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i know that there is a lot of topic about this subject but i read it but i didn't find the answer of my problem

i have two led on my matrix who doesn't work

the second led of the 5th row and the 7th led of the 7th row and all the other are ok

i control that led work fine and no problem

and this not a bad solder

is it possible that it doesn't work because it is different led than the other?

or somebody have a other solution

thank you


i control that led work fine and no problem

Hey there, what do you mean by this? ^^^

Are the 2 LED's in the right way? (Polarity)

Are all your LED's the same make & colour?

It's strange that just those two LED's don't work.. do they flash briefly when you turn your MB-6582 on? (I think all LED's do very briefly)

It might be that the LED's are just broken, and need to be replaced..  If so, cut them out, then desolder each leg one at a time, instead of trying to desolder the whole LED at once.

Good luck.




the led are in the right way

the led work fine

it is the same color than the other but maybe not the same make

do you think it will change something?

PS: i mean that i check that the led work fine with a external PSU


Do you check the LED is good with external power by touching the LED leads on the top? Or touching the pads on the bottom?

Try also, supplying power to the pads at the bottom of the board (with resistor of course and no power to the MB-6582). i.e. try lighting up other LEDs by controlling the matrix at the JDx pads. This will test the tracks to the LED. If those LEDs do not light up with power, check if swapping +/- makes it work (test wrong polarity)

My guess is the LED might be in the wrong way, you've perhaps tested it works with external PSU but applied +/- differently to how the matrix applies +/-. Alternately, maybe the solder joints are not good, and you're testing by touching the leads and not the pads.

I don't think it is breaks in the tracks as that would mean more than a single LED in a row would not work (matrix tracks go straight through each LED pin, it's practically impossible to have a break that conducts around the LED pin... only a bad solder joint could explain that kind of problem.


'm shure that the led are in the right way

and i test the "continuty" ( i don't know if that make sense) between the leads of the led and the next led and it was ok

i will try to resold it or simply change it


i change it and it work fine now

i don't understand anything because the led i changed  was ok

now i can play like a kid with this f-----g perfect machin

thank's a lot wilba TK Smash and everybody who spend time in this project

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