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silkscreening pcbs with asphalt


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My photoblog: things as they were today.

The pcbs are tonepad fx's and papareil MIDI to CV-Gate MCV-628.











to be continued tomorrow... ferric chloride, laque and drilling bazillion holes later in jevelry dept...

and don't tell me there's more elegant etchant solutions exist.  ;D

i know, i know.

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my dark evil plan originally was to screen the mb6582 panel graphics for myself.... but then making of cnc g-code failed.

if you know someone with proper cnc/lasercut in TLV area, lemme know!

p.s. no probs with making you cool boards.. you have to drill them, that's the pain!

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second day photos and conclusions.

image076.jpg Adding solution

image077.jpg Boards thrown into the etchant


image081.jpg Too Fresh solution: time adjusting

image082.jpg time to wash them off

image083.jpg Rinsing waters

image085.jpg Washing out the asphalt with (crude?) oil




image089.jpg Ready to laquer, 1mm drill and parts num screening (if any exist  ;D)

But... hey, stop.

The most important thing i learnt today... is that not screens born equal. Precisely...

There are screens you can not use with delicate images which require precision. Like, screening clothes is different from screening 0.025mm lines

The key is Density...  ;)

I used 2 different screens with different densities.

THE BETTER RESULTS (APART KINDA EATEN TRACES WHICH CAUSED BY INCORRECT TIMING WITH SOLUTION) WERE DELIVERED BY MORE DENSE SCREEN, APPARENTLY 90-100, while second screen (the papareil -bigger- boards and others) was estimated as 70-75: it gave us more rude and coarse results, inacceptable for even moderated QC.

More than that, quantity of asphalt matters as well: less you put onto the screen, better results you get.

and the scan to evaluate said above:


link to higher resolution image (x4)

... Proving the silkcreen density importance, we gonna make NEW boards tomorrow with all-new-out-of-the-bag screen marked 120 . should be even better then.



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