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DIN Trouble


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Hello, I'm building a midibox64... I'm having some trouble it DINx4 module, looks like it is receiving all buttons in the first port (I think it is snapshot), so when I close this port it makes many things in the interface like opening menus, left, right... I already verified all the board, removed and changed all CI's, removed all and leaved just the first one... nothing solves... also mounted just one CI in a breadboard, made the connections and it works normal... I think is something about the clock, but cant find any problem in the board... please someone help me.


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as far as i understand your explaination... any digital inputs exept of thoes ones connectet to the first modul

are not getting recognised  ???

hmmmm, have you tried to messure volatage on the other din modules? mybe you could try to connect every

modul singlewise and check to work out which of your din moduls might be faulty.

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I cant find any short, and looks to be exact to schematics...

I forgot the bottom jumper, then soldered it, worked for some time then stoped to work again... also made a new board and problem persists, I dont know what more to do, I'm near to give up :(

PS: DINX4 without the bottom capacitor can make this problem?

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Good work man... Try removing the DIN boards, so it's just the core, nothing else, and testing the pin on the PIC (Pin 21), and then moving out from there... It's not really a short track at all, it goes all the way around J10, not to mention the cable and the DIN modules... And it's pretty common to short it on the socket, or even to have overheated the socket and caused the pin to be loose so there's no connection.

Good luck!

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Yes... is that what I made... removed everything, just core, supply and midi, and tested directly to PIC pin 21, not even the socket... probe directly on its pin, and other on ground... then cycled the modulation 0,1,2,3:

RD0, pin19, SO = Changes 0v-5v

RD3, pin22, SC = Changes 0v-5V

RD2, pin21, RC = always 0v

And pin21 track is very free track, it just goes from pin 21 to J8/J9, like 1 centimeter of track (on core board)

What do you think?

Thanks again.

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Sorry, I assumed it was a SmashTV core for some reason :-[

Are you using midi-ox for the modwheel messages? There's a bug in mios studio...

It's possible that you've somehow fried that pin. It's also possible that the line is shorted somewhere and pulling it low. Actually maybe even both. There's a quick and annoying way to find out. Grab your meter, and put it on a continuity test. A beeper is good if you've got one, but not a must. Stick a thin wire in the pic socket and alligator clip the meter to it, so you can filp the board over. Then just touch each pin on the board. Because nothing else should be connected to it, you shouldn't measure continuity with any other traces. If it beeps, you've got a short. If not, you might like to try burning the PIC again, re-upping MIOS and your app, and perhaps trying another PIc if you have one. Sounds tedious, but it'll only take like 20 minutes :)

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My board is same as in picture of core module page.

Yes, midi-ox... I tried mios studio but I noticed it dont sends modwheel=2

I didnt understood the meter method you said, but I got a beeper, and tested the pin21 with all neighbors pins and tracks, there arent so much, so was easy, no short circuit found

I will try reburn the pic, is the only thing I not did yet... already re-uped mios and midibox64 but didnt solve.

Try another PIC is what I want very much, but isnt possible, I cant find in my city, I bought this one from another state over internet, I will try to change it if dont works after reburning, but will take some weeks.

Thanks for all help, if you think some more things to help me please post.

PS: Sorry for my english, I'm not very good with it yet.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hey Stryd!

I tried to change the defective PIC, but the seller said it could not change, so I had to buy another one.

It worked! Was the PIC.

Now, I was wondering, the defective PIC has just one bad pin, is possible / how hard could be to use another pin for the DIN?

Thanks for all help!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. Firstly you need to download the MIOS source and the toolchain (look in the wiki for instructions for this).

Then you need to change the faulty pin in mios_srio.inc and reassemble it. Personally I would recommend against this, as s1 said, it is a bit of a hack

;; pins of SRIO shift registers

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