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MIDIBox as Audiomixer


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Hi there,

I had an idea while reading the news ...

wouldn't it be possible to connect VCAs to the MIDI-Box an use it as an digital-mixer???

Then you could connect analog-signals to the box and control the volume of your external-syntesizers via Cubase or Logic or any hardware-sequencer!!


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There will be an AOUT extension for the SID in some time.

I do think, this will be either something with a voltage or with an adjustable resistor (although a voltage can easily be transfered to a resistor value with an IC).

Certainly this will bring a whole lot of new possibilities to the MBHP community! Digital mixing, panning, filtering and so on and so on will be no problem then! 8)

Any idea when this is gonna be (*about*), TK?

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You guys are going crazy! (not that there's anything wrong with that!) I'm going to have to stop looking at these posts, cos I'm never going to have time to build all this cool stuff!

 BTW you should take a look at diyaudio.com there is some cool stuff there as well :)

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agreed, we need 48hrs in a day! - 24hrs makin the shit, 20hrs playing the shit, and 4hrs for avin a shit over the excitment of it all!!!

digital mixer eh! very nice...:)

Be nice to stick a mighty analog (valve neone??:)) frontend before it goes digital, with the abilities to patch in you own pres and whatnot....

check out this forum too:


You gotta register but oh my it's worth it :)



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Nice one JimCook!

I've been looking for a chip like the ones Atmel make for some time now... I wanted to make a MIOS FX machine, a MIOS Sampler, and a MIOS Mixer...

I quickly realised that the sampler would be a waste of time, as there are many perfectly good, and cheap samplers out there, like the akai s2000 for example...they're so cheap now that it's crazy and an s2000 is probably already more than we could do with MIOS (practically anyway). I'd love to put a sampler in the sequencer I'm building, it'd be an MPC killer! :D

The FX machine is borderline... There are a few good cheap FX units out there which are cheap and very flexible, and once again not really worth the while.

A digitally controlled analog mixer would be sweeeet though... Certainly nothing in that area will be close to the pricerange of a DIY project like MIOS...

Another nice toy would be a virtual modular digital synth made with that Atmel chip, like a Nord Modular....

So many ideas... So little time :(

How do you do it TK?! ;)

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Guest JimCook

Check this Atmel link out really close!  This is a development board to demonstrate their products and develop new applications.  It is BOTH an ISA PC soundcard (from which new firmware can be downloaded or debugged) _AND_ a stand alone MIDI tone generator!


Check out the connectivity!  Two sets of MIDI In/Out jacks, four channel audio,  two microphone inputs, SPDIF transmit/receive, etc.  You could roll your own killer synth with this and MidiBox!


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Yeh Flownez thought doing the same trick with the ISA Turtle Beach Pinnacle which basically has a Kurzweil K2000 on it...mmmmmmmm

Nomical is also doing something similar with the DB50XG daughterboard.

Very cool stuff...

Heh, I can see it now... the future... an entirely MIDIBox based studio....ahhh that'd be nice :) I think the only thing that the MIDIBox platform wouldn't be able to help with, is hard disk recording...

Anyone got a spare 100 hours they can lend me? ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest romakrau

Hi Stryd_one and folks,

could you please give me some information about the nomical project. I'm an

oldfashioned organ player and thing about using my db50xg board as extension off

my divers organ.



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The Nomical Project, sounds nice.. ;D

I'm building an standalone version of the DB50XG together with an interface based on MIOS. The standalone board only needs an small circuit to interface with the DB50XG. I've put in an an extra opamp circuit for the audio outputs which also mixes the sound to one of the 2 audio output jacks if one is unplugged. This was an idea by Paul Eccles which i unfortunately can't reach anymore. He also helped me with the power supply section which uses an toriodal power supply. I don't want wall type adapters, i want the one with 3 pins, what's it called again IEE... something? The one your pc uses!

The MIOS based interface is going the be based on a 'LCD menu vs encoder' type interaction.

The menu will display certain sections like an effects, voice, part, main, assignable controllers and a drum kit section. This menu is actually divided in areas which are controlled by certain encoders. In fact, 8 encoders are used to control a max of 8 values which are displayed on the 4 x 20 LCD.

2 encoders control the assignable controllers, because as i've understood correctly from the DB50XG manual, only 2 controle can be assigned at once for all parts, instead of 2 controllers for every part. There are 16 parts and the manual isn't too clear about this. It would mean a difference of 32 instead of 2 realtime controls.

A connector (probably SUB-D) is put an the frontpanel for a possible external control box in the future.

There are menu controls like 4 direction keys, Enter, Esc, Load, Save and reset. Multiple permanent banksticks will be inluded. 6 buttons for instant editing of the main, voice, part, fx, ac and drum kit sections. And of course a power button and master volume pot. Maybe i'll include a headphones jack.

Originally the DB50XG doesn't transmit any midi, but because of the MIOS interface there will be an midi out.

Dedicated footpedal control jack for external control on the rearpanel. A Midi-to-COM port perhaps.

I'm putting my design in a 19" 2U rackmount casing.

Later on i want to build a Mode section which allows to switch between the XG mode and the TG300B/QS300 mode. Possibly GM too, because of the additional midi out to make it compatible with every machine. But that's for later. I first have to start developing my assemble code capacities... ;D

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Guest romakrau

Hi Nomical,

I'ld like to apologise for calling you a project.

Your describtion of using the db50xg board sounds very interesting and I think that this

is the same way I try to go.

I tried to contact under your synonym sector, but unfortunately I've got no answer?

Please could you contact me per eMail concerning your analog output and power

circuit for the db50xg board?

Thanks in advance


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