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Max analog and digital I/O for a 64e?


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Just wanted to make sure before I buy a bunch of components... I'm making a mega knob machine with a keyboard with after touch (cannibalized from a Novation controller) to control a VI :P

But I'm a little unclear just how many analog knobs, rotary encoders/buttons, I can have. What is the max anyway?

I've parred down the number of knobs/controls to this:

73 Analog Knobs

46 Rotary Encoders

27 Buttons

Keyboard with aftertouch

I'm assuming I need 8 buttons to modify patches for the 64e, otherwise I'd only need 19 buttons. Actually I'd like to have 119 Rotary Encoders, but am I reading the specs correctly that I can 'only' have:

64 Analog Knobs

64 Rotary Encoders (actually, I guess that I have a max of 60 Rotary Encoders + the 8 Buttons needed to program the MIDIBox).

I realize that I can just make a couple of patches and cycle thru them as needed, but I have an insane desire for more knobs :)


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Thanks guys!

From the 'progress' portion here http://www.ucapps.de/midibox16e.html, I gather this is what's possible:

up to 64 rotary encoders

up to 64 buttons

optionally up to 64 pots or up to 8 motorfaders

On that same page, under 'How many Rotary Encoders should I use?'

'A later version of the application will provide 8 additional inputs at port J5 of the core module for connecting 8 buttons'


Assuming I've read this right, you can have 128 DI's (with each RE counting as 2 inputs),  possibly 8 additional DI's, and 64 AI's. I've optimized my layout a bit to include:

64 Knobs

41 RE

43 Buttons

which includes 8 buttons to handle menu navigation and special functions. Again, if I read this right, all of this should fit on one core.

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I don't think so..

A quick look at what J5 really is.. it looks like 8 analog inputs.

Those are connected to AIN modules that can multiplex them into as many as 64 inputs, each one being switched among 8 possible inputs, 8*8=64.

SO.. you can take all of J5 and three pins from A6, and connect your AIN modules for a maximum of 64 analog inputs..

OR, connect eight analog inputs directly without any AIN modules or any need for J6.

OR use those eight inputs from J5 as digital inputs, IF YOU HAVE NO ANALOG INPUTS AT ALL.

As always, someone smarter will correct me if I've got it wrong.


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OK, my last response was regarding your text, not your math..

You said:

64 Knobs

41 RE

43 Buttons

SO that's 64 analog inputs

and 41 * 2  + 43 = 125 digital inputs

Yes, I think that will work.. My last post was just pointing out that you cannot

get those 8 "extra" inputs from J5 if you are using any analog inputs (as you are).

Sorry if my hasty response came across badly.

Some days I really shouldn't be allowed into public places.

Have Fun,


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Ah yes, I see, thanks for the clarification! So, you only get 8 additional DI's if you don't use the AI's. Makes sense.

Well cool, it sounds like I can do it on a single core then! Not that I'd mind an extra core, but I'd probably layout things differently if I had to use two.

Thanks for the info! :)

Now to put together the parts list...

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