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Video of MB Sid, Seq, + Klee Sequencer all in 1 unit


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py ttntn, smthy.

h's dmnstrtng th kl, nt th sd.

t jst hppns t b n th sm rck, whch s prtty cl.

dd py ttntn, th fct h ws nly dmnstrtng th kl ws n n sd f my cnscnc, nd th fct tht h nvr pstd t p hr, r vn sd thnks t TK r nyn ls wh hlpd r srvd hm n nywy - ws n th thr sd f my cnscnc.  ;)

^^^ t lst  cdlnt fnd ny f hs psts. Bt yr rght  shld f chngd th ttl whn  rlsd tht mstk.

f h ddnt thn thts prtty gnrnt:

vryn n hr wh hs fnshd  Mdbx shld t lst tk 10 scnds t sy thnks fr t. - MH

nd f crs m ls wr ppl cld thnk by pm/ml ls, s th rst f th brd dsnt knw bt t, whch cld ls b th cs hr.

Rdtd my frst pst nw snc th n mntn rgmnt s nvld. Ws crnky lst nt ll.

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blv m, thr r lts f mdbxs t thr md by flks wh dn't frqnt ths frm.

nd tht's jst fn.

s yr pnt, bt ts jst nt fn t m fr sm rsn.

stll thnk tht ppl shld shw thr pprctn.

wld d t s why shldnt nyn ls?

cknwldg th fct tht TK cld f sld th MB-Sd fr nstnc, fr gd knws hw mny tms mr thn th sdsttn,

nd cld f md  lt f csh.

Th fct h dcdd t mk t pn src  t th pblc nstd , nd g wll t f hs wy t d s,

T hlp stngrs n lmst vrywy h cn jst s h cld shr hs crtns wtht hm, nd jst hs whl clncl tttd t th cmmnty, cnstntly pdtng thngs, nd nswrng qstns.

Th pr gy prbbly dsnt gt mch tm t st dwn nd mk msc, nt s mch s h wld lke 'd mgn.

Whn y sm p ll th wrk tht h ds, t wld nc fr ppl t tk 10 prcs scnds t f thr bsy lvs nd sy "thnk y!"  ::)

I dnt knw, mby m jst vr-mpthsng wth hm r smthng/

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dnt knw, mby m jst vr-mpthsng wth hm r smthng/

thnk s,  ls thnk Thrstn s ld ngh t tk cr f hmslf

Wh sd nythng bt tkng cr f hm?  ???

m jst gvng my strng pnn tht ppl shld thnk hm f thy hv blt smthng h crtd.

Th whl pnt f my lst pst s t shw my wrnss f wht h ws dn,

nt t lck hs sshl r nythng!!!

gss 'v gt t ccpt tht thr wll lwys b shrtsghtd nd gnrnt ppl t thr tht wnt gv thr pprctn,

bt thy hv n xcs nt t m.

btw  mnt t pt  fllstp nstd f  / t th nd f tht ln!  :)

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'm knd wth smthy n ths n. ftr ll tht th cmmnty (nt nly TK, w ll spprt ch thr) gvs t hlp ppl b bl t crt  mdbx, t wld crtnly b nc f thy spnt  fw scnds t sy thnks, nd gv smthng bck. t's nt lk w xpct thm t dlvr tch spprt nd fght bgs nd sch, t's nt  "rl" r nythng stpd... jst cmmn gd mnnrs. f smn dsn't wnt t d s, tht's thr prrgtv.... nd t's mn t btch nd mn bt th rd bstrds ;) Jst bcs  ccpt smn's rght t chs fr thmslvs, dsn't mn  hv t gr wth thm.

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ths mght prtly xpln why s mny bldrs rn't mmbrs

(r jst rn't mr ctv mmbrs) f ths frm

.....r myb ts th fct thyr  bnch f gnrnt cnts!

Ths s my frst tm sng  btch mn bt srs wh dnt cm bck nd sy thnks n th whl yr v bng n hr!

S  cnt s t mny ppl gttng scrd wy.

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ngh f ths fl lngg.

n mny frms, ths wld rslt n  bn.

plgz fr th fl lngg,  rmmbr hvng sss wth t n hr bfr, s ts  xtrmly hypcrtcl fr m t s t tdy.

ts jst ths tttd ttlly psss m ff.

nd f crs nw v crtd my wn bd tttd by rtltng t t.  :-\

nywys, f smn dsnt lk th fct tht ppl n hr wll ht smn fr bng gnrnt,

thn thts n frkng xcs t B gnrnt.

cnt s why y hv n prblm wth smn wh rfss t tk 10 lwsy scnds t f thr lf t shw  hmbl pc f pprctn.  ::)

s f Mdbxs wr jst smthng mgc tht pprd n dy, tht tk n hrd wrk r cmmtmnt.

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K Gys,

Nw tht w sgm t b clmng dwn. My  pnt t th fct th Kl s  cntrl vltg srt f bx rthr thn  MD dvc, thrfr t s vry nlkly t b drvng th MBSD. Ths gy hs dls f nlg kt s h s lmst crtnly sng tht.

n  thrd ('ll dg t th lnk f nyn wnts t) n th lctr-msc.cm frms whr ths prtclr Kl (nd th vd) r dscssd, th prsnc f th MBSQ nd MBSD r dly ntd nd rcgnzd.

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My  pnt t th fct th Kl s  cntrl vltg srt f bx rthr thn  MD dvc, thrfr t s vry nlkly t b drvng th MBSD. Ths y hs dls f nlg kt s h s lmst crtnly sng tht.

n  thrd ('ll dg t th lnk f nyn wnts t) n th lctr-msc.cm frms whr ths prtclr Kl (nd th vd) r dscssd, th prsnc f th MBSQ nd MBSD r dly ntd nd rcgnzd.

h w knw ts  sprt mdl mn,  wsnt spcltng thtt ws drvng t t ll.

Jst wld f lkd t s  mntn f t n hr.

Th gy cld f vn thnkd tk prvtly fr ll  knw, s t trnd nt  rnt bt th ppl wh dfntly dnt.

K Gys,

Nw tht w sm t b clmng dwn.

Tht  sm t b clmng dwn mr lk!    :D

'm clm nw nd thrs rlly, n pnt n rntng n bt ppl wh dnt sy thnks bcs thrs nthng w cn d bt t rlly!

Thrd lk ths jst t p vlbl tm, nd my plgs t ll fr th dstrctn!

Bt mtnl rnt ? jz!  :P

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Jst t clrfy - 'm nt rfrrng t th bxs n th ntl pst, r thr crtr. Dnn th stry thr nd cldn't cr, tht's nt th sbjct f th dscssn 'm hvng.

nywys, f smn dsnt lk th fct tht ppl n hr wll ht smn fr bng gnrnt,

thn thts n frkng xcs t B gnrnt.


ths mght prtly xpln why s mny bldrs rn't mmbrs

(r jst rn't mr ctv mmbrs) f ths frm

S, yr lgc s, tht ppl rn't ctv n th frm, bcs thy dn't wnn b dssd fr nt syng thnky? r jst bcs thy gnrlly dn't lk hvng t srvd p jst lk t s? f s, 'm gld -  cn crtnly lv wtht sch ppl. 'll dss thm nywy, thy'll sht th mssngr. t's th dn thng. t lst y hv th chns t sy t 't my fc', bt y'r stll shtng th mssngr.

r myb thy jst dn't lk bng rnd ppl wh bhv ths wy.

Crm t p yr hlr thn th, bgfght ;D

(PS: nyn NT hvng  mtllc sng stck n yr hds nw, cn lv)

t lst h hs th blls nd pssn t stnd p fr smthng thr thn lyng dwn fr vryn. Y'r bng sft.

Clm bhvr s gd fr clm mmnts. c-bmbs r gd fr ppl ctng lk c-bmbs. Sy t lk t s smthy, sy t hw t fls, nt hw y'r mnt t ct.  lkd t bttr whn y shwd sm pssn.

'v cnsrd th hck tt ths pst jst fr y prm. 'm stll nt sr f tht ws th rght thng t d,  fnd bf's nd yr tttds fr mr ffnsv thn ny swr wrd...ll f whch  hrd n 2nd grd...srsly mn, tghn p, swrng s nt gng wy, y bttr gt sd t t.

S th thng s, f  fnd yr tttd  ffnsv, shld y stp xprssing t? nd, f y fnd my wrds ffnsv, shld  stp syng thm? S f y cn fll n th blnks n th n nswr t bth qstns: F*** n.

t's nt lk nyn hr swrs  *lt*. f smn ws rlly tt ln, swrng ll vr nd mkng th frm gnrlly xclsv f yngr/ldr/rlgs/tc dds, tht mght b dffrnt, bt ths ws n swr wrd, sd n n pprprt cntxt.

Th wy y gys bhv, t's lk dsgrmnts dn't hppn whr y lv r smthng. Lk y dn't spprt th cncpts f pssn r mtn rngr r frstrtn r stndng nd vcng nd fghtng fr yr blfs.... Yt, hr y r, stndng nd vcng nd fghtng fr yr blf, tht ppl (smthy nd  n ths cs) shld nt stnd nd vc nd fght fr thr blf....Whch mks m wndr: r thr ny gd prtmnts fr rnt n Jptr?

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This mean piece of malware is so evil that it will simultaneously ruin your mood by causing your friends to fight with each other, turn up the thermostat on your freezer (so your ice cream goes melty), and charge women's underwear to your credit card while trying to date your wife.

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