimum number of buttons and encoders. I managed to build everything including the control surface (yes, i know, it looks cheap, but it also was cheap :-)) on one long weekend - and so can you. We just use standard hardware (STM32F4 core, one DINx4, out DOUTx4 and a nice display). Because there are few components, it is very viable to do it on vector board, no immediate need for PCBs... * Space minimalism As we all have very limited available upfront space in our studios, the unit is separated into a very small control surface (16x8x1.5cm), which is connected with a 40-PIN old-computer-IDE cable to the base unit, that contains the Core, the MIDI ports and the DIN/DOUT modules. * Bling Every MIDIbox needs a bit of bling... I always wanted to use that 256x64px OLED from Newhaven. TK. helped me in getting it connected a few years ago, but we never managed to initialise it 100% (there was some flicker). Meanwhile, Newhaven updated their Datasheets, and after further experimentation, the display now works very nicely and is flicker free. The display is still available on the market, and there even has been a reissue from Newhaven - it came to stay at least for a while, it seems. The 16 grey/blue levels are fantastic! Connection to a STM32F4 is very straightforward, you just need a 3V3 regulator, as the onboard STM32F4 regulator is too weak. Functionality (already completed) * Realtime MIDI Recording and playback (functionality cloned from the MIDIO128 MIDI recorder, thanks for that! :-)) of nearly unlimited length to compatible .MID files for later postprocessing. No quantisation or step-recording, we have the MBSEQ for that job! * Graphical Note output. For bling reasons, we currently display notes in voxel space. That means, when a note is played, a "mountain" is drawn - left side are the low keys, right side the high keys - the mountainscape is scrolled continously, so that we "paint" a mountainrange while flying over it. Beats/quarternote timing is indicated in the mountainrange, by an area of "even terrain". Higher mountains = higher key velocity/louder notes. A demo video should be up soon :-). Smooth framebuffered playback @ ~30fps, the STM32F4 is great! :smile: * Proper MIDI sync with a MBSEQ V4. This was very important, as the SEQ is the mastermind and controls all MIDI synths here. Pushing play on the SEQ, while the loopa is armed will record "in sync". The same applies for playback: when a clip is armed for playback, and the SEQ is started, it will playback in sync with the MBSEQ as a MIDI timing master. This already really works really well, and i spent the last night just smiling and jamming! :smile: * Beat LEDs are working - the leftmost is a red LED and will blink on every beat/ quarternote (like MBSEQ), there are three more green LEDs, which will flash on the 16th notes. * The illuminated clip switches are working. For later on, the illuminated switch will show, if a clip is "filled" with MIDI data (solid on), is armed for playback (blinking slowly, every quarternote) or is armed for recording (blinking quickly, every 16th note). Work in Progress/Wishlist This will likely take a a lot more weekends of programming and adding code to be complete. But then, I really love to see small steps of progress. Even now, just a few days after starting with the project, the unit is quite usable, although it just records to SD and plays back a single clip and draws some nice voxelspace mountains while doing so :-). Further items on the wishlist are (all unfinished, yet): * Support for a graphical variable-width-letter font, that supports the 16 shading levels of the OLED. This allows to use an antialiased font for a clear display and "visually round font corners". * Support for playing back up to eight pre-recorded clips in parallel (currently only one clip is supported). The idea is to load the MIDI files into memory and play them back with a mute/unmute feature like in the MBSEQ V4. * Support for synchronized muting/unmuting of clips * Support for looped clips * Support for editing clip start/endpoints, e.g. for loops or for one-shot playback (with the left and right encoders) * Support for multiple sessions (one session holds eight clips) * Support for a 2D noteroll display (toggle "Mode" button to switch between 3D voxelspace and 2D noteroll is already reserved :smile:) ... hope you like it so far, i will update this thread, when new changes are made to the software. Have a great time! Peter
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I connected both the pedals and the keyboard to my midio128. After some tuning (notes not working, broken ic etc.): all notes work and I can play. But sometimes I get some random ghost notes especially when I use the pedals. Even if these ghost notes sound funny: there are difficult to stop... So I want to get rid of the ghost notes. Possible solutions I could think of: 1) reduce the length of the wires: hardly impossible 2) replace the reedcontacts of the pedals (22 out of 27 are very old) 3) connect a powersupply to the diomatrix of the pedals 4) reduce the resistors of 10k to 100k????? combination of the solutions... Next step is to connect a swell pedal(s), fader and the registers. I ordered an ainser64 pcb so as soon as it arrives I will continu. Robert
Hi All, I'm building a 2-core MIDIO 128, and have everything up and running...EXCEPT, the two refuse to merge. Each core works perfectly independently, and I get the appropriate MIDI data output. I've created new .syx files for each core with merge enabled (I've tried only doing one at a time, as well), and even had a friend send me known-working .syx files for a 2-core setup like mine. Still nothing! Core 0 (outputting to the PC) works just fine when the two are daisy-chained, but core 1 does nothing.