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Hey pay_c,


 I had a look too, and there are alternative payment options, and when you order you can select which country you are in! There are phone and fax numbers on the home page. (I think it was, anyway its there somewhere!)

Rowan, I don't know how you do it!

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Hi kejace,

Yeah I recommend them, only thing is that you have to connect negative voltage (instead of GND) to pin 3 on LCD. The solution I'm going after (MAX1044 + 3 electrolytic caps) costs around $2 and it will supply enough current for two LCDs (possibly for all four) so they are still a bargain despite added expenses.



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I don't know about email, haven't contacted them, just ordered the LCDs, payed with the credit card directly on their site and everything went smooth. And the postage was free (from TX to MA) which is strange, considering the package was pretty big (LCDs were part of the Motorola satelitte receiver, you get them with front mask - some plastic with 5 buttons, few 74HC595, 74HC165 and couple of other chips)


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lol I mail them too about 2 weeks ago, and still no answer... I was a bit nervous about sending them money, but I think I'm going t trust dragon and pay via their web site ;)

A motorola Satelite reciever??? ouaw!

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oops, sorry dragon, I didn't read your earlier posts properly.

Hey Dan,

yeah I got the same ones already, but I saw these for so cheap, including a backlight, that I thought I could upgrade. But I am nervous to send money if I don't know how the postage will be paid for to Australia!!

(not to mention giving strangers money over the net... I would prefer to post the payment...

oh well, maybe I will take a chance.... maybe.

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I order 2 of them on Monday, and received them yesterday (saturday), from france!!

and I pay $14,95 for shipping! fast and serious (I made mistake in the order form, they send me an email about 4 hours later :))

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