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MIDI IN or octocoupler problems

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yes, there are several ways to test the MIDI In by using a LED.

First step:


For this test you have to solder two cables to the bottom side of the core module. The LED should lit (take the polarity of the LED into account, the short leg is the cathode and has to be connected via a resistor to Vss). So long as single MIDI events are received, you won't notice a difference, but with a continuous SysEx stream the LED should begin to flicker.

Note: so long as the LED is connected directly to the Rx pin, the PIC will *not* receive the MIDI data due to the power consumption of the LED. This method is only usefull to test if the MIDI signal is available at the Rx pin.

If the LED doesn't lit, connect the anode to the optocoupler (Pin IC2:6). If it still doesn't lit, connect the anode with the +5V rail of the optocoupler (Pin IC2:8 )

If this doesn't help you to detect the error, continue with the next step:


In this configuration the LED should only lit when MIDI data is received. Than more MIDI events are received a time, than brigther the LED. If the LED doesn't lit, check the polarity of the protection diode before the optocoupler. Also check the polarity of the MIDI cable.

If both tests didn't help, ensure that your MIDI interface is working correctly: take a MIDI cable and connect the MIDI Out with the MIDI In of your interface in order to get a feedback loop. Send a MIDI event with MIDI-Ox (just use the virtual keyboard..) and check if the data at the input and output monitor is the same.

disconnect the LED after the tests, otherwise the PIC will receive no MIDI data.

Best Regards, Thorsten.


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  • 2 years later...

Both tests are ok for me but I still don't seem to receive midi. My midibox was working until yesterday : (I had then the bad idea to reupload the MIOS), so it has already worked (and no hardware changes since, only programs updates) ... Midi In doesn't seem to work, everything is well configured in MidiOx, I don't what to do now ...  :'(

The only tests that does not seem to pass is this one :


Could it be possible that my octocoupler passed away ?


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