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Re: another MB SID.. [Finished!!!] ' Greenie' updated pictures.

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i finished the build last night after redoing the down/up/shift buttons so i could cram all these parts including the DIN4x module. ;) spent all day playing around with Greenie!!! this thing sounds so phat and mean!  of note: i had one of those LaCie type power supplies around. yeah, they're a wee bit noisy, also makes noise when its turned OFF (actually way more than when it is powered on)!!! wtf!?  maybe i go for the optimised PSU.. oh yeah and my encoder is a bit wonkey..  skips sometimes. those two items withstanding im quite pleased with my first effort and im STOKED to rock out on my new friend!!!! Yeeeeah!!!!!  ..working out the rest of the gremlinz.. ;)

big up  everyone in this community.. MBHP rules!!!

esp.. smash for the wicked kits and of course TK. all you guys have this project dialed in!


Good job nice a and neat... I'm having the same issues with my encoder... Gonna buy a new one and try removing the indent pin on the one I have to see it works any better... Your right the SID does sound phat...


yes, that case was an A/B switch in it's past life.. :)  ..and i have a second case just like it, so eventually there will be a pair.

i tried to recycle as many components as i was i was able, several old hd cases died for the cause, and the nice stainless hex bolts come from dead iBooks, other hardware from dead Dell laptops.

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