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Video Interview featuring some MIDIboxes


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Here is a video interview of my band (a duo actually), is in spanish, sorry.

At some point there are some takes at my studio, showing my synths, and

some of my DIY ones of course.

You can see:

DIY ones:

- Mini64 (MIDIbox SID in a shortened C64 case) (a good shoot of it)

- MIDIbox 64 (32 knobs MIDI controller)

- TR-9090 (909 clone)

- micro noise (A kind of optical theremin)

Non DIY:

- Oberheim Matrix-1000

- Yamaha TX81Z

- Boss DR-110

- Novation BassStation Rack

- Roland Alpha Juno-1

- Roland Juno-106

- Korg MS-10

<a href="http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=46627282">Transmision 03 Cosaquitos en Globo</a><br/><object width="425px" height="360px" ><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><param name="movie" value="http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/embed.aspx/m=46627282,t=1,mt=video,searchID=eb2f731b-6fbc-4174-b3ce-fe5ebaad1b00,primarycolor=,secondarycolor="/><embed'>http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/embed.aspx/m=46627282,t=1,mt=video,searchID=eb2f731b-6fbc-4174-b3ce-fe5ebaad1b00,primarycolor=,secondarycolor="/><embed src="http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/embed.aspx/m=46627282,t=1,mt=video,searchID=eb2f731b-6fbc-4174-b3ce-fe5ebaad1b00,primarycolor=,secondarycolor=" width="425" height="360" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"/></object>


Hope you like it.

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Thanks for your kind words.

Glad you like the music.

And yeah, our first album is on iTunes, but I didn´t have any MIDIboxes at that time.

We recently finished our new album, but we don´t have label for it yet. In this one

I used the MB SID in 8 of the 9 tracks. I love it.

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