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Question Set Number 2


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I have some quick questions. :P  First is I read the wiki but I still don't understand AOUT DOUT AIN DIN what is there function?

Also what would I need for a complete control surface with only one sid.  From what I know its a core module, a sid module, and then what?  Basically I want a full fledged Midibox Sid with only one sid.  Thanks for the help, You guys are the best!

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Complete Control Surface (Step C)


Additional parts and modules:

n x core modules

m x SID modules

the minimal control unit (see above)

an improved PSU (ca. 1A) - the C64 PSU should be prefered due to the seperate +5V output for the core module(s)

3 DINX4 modules

2 DOUTX4 modules

14 additional rotary encoders (in difference to the datawheel, non-detented encoders are recommented here, but detented will also work fine, for example M-SW-ROT from Voti or the Bourns encoders from SmashTV's Shop)

32 additional buttons

99 LEDs

ca. 2-3 veroboards for mounting the buttons/encoders/LEDs

a nice frontpanel

Costs: most expensive parts are the rotary encoders (ca. 15 EUR) and especially the frontpanel (selfmade ca. 25 EUR + a lot of time, premade ca. 100..150 EUR!)

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TK uses the CS-Step C

In the Manual you can see the OLD Version of CS-Step 3. The LED-Matrix have now a 8. Line his calles Volume. You can select the SID Module per core (Left and Right).

Here a List what the Modules are do:

AIN: Analog Input

Thats for Controle Voltage apps

AOUT: Analog Output

Controle Voltage Outputs to controle Filters or Synths

DIN: Digital Inputs

For Rotare Encoders or Switches also . . .

DOUT: Digital Output

For LED´s or 7-Segemnts LED-Displays

For CS Step3 you need 3 4xDIN Modules and 2 4xDOUT Modules (look at the standart DINPUT and DOUTPUT Shematic at the SID_Manual).

and then the Encoders, Switches an LED´s.

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ooh, ooh, thats a question I think I can answer! on uCapps there are different versions of the DIN module listed. he means 3 DIN modules which have the 4 "74HC165" ICs.

here is a schematic off uCapps:


and here is an example of a 3DIN module:


anyone feel free to correct me if im wrong, and bludgeon me over the head with a hammer :P

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Just a sidenote, it may pay to be precise with the terminology to avoid confusion. a DIN is one single pin, which you would connect to a switch. A DINx4 is a module with 4 Shift registers on it, each one having 8 DIN's.

So, those pictures are a DINx4 and DINx3 module.

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  • 1 month later...

with things like buttons, LED's and Encoders, etc..  i would order WAY more than you think you need because you are most likely going to use them on other projects...  especially seeing as you've posted your build list a few times in other threads. ;)

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