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6582 Panels Processing Studycase


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Just like th original.

here is the process of making.

dsc2400netpt2.jpglaser cut

? These are bulletproof size, checked and tested for our super-cool QC acceptance.

A studycase: 2 panels were processed differently to compare the end result.

Paint, applied at stove (heat? correct me with right term for that) and anodizing. Both black, od course  8)


anodize_forumanodised panels

? Those panels were passed to polisher to make the plates flat as much as you can.

FYI, Laser cut leaves some marks on the surface (because of melting process), and scratches are unavoidable,

in any case, so you must polish before anodizing: all surface marks will be there after the process and every scratch will be be seen, but about this later.

anodize_preview.jpg polishing: cropped part to check the quality (click to see entire image)

? Production quality. Of course manual processing makes it fine art as almost every other thing on earth, but i was interested intentionally to check the production quality standard (about manual handwork, later - again)

even bigger image here


stovecolor-forumPainted Panels

? Those panels were passed to painter, which processes them in heat stove.

stovecolor_preview.jpg Painted: cropped part to check the quality

? Production quality.

Big image here


Manual polishing when anodising

anodizeBACKSIDE_forum.jpg backside of anodised panel

? Polished at the beginning with automatic coarse polisher, later manually with 800 to 2000 sandwaterpapers,

and silk at the end - before passing it to anodizing. It's truly matte.


Big image here

In the future, in order to make panels for other projects i estimate this studycase as being invaluable lesson learnt with knowledge gained.

Now... the screening! Next week.

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both the paining and anodising i got free (connections!).

lasercut - a set for $25.

On top of this add gas to the respectable places. (about 70$)

Screening free as well (locally)

Please do not ask me to make some panels for you:

I would not take this job off from Doug, especially after his investment into cnc mill for the community.


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  • 6 months later...

the silkscreening time came!

i knew that if i don't do it that week, it wouldn't be self-done at all.



On a lightbox, underneath weights lay transparencies with artwork. screening time 220 secs.


Screen with resulting image, after washing out emulsion.






drying took about 10 days in open area.

here it is:



(click here and here for bigger resolution)

i was trying to design a bit different personalized layout, too.

With manual process and inappropriate screen density, after trying a couple of times anyways,

i realized it's way hard to achieve the desired look with available means - and so i skipped on default wilba's layout.

anyways, here and here i attach my A3 transparencies to download if someone should find themselves trying to repeat my trial.

Have fun!

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