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how to set YAC #2 as the first YAC ?

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Hi guys

i'v build an OPL3 board, buying readymade PCB,

but i have only one YAC512, and i soldered it on the PCB has shown on this image from the Thorsten tutorial : mbhp_opl3_1.jpg

but i realized after that : "on my PCB this is the place for the second YAC, so i'll have only outputs 3 & 4 !

nevermind, i won't take more risk with the YAC, i let it there. "

my two outputs #3 & #4 are working fine (with the Testtone app)

Now my question :

how can i set my only YAC (OPs 3 & 4) as the main YAC, so the CS will show me OPs 1 & 2 ?

is it clear ?  :-\


thanks strid_one  ::)  but i'm looking for a safer solution, i don't want to desolder and resolder it, i'm too scary with this little piece of 90's electronic !

of course if it's the only way.... i'll do it  :'(


I'm sure you could do some firmware mods to make the app think it's talking to one pair (of channels on the OPL3, not the YAC!) when it's talking to the other.... But honestly I'm not interested in spending time on that, when the real solution is to get it right in the first place ;)

I hear Wilba has so many, he's got to sell them

really ? thanks, i'll contact him

but until i get a second YAC, i'll do the stryd_one method  :P

thanks guys for your help.


If it's not too late, what about crossing the two wires the OPL3 uses to send data to the YACs? It could be just a matter of cutting two PCB tracks and soldering a pair of jumpers.

Here's what the schematic says:

IC1 pin 21 (DOAB) --> IC2 pin 4 (DIN)

IC1 pin 22 (DOCD) --> IC4 pin 4 (DIN)


Thanks ris8 , it's not too late but i prefer put a second YAC, i bougt one yesterday and shoud receive it next week.

If i burn the new YAC, i'll try this  ;)

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