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UPDATE: My SID is finished


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Not sure if the fuse is absolutely necessary or not. I don't have one on my circuit, but it prolly wouldn't hurt to have one. I use a 12v wall adapter, feeding into a power distributor. in the distributor I have a 5v regulator tapped into the 12v rail that feeds the cores and the 12v feeds the Sid modules. I placed a filter cap on the 5v rail and it all works fine for me.

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if you're anything like me, space is an issue.  i was constantly planning the layout inside my enclosure.  the fuse from the C64 is gonna take up a lot of room, especially if you are using the giant radial caps from a C64 instead of axial caps.  aside from space, the fuse isn't really necessary unless you are a little paranoid that your PSU will explode!  ;D

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took me a bit to find it, but here it the picture. this is what I use to distribute power to my modules.


the 2 pins setting in front of the regulator is where I plug in the 12v wall adapter. the 5v sid pins connect to the vs/vc pins on j2, the 5v core pins connect to j2 on the core module, and the 12v pins connect to j1 (any pin) on the sid module. the big cap is for power filtering.

I used a big heat sink cuz I still have to add the DIN and DOUTs to my project, to keep it cool.

I found it cheaper to do it this way instead of hunting down a C64 PSU. Works good for me.

there you go, if any of this helps. :)

to get it to power SID 6582/8580 modules, you just use a 9v adapter instead of a 12v.

Oh, I can post a simple layout for it if you like. ;)

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I like keeping everything tidy when i build stuff.

And space would normaly be an issue, but not at this stage.

Im building a simple 1 SID (6581) configuration for testing purpose only.

I have a whole C64 enclosure to fill with stuff :)

And one should never joke about explosions.

Last year my head exploded from smoking weed.

Im not kidding man!!!!!!  :P


Thanks for the ideas!!

I am using a real C64 PSU for my setup.

I got a few when purchasing C64's in my hunt for SID's.


When it comes to powering the Midibox SID, iv'e discovered that confusion is a big part of it =)

I like graphical stuff..so...

Wich one of these are the right one?

This one? unconfuser A


or this one? unconfuser B


Im wiring everything together, and hopefully i'll have some bleeps comming out of this monster sooooon.

But im still very very carefull when it comes to the PSU part.

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din pin numbers are weird.  i think so that pin numbers stay the same between the variants.

these do happen to be pin 4 and 5...

shamelessly stolen from : http://personalpages.tds.net/~rcarlsen/cbm/pinouts.txt,

which i found lo those many m00ns ago, when discussing this with wilba.

(facing the right side == looking into business end of the jack)

The power connector pinout for the C64 is shown facing the right side

of the computer:

          9VAC -----7            6----- 9VAC

      ground -----3                1----- ground

        +5VDC -----5          4----- +5VDC or no connection

                                2----- ground

Note: although only four pins are actually used, the power connector

is a 7 pin DIN, as shown.

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I see. Thats interesting.

but..now that i see that quote.

The pinout numbers confuses me more hahah  ;D

should i bridge pin 4 and 5 according to the pinout youv'e provided here?

Because if i just count the pins clockwise (dissregarding the numbers in the pinout you've provided),

and bridge pin 4 and 5, then i would actually bridging ground to +5VCD

But if i follow the pinout you've provided then (counting clockwise and again,

dissregarding the numbers in the pinout you've provided),

i would have to bridge pin 3 and 5...

Am i making any sense?  :-\

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hahaha haha  8)

I dunno if it's the same elsewhere, but to roll your eyes at someone is generally a pretty offensive gesture... I get the feeling that in some countries, that's not the case... Sometimes I see it used on this forum and it just doesn't "fit"... Am I getting it twisted?

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should i bridge pin 4 and 5 according to the pinout youv'e provided here?


bridge them on the pcb that is, not on the psu plug...

...(dissregarding the numbers in the pinout you've provided),

don't do that, these are the proper pin nombers.

Am i making any sense?  :-\

no. *whack*

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I was certainly not trying to offend you in any way.

I was joking with you.

And if you where offended i apologise and ask you to forgive me.

In Sweden we roll our eyes at eachother telling eacother how dumb we are,

because it's funny. Especially among friends, and nobody gets upsett.

Mabye our humour is wierd or something.

Either way, i'll be more carefull in the future, and again.

Im sorry if i offended you stryd_one.


i like it when you whack me  :-*

Thanks for the right pinout. I'll be of soldering the last wires now.

It's gonna be lovely!

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Okay fellaz.

My beast is alive! YAY!  ;D

At this point my SIDv2 only have with 1x 6581 SID stuffed.

I wanna make shure im doing everything correct, before building something bigger.

2x40 LCD, 10 Menu select buttons, 3 buttons for UP/SHIFT/DOWN (in that order),

1 Encoder with push button (push button will be used for "MENU" function),

and the original C64 powerswitch reused.

No banksticks yet, but i'll implement that later on today (if my girlfriend will let me),

and it will be a full set of 8 sticks.

Wanna see her naked?  :o

I've included some filthy pictures of her undressed,

don't worry though, shes not very shy! YUMMY!!!

The LCD used in this picture was not working properly.

So i changed it, and apparently neither of them where backlit. :(


Don't worry, i'll get rid of the cardboard in the final assembly.  :P

Im also going to cut the protoboard, leaving only the part with the buttons.


As you can see she is "Ready"....


..only problem is...ready for what?

Where do i go from here, im not shure about what to do next...  :-[

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It's easy to forget basic stuff like applications..breathing....

I'll get right on it!...as soon as iv'e figured out how to do that.  ;D


Ok iv'e got midi cables hocked up and MIOS Studio running.

I also downloaded the  midibox_sid_v2_0_rc18 application.

Now do i simply choose "MIOS HEX FILE UPLOAD"?


Ok iv'e tried "MIOS HEX FILE UPLOAD" option.

I selected the hex file to upload "setup_6581.hex".

I then chose wait for "upload request before staring upload".

After this i clicked "Start", and then i waited, and nothing happened.

So i unchecked the "upload request before staring upload" box and tried "Start" again.

Nothing happens.


I do not understand what's wrong (or what's going on).

Iv'e connected the midi IN and OUT from my CreamWare Pulsar to the MbSID.

In MIOS Studio, iv'e routed "MIOS Studio Out Port" to "CreamWare MIDI In/Out 1",

And from "Creamware MIDI In/Out 1" to "MIOS Studio In Port".

Iv'e even put up a MIDI monitor in my Scope Fusion Platform to see if i can get any

midi data from MIOS Studio when playing the "MIDI Keyboard controller", but the Midi monitor stays blank.

It's almost like there is no data getting sent from MS?!  :-\


this is soo frelling annoying!

The she beast is built, and she's looking to me for guidance,

and i can't help her. It's heartbreaking really.

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MIDIBox hardware powered off

MIOS HEX File Upload

Smart Mode ON

Wait for upload request ON


MIDIBox hardware power ON

Logs of happiness will ensue.

Sounds like that's not the problem though. What version of mios studio is it? what version of java? Do other apps send midi which can be seen in your scope monitor? Other java midi apps?

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MIOSStudio_beta7_5 and Java SE 5.

No other apps sending midi, and i have no other Java apps.

Sounds like that's not the problem though.

Im affraid you're right Stryd.

My problem runs deeper than that.

I think i know whats going on.

I had a simillar problem back in the days when i owned a

Encore Electronics Knobby rotary controller.

I was not able to access the device when hooked up through my Creamware setup.

I actually had to take the Knobby over to a friend,

using a regular "gameport" midi cable.

Only then could i fully access and program the Knobby.

Well, the only thing the CW MIDI monitor detects is when i turn my she beast on.


And this is normal. I know my boards.

The monitor will detect stuff comming IN from "outsider hardware"... :-X

Other than that, it seems like my CW boards incorporate a hardware midifilter on the board.

Cuz nothing that i do in MIOS Studio, will register in the in my CW MIDI monitor.

Exactly as with the sysex editor for my ol' Knobby.

And i have gone through this also:


The only thing left is digging deep in my old boxes for an old school midi cable,

and go over to my friends house. Im almost certain that would do the trick.

So close..and yet, so faar away dammit!


geeez...i can't believe this..

Cable nowhere to be found, none of my friends have it and stores ar all closed....

anyone got schematics for a gameport/midi connector?

I need something to do or i'll go beserk.


found one.


And you're gonna love this.

I have everything i need at home....exept...ah yes...no optocouplers..

Now that's just perfect.

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