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Router presentation


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I'm proud to present after some months of hard labour. My first MIDI router! (As you can see, I'm still waiting for my buttons to be delivered 8). After this I can start programming, it will be a combination of a router (LED's on the left to select which IN ports goes to which OUT ports), and a MIDI filter to filter or change data on each out port (mostly controlled with the buttons). The LEDS on the right are the status leds (used the ltc module for the core status leds.

I'm just curious for all kinds of opinions about design, concept... good or bad...






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Awesome! I like the two panel concept, with the bevel cutout, that looks very cool. How did you make the panels, especially the artwork? I also like the glued (JB-Weld?) spacers :) BTW the two LED matrix boards look blue, are they custom made?

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Thanks for the compliments!

Gives a nice feeling that all the work I did is appreciated.

The whole router was designed in Cinema 4D so I had a complete overlook of everything, so I knew from before that everything should fit perfectly (the lasertran print design was made by illustrator and also tested in cinema 4D, as well as the wholes had to fit perfectly as wel)

The 3 blue PCBs are indeed custom made, 2 in the front panel with the leds connected (they're all made by a good friend of mine), and the third mini PCB is LED driver derived from the LTC midi module, which handles the core TxRx LEDs.

The glued busses to the front panel are from conrad:


They are glued with dual component glue, which is very strong. This way I didn't had to make wholes in the front panel. The panels are screwed onto the busses, so they can always be removed.



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still thinking about the organisation of the software, I've also been thinking a lot about the structure of the menus. I just need a little bit more time to sort that out.

Now there's nothing programmed yet.

I'll post it, from the moment it's finished.



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