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problem on boot up


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  hey i just got my original midibox out to play and it seems to have a problem on boot up

  its the pic 16F877 running midibox 64 v3

  it gets to about 10-12 in the boot up and just stops sometimes the lcd doesnt come on

  i hope someone has an idea as im out of touch with my midibox thing so any ideas would help

  lots of love and light  regards kris

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thanks very much for the replies

  good call stryd it was a power supply issue all now sorted

and doc my mistake its the right pic but the version is 0.30

its now back to its usual very reliable self after changing the power brick

so its playtime again 

  thanks to all who contribute to this amazing midibox thing

regards kris

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  i just dont seem to get time at the moment

    im living out doors at the hill of tara the electronics im doing are wind turbines,solar panels and regulators

rather than musical equipment

  i should be back on board as i have a couple of midibox projects sat as components waiting for the time to finish them


lots of love and light  kris

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Im building a chicken coop as we speak... I hoping to get chickens to control midi, and give eggs. Does that count?

Awesome! The only reason I work, is to pay for my music, and to save for my dream of owning a fully self-sufficient farmland. (With enough natural power and people to make music of course!)

Anytime you want a new neighbour, you just PM me!  :D

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