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new daw on the market - looks good!


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[real story]

Jimmie, that remembers me of when i lived in Norway and one day they told me that one of my friends was in the hospital. I ve found her wearing a plastic dish (birthday party style) in her head wrapped around with a bath towel to "keep people from reading her mind". I also remember that the most alternative music she had in her car was Depeche Mode and that she owned a Jean Michelle Jarret concert in  VHS, with fireworks 'n' all. (I watched that stupid tape while dead mooses heads were watching at me in a lonesome red carpeted hunting hut in the middle of about nowhere, center Norway). That all to demonstrates my theory is just right.

[/real story]

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Um... There is nothing inherently good or bad about pop music. It's just what it is, "popular". The goodness or badness are totally separate from that, and also subjective qualities. So don't feel bad for liking a pop track. ;)

I dunno. I'd say that exploiting an artist and their artform (or anything else) purely for monetary profit, worse yet, doing so based on your ability to brainwash a bunch of people with clever/expensive marketing, which is paid for by those very same people... And lock them up if they try to get it for a reasonable rate... Sounds fairly "bad" to me. Sounds like an insane conspiracy theory, I'd be skeptical had I not seen it with my own eyes...

*clicks bugfight's link* I better read this before I post that hah.

LOL /me orders three.

But Britney's production has been pretty slick. Bad ethics and good form can coexist quite well together. Actually, the latter is what enables people to get away with the former ;)

I watched that stupid tape while dead mooses heads were watching at me in a lonesome red carpeted hunting hut in the middle of about nowhere, center Norway

Was it called "The Overlook hotel" by any chance? Sounds scary already.

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another new DAW :D this time for THE MAC!! ;)

eg.: how to make sure you get the MOST out of your 6 chnanel delta sigma codec + 0.1 usd 4580 opamps!! Wonder if guy ever heard of noiseshaping or how it goes, eventually .

read fanboi comments, funny:

-This thing puts Kenton to grave !!1! (along with their 16bit r2r , sure thing...)

-Shame on you RME !!11!!one (for building textbook converters and not sparing out DC blocking , sure thing...)



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I dunno. I'd say that exploiting an artist and their artform (or anything else) purely for monetary profit, worse yet, doing so based on your ability to brainwash a bunch of people with clever/expensive marketing, which is paid for by those very same people... And lock them up if they try to get it for a reasonable rate... Sounds fairly "bad" to me. Sounds like an insane conspiracy theory, I'd be skeptical had I not seen it with my own eyes...

But Britney's production has been pretty slick. Bad ethics and good form can coexist quite well together. Actually, the latter is what enables people to get away with the former ;)

All I said was it's not an issue to like the music, if it happens to be good. Don't get me started on the music industry... ;)

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Maybe that's what you meant to say ;)

There is nothing inherently good or bad about pop music. It's just what it is, "popular". The goodness or badness are totally separate from that, and also subjective qualities.

Besides, why the separation between the industry and the music? Pop music... well... wouldn't be, if there were no industry.

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Incredible what it does to "Roxanne".  Roxanita anyone?


Just got through a whole heap of these on youtube. "Wonderwall" as techno, and I can't really describe "Enter Songsmith"..... Well it may not make the greatest music, but it's given us a whole new game.

Still laughing.

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