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Capacitor conversion values

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I've just had to look this up and though it would be of use to people here (I searched on the forum and couldn't find anything)

[table][tr][td]micro-Farads (uF)[/td][td]Nano-Farads (nF)[/td][td]Pico-Farads (pF)[/td][/tr]











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Nice of you guys to share, but if I may interject:

Any time you have a "I thought this might be of use to some people here" thought, but you're not asking or answering a specific question, and the information you're sharing isn't particularly time-sensitive, you probably have an excellent wiki candidate on your hands.  Consider adding or enhancing a Wiki page, then just post a link to it from the forum.

Sharing info is always great, but the Wiki is a much better way of compiling knowledge into an actual reference.

(This is of course merely my two cents)


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Agreed. I moved this to the MIDIbox Documentation Project subforum as a failover because I lack the time to wikify it myself right now.... But the wiki is where it belongs.

Which reminds me:

We're still in desperate need of contributors to the new wiki layout!!!

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