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Best Eurovision Song EVER!!!


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Translation anyone?

I managed to pick out the word "Eurovision"

Or as it would no doubt be spelled in my heathen country "err-oh-vee-zow"

Is the song somehow written about the modular on centre stage? Is this why it is there, but not patched AT ALL!!?

Great clip. Eurovision is hilarious. ;D

(P.S. Apologies is eurovision is meant to be serious)

(P.P.S. Bring back LORDY)

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Is the song somehow written about the modular on centre stage? Is this why it is there, but not patched AT ALL!!?

Maybe you missed this long-standing tradition.... If I had a dollar for every unpatched/unpowered/uncabled in some way musical instrument I've seen...phew....

Slash in the November Rain video clip wins hands down though ;D

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Maybe you missed this long-standing tradition.... If I had a dollar for every unpatched/unpowered/uncabled in some way musical instrument I've seen...phew....


I think there is a niche going wanting here.

Someone needs to write a song for Eurovision about a modular synth.

unfortunately it can't be me, as I'm not european.

I'm throwing down the gauntlet!!!

Get cracking, you lot!  ;D

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