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Planning for a MIDIBOX LC


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Well, Here I go. I just obtained FL Studio about 3 months ago. I love the mixer but hate using it with my mouse. I dont currently own a MIDI controller so I thought It would be good to buy one... Not. All of them look and feel really cheap and mostly useless. So, I said what the Hell, How about I build one? I checked out Ucapps and this site and this is amazing. I decided the past week I would do some planning. Im pretty technically inclined, I built a analog synthesizer before, but this is pretty overwhelming. What I need Is about 16 Pots, 8, Faders, 8 Buttons, and a LCD. So I checked out the Midibox LC. Looks like a nice project, but I had some pretty general questions to ask before I start.

Will I need alot of programming knowledge in order to complete this project? I know a little VB, and the Basic of C++ but nothing special.

Can this Project have a USB output or does it only use MIDI Out?

How do I power the Core Module?

EDIT: Looked on the Wiki and found this page: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/

Just looking for a quick guide, for someone to lead me into the right path. Im new to this so Im still trying to grasp the basic concepts.

Thanks In Advance


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Will I need alot of programming knowledge in order to complete this project?

... if you stick to the original design, you don't need any programming knowledge and even if you do small changing, it's not really programming, more like configuring on text basis.

Can this Project have a USB output or does it only use MIDI Out?

... you can add a GM5 MIDI/USB module. So from the outside of the finished box, it's connected to USB

How do I power the Core Module?

... elctricity? - There is no H2 engine developed yet... but who knows ;)

Check ucapps.de/MidiBoxLC for all those details. - It requires some reading to understand the system and then, most of the question you will have, will be answered.

Greets, Roger

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Thanks, Maybe the MIDIBOX LC is a little too advanced

... not necessarily, if you stick to the original design

Im ordering my kit for the core this weekend with the pre-programmed PIC. I'll work and test that before I do anything else.

... best practice. You can deside later, on what app you wanna go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

when they say app they mean the use you intnd for the core if your going to do the lc yu will then need some lcd's and mf boards also amoungst other items, if you do a midimon (which i am building as a first project) you need a core, doutx, lcd disply and for mtc several 7 segment leds.

the core is used for any of the projects here so decide what you want to start with, personally i think the midimon is a good starting point.

most of all and i have to stress this, you really need to read up on the info here and ucapps, its all there and you will also find most questions have been asked and answered many times over. if you need help on something its there but you have to play a part in the process and make an effort to read up prior to asking a more informed question.

the guys here are great as i have found, but after hearing the same questions for the millionth time they tend to be a little stand offish, thats why i just got on with it and have been reading up as much as i can, that way any thing i ask them is more technical in natue and shows i have been reading up.

mind you if my brain worked as good as it used to it wouldnt be a problem for me!!

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