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midibox debug manual


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I've just finish the Core module, but I have somme question/request :

First, I burn the pic with e de bootstrap loader, it wroks... the I turn on th core, with midiox I send the mios sysex... everything OK I think. And then I upload the application via sysex?

It's not very "clear" for me...

Maybe a debug document for the midibox could be a greta idea (ie, explain how to program, how t use testing application ect... A manual helping to test everything)

thanks!!!!  ;)

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Hey Pilo...

I think the ucapps site MIOS section has enough info to get u goin with the 18F's already - it tell's u what to do in a few simple steps. Theres also a download section with 18F test applications and such - it really isnt as daunting as it first seems, u'll eventually be more comfortable with the process over the 16F's :)...

Anyway, after u turn it on and receive the sysex msg that confirms the bootstrap burn was successful, u just send the MIOS o/s itself (within 2 secs - might have to try a few times), afterthat u can upload other applications -- on the fly!! ;))



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I've got no trouble with the mios, all works (hum.. ths jdm and the core) at the first time. Uploading MIOS and the test program also worked great. I test it with one test program (i'm going to go on now).

But what I want to say is that maybe writing a beginner tutorial can be helpfull for some people. I think there's a way to do thing, build the JDM, the core, test the core with test program ect, and maybe some people don't do it, build to much stuff at a time, and when they test womething goes wrong, but it's too hard to find where...

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But what I want to say is that maybe writing a beginner tutorial can be helpfull for some people. I think there's a way to do thing, build the JDM, the core, test the core with test program ect, and maybe some people don't do it, build to much stuff at a time, and when they test womething goes wrong, but it's too hard to find where...

Why don't you document the best procedure? :D

Any walkthrough would be great!

Help the MB project.  More people build, causes more innovation, causes more cool features.

If you run into a hard part of making a walkthrough post about it, that part might be easy for others here who would probably help if they know what's needed.  ;)



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Its just not a debug, but SmashTV told me to put it here:

For the MB LC:

Can somebody tell me the usage of all those buttons? I mean those listed in the lc_io_table. The most are clear (like solo or so), but others are just hyrographical... e.g. whats that weird record ready? (the same for some of the LEDs)

Would be perfect if somebody could make a small list or so...

Also the question. As you put the LC to the MIDIs at your computer and tell Cubase (or similar) that there is an Logic Control, is everything done? Is there not more to do?

AND: What is the big difference between Logic Control and Logic Control XT? And that Mackie Control?

Not much, or is it?

Very gratefull for your answers!

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there is a complete listing of which buttons to connect to which IC pins on this post....


good luck, I'm happy to answer any further questions ;)

BTW upload procedure put simply.....

1. burn the bootstrap loader, using IC prog

2. start up midiox, configure as per Thorstens instruction page (how to sysex, I think) Switch on the midibox, send the MIOS v1.2 within 2 seconds of turning on the midibox

3. now load the application, using midiox again (don't have to do the 2 second thingy this time)

load the

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Just the *last* stupid question about those LC stuff: Whats that LC XT ? Extension? or Extended?

If Extension: Also working with the Mackie Clone?

Thanks again.  :)

/edit: Ok, just NOT the last question.......

About the Motorfaders: As the touch-sensitive ones are kinda expensive: Is there a possibility to emulate such a touch-sensitivity? Meaning a button or kinda like that.

What is the (e.g. ALPS) Fader sending to the core, if a touch is recorded? Is it just 5V or some pattern of bits or what?

Hmmmm.... just not thinking this *WAS* the last question... ;D

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