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SID (((stereo)))- FINISHED and NAMED!!


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"Fix"? you mean "workaround" :)

It's definitely best to do it the 'proper' way. I could go into lots of detail about why you should, and why it may not matter, but I'll keep it brief: If it was my midibox, I'd definitely do it Wilba's way ;)

i know what you are saying but i'm not sure i need 8bit mode to run my LCD...  it seems to be 4bit and 8bit compatible.  if i understood what Wilba was saying about the code end of things, i would be more than willing to change what needs to be changed.  i'm more or less overwhelmed and intimidated by "rebuilding" code and there isn't enough about rebuilding the code for me to follow Wilba's overview without f***ing my Sid firmware up.  the Pin switching on the core is no problem but i have no idea how to even start with the code.  i assume that along with the change id app, i will have to modify the 6581main hex file that i already modded for SIDL/SIDR to also use a custom LCD driver?  do i need to write a driver?  last time i checked, the lcd driver links were dead.  i don't know stryd, i may as well get a new LCD so that i don't have to worry either way... :(  i am eternally grateful for your guys' help!!  i'm just a little lost again...

[edit] here's a link to my LCD user manual:  http://www.sure-electronics.net/mcu,display/DE-LM004.pdf

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i know what you are saying but i'm not sure i need 8bit mode to run my LCD... It seems to be 4bit and 8bit compatible. 

If you've got a PLED (did i remember correctly?) then it might *say* that it's 4-bit compatible, but many are not - including Wilba's and mine - which is why Wilba made this 8-bit driver. If you have a different LCD it might be the same :( If it didn't work in 4-bit mode, then it doesn't work...

Edit: When you ran in 4-bit mode, you had the four unused pins on the LCD itself and also the core LCD socket, connected to nothing, right? If you used an 8-bit style cable with the 4-bit LCD that might explain your problem.

if i understood what Wilba was saying about the code end of things, i would be more than willing to change what needs to be changed.  i'm more or less overwhelmed and intimidated by "rebuilding" code and there isn't enough about rebuilding the code for me to follow Wilba's overview without f***ing my Sid firmware up.

Well you won't **** the hardware up, so if you have a working copy of the firmware, then just copy it, and work on the copy. If all else fails, you can roll back to the original :)

i assume that along with the change id app, i will have to modify the 6581main hex file that i already modded for SIDL/SIDR to also use a custom LCD driver?  do i need to write a driver?

MIOS has a great feature where the ID of the PIC will select a certain driver. You just have to tell the assembler (GPASM) to build that driver into your hex file. The MB6582 package contains the custom driver that Wilba made. Just find the section in the file. Use the search, you'll find it :)

last time i checked, the lcd driver links were dead. 

Which ones? We'll fix em up.

i don't know stryd, i may as well get a new LCD so that i don't have to worry either way... :(  i am eternally grateful for your guys' help!!  i'm just a little lost again...

You worry too much :) You will find once you try it, that it's not as hard as it sounds (or sometimes, that it really is as easy as it sounds, even though you didn't think it would be)

Edit: have you searched the forum for 4-bit LCD yet?

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If you've got a PLED (did i remember correctly?) then it might *say* that it's 4-bit compatible, but many are not - including Wilba's and mine - which is why Wilba made this 8-bit driver. If you have a different LCD it might be the same :( If it didn't work in 4-bit mode, then it doesn't work...

Edit: When you ran in 4-bit mode, you had the four unused pins on the LCD itself and also the core LCD socket, connected to nothing, right? If you used an 8-bit style cable with the 4-bit LCD that might explain your problem.

OK  here's the deal.  when i bought the LCD, the place i bought it from said it was an "OLED" LCD. is that different than a "PLED?"  second, initially i did have D0-D3 connected to nothing, but now i have D0-D3 on J15 of the core connected to D0-D3 on my LCD and it works PERFECTLY.  no feezes, no nothing.  so, i can't see why going against the old "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" adage would help UNLESS, i am harming my core because of this connection.

Well you won't **** the hardware up, so if you have a working copy of the firmware, then just copy it, and work on the copy. If all else fails, you can roll back to the original :)

yeah, i'm just overwhelmed.

MIOS has a great feature where the ID of the PIC will select a certain driver. You just have to tell the assembler (GPASM) to build that driver into your hex file. The MB6582 package contains the custom driver that Wilba made. Just find the section in the file. Use the search, you'll find it :)

do you mean search the code or MIOS has a search i can use to find certain lines in the code?  i'm having a really tough time figuring out 1. what ID to give the PIC since it is already 0 unless it stays 0 and re-uploading the ID will cause the IC to ask for a new LCD driver (?) and 2.  what to do with the driver once i figure out what the driver is.

Which ones? We'll fix em up.

as far as i can remember it was this one, http://www.ucapps.de/mios/lcd7_clcd_v1_9a.zip but i haven't checked it lately...

You worry too much :) You will find once you try it, that it's not as hard as it sounds (or sometimes, that it really is as easy as it sounds, even though you didn't think it would be)

Edit: have you searched the forum for 4-bit LCD yet?

yeah, my wife says the same thing about me worrying too much... i can't really help it :-[

as far as the search goes, i just kept getting results to this thread and nothing else... i'll keep at it.

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i have the same type of PLED 'OLED' and wired it in 4bit mode per this diagram..

also omit the backlight connections for that type of display.

it is very happy. ;D


i did the wiring according to that diagram and that's when i started having the freeze problem, then i connected the 4 remaining pins (D0-D3) to their respective connections and voila!  it seems to be working in 4-bit mode, just not with TK's omissions.  i seem to be repeating myself a lot don't i? :P  i noticed some people have said that they had to ground D0-D3 on the LCD end.  i wonder if having them connected to core J15 is replacing the grouding???

@stryd- if you're still interested in making the wiki for modifying the setup_*.asm, i could really use a crash course in changing the LCD driver.  i had a look at the main.asm file as well as the app_lcd.inc file that wilba linked me to in the device id v1.9d and i have no clue what to do with them... i understand the process of re-compiling now but i have no idea how to change the driver and how to recompile it with the setup and device id, etc. without someone holding my hand.  sorry.  i'm really nervous to change all this when i know it's functioning already.  i don't want to ruin this after i've come this far.  i don't mind messing with the firmware but once i mess with the core like wilba said, there's no turning back...   :(

by the way, here are some pre-finished photos:



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OK... upon further investigation and the reading of countless threads (maybe 5 or 6), i came to the conclusion that the unconnected Data pins D0-D3 needed to be grounded and that was what i was doing by connecting those four pins to there respective locations at J15.  i can't remember who said it first but NorthernLightX is the guy i remember off the top of my head.  anyhow, i felt guilty for connecting the 4 data lines to J15 so i disconnected them and grounded them and it works perfectly once again! ;D  i'm writing this for 2 BIG reasons.  1. to add a conclusion to my super-über-newb thread and 2. to get on stryd_one's good side again... ;D  so now, it's off to the drill press to make a face plate and post some pictures of my new MbSidv2(((stereo))).  for those who haven't gotten to the LCD issues yet i say this:  i got lucky and found a PLED that runs in 4-bit mode.  do not follow my lead and do what ever you are told by the guys that know what they are saying.  i hope i can help people as much as i have been helped.  i'll post pictures soon.  i am now going to venture into the land of Atari and try to harness the infamous POKEY with nILS...  :D ;)

p.s. forgive me stryd!!! for i have sinned.

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2. to get on stryd_one's good side again... ;D p.s. forgive me stryd!!! for i have sinned.

I do hope you're joking!?

OK... upon further investigation and the reading of countless threads (maybe 5 or 6),

LOL that's not the first time you've cracked me up :)

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I do hope you're joking!?

well... for the most part yes.  i was just being stupid, but a little part of me wasn't joking because i felt a little guilty about relying on my workaround for so long.  "stryd's golden rules" can really get under your skin after a while and i'm usually not one to half-ass things at all.  eventually i decided to face my fears and figure out exactly what was going on with my LCD and it paid off!!  basically, i just wanted you to know that i respect you and your knowledge (as well as everyone else who have given me pointers) and i didn't want to seem like an arrogant newb.  i really look up to you guys.  you guys can do a lot of really really awesome stuff that i really want to learn.  i don't mean to get all sentimental but you know what i mean.  thanks again TK, wilba, stryd and everyone else who helped me out. ;D

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Hows it going Buhler?

Case finished yet?

i have about a day's worth of work left...  i had to re-do the button layout under the face panel which set me back a little time.  i'll post pics on Monday.  i'm stoked to have it finished!!! ;D  i need a little help naming it though...

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Here she is!!!!   ;D

• 2 *matched* 6581's

• Pactec KEU-10 enclosure

• buttons and knob reclaimed from a 1993 Adcom GTP-450 receiver

• 2nd Midi out as well as Midi thru and In/Out led's

• step B CS

I'm so stoked!!! let me know what you guys think and/or if you guys have questions.

i would post pics of the inside but it's the most unholy thing i've ever seen.  it's SUPER crowded inside that thing. 

i was going for a retro sci-fi look as i said in a previous post so... i hope i captured that!!  anyhow, thanks fellow midiboxers for the support!!!

[edit]  i have a buddy who said he'd etch my CS for free, so that is one more step in the process but otherwise, IT'S FINISHED!!!









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Well done!

I haven't visited this thread in a while, so for completeness, let me just briefly revisit the 4-bit vs. 8-bit driver issue.

My PLED didn't like having D4-D8 grounded in 4-bit mode, they needed to be open... and some other LCDs I had also needed this.

Do what works. On the MB-6582 PCB, they are open on J15, so using a "MIDIbox standard" 8-bit ribbon cable between LCD and J15 will therefore leave D4-D8 open.

You can ground those pins on the bottom side of J15 if you need to, leaving the cable "standard".

If you have trouble with 4-bit mode, enabling the 8-bit mode in the MB-SID V2 firmware does not require recompiling MB-SID V2, all pre-built firmware versions will have the 8-bit LCD driver inside, you only need to change the PIC ID and change the LCD type to "custom". This can be done by burning the bootloader again, or running the change_id application. If anyone has trouble with using change_id, they can always post to the forum and people can check they're doing it correctly, I can even personally build you the .hex files you need, instead of wasting time on a walkthrough that might never be used.

Now that the boring bit is over...

Well done again!

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