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fekkin MPLAB!!


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Finally finished the soldering epic of my LC box and have just spent the last 3 hours customising the LC mios files for my setup in mplab, only to be giving this when trying to build the hex file:

Executing: "C:\Program Files\MPLAB IDE\MCHIP_Tools\mpasmwin.exe" /q /p18F452 "main.asm" /l"main.lst" /e"main.err"
Error[113]   C:\MBLC_OS-SETUP\USER_VECTORS.INC 45 : Symbol not previously defined (USER_LCD_Init)
Error[113]   C:\MBLC_OS-SETUP\USER_VECTORS.INC 46 : Symbol not previously defined (USER_LCD_Clear)
Error[113]   C:\MBLC_OS-SETUP\USER_VECTORS.INC 47 : Symbol not previously defined (USER_LCD_CursorSet)
Error[113]   C:\MBLC_OS-SETUP\USER_VECTORS.INC 48 : Symbol not previously defined (USER_LCD_PrintChar)
Skipping link step.  Not all sources built successfully.

wtf? I havn't even opened/edited user_vectos.inc...



BTW: I get the same even when i try building the main.asm file straight from the zip - no files edited at all...

PS: Has NE1 been able to build a hex file  with the 1.3 LC rls??? I think there summin wrong with it...or isit MPLAB it's self? I've also tried the win gui version where u just load the main.asm file - again no joy, even when no editing is done to ANY of the files...


NB: Are the test progs spose to send out MIDI data too? atm I can send to the box via midi-ox, but when i run a test prog like, ie: ain64_din128_dout128_v1_3, everything functions as it should on the box itself but i cant see any midi data being transmitted??? Is it spose to like the 16F test progs did? I'm using to-comm remeber via he LTC module...

NB2: with the switched encoeders i got from Ian, it takes many turns to get from 0-127 - is this norm? havnt used endless rotaries b4...

NB3: so many more q's, but i just want to able to get the LC prog built (in mplab) and sent first,  and have logic see it as a LC - atm, i feel very dejected by the whole thing :( cos even if i syx the main.hex that comes in the logic zip (non-customised version), the lcd reads logic emulation ready and has the smpte digits, nothing else happens - logic cant see it, and nothing happens when i press ne buttons or move faders or nethin! :(

hmm, just thought - MIDI output must be workin tho right? - otherwise i wudnt have been able to upload mios in the first place correct?

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This from TK when I had enuff of Fekkin MPLAB


My advice: don't use MPLAB as it makes everything more complicated than required  

The main.asm file can be assembled directly with MPASM:

MPLAB IDE/MCHIP_Tools/mpasmwin.exe

Just click on this program (make a shortcut on your desktop) and load the main.asm file. The result will be a "main.hex" file which can be converted within the DOS shell by executing "convert.bat" (Perl must be installed) to a main.syx file.

The source files (main.asm and all *.inc and *.h files) are editable with your favourite text editor. I prefer emacs, but there are also some other usefull editors especially for Windows available on the net. Especially "code highlighting" is an important feature, so that comments can be regognized easier.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Also this too

for the adaption to your encoders you need to change:

mios_tables.inc: the correct encoder type (detented or non-detented

main.asm: set CS_MENU_USE_DETENTED_ENCODER to 1 if you are using a detented encoder for the menu

cs_menu.inc: the CS_MENU_EncSpeedSet function allows you to totally customize the encoder behaviour - however, changes shouldn't be necessary there

Mebbe this helps


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Hey Ian....

2 things...

In the PS of the first msg i already said I tried mpasmwin - and had no luck!!, also this is for the LC - not SID CS....

Thanks tho, the enocoder settings u say may help that part of the crisis - but right now I have a box made but cant cant get any o/s on the peice of junk!!



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Thorsten Suggested to me when I had a build problem:

Check capitalization, it is case-sensitive.

You could also check the User_vectors.inc and see if any of those symbols are even in the file. (Thats how I would troubleshoot, maybe a different case is shown)

As for the AIN_DIN_DOUT, yes you should be able to see MIDI transmitted to the computer, but at this time it does not receive the MIDI. I had problems using Mpspasm :)

to get the AIN_DIN_DOUT built, but the project file is included so MPLAB can open it rather than using spasm.

Can you see the startup message on MIDI-OX when you boot up the PIC?

Well I hope I can help :)


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Hey guys...

Think the solder fumes got to me yesterday :)

Can you see the startup message on MIDI-OX when you boot up the PIC?


Cheers Steve, i'll send the files so it can built but this isnt ideal still - I cant see y I cant build from my side...

Looks like it wont matter neway till i can some midi output happening...:( are there ne special notes on using the LC emu with to-comm?

I need long holiday after all this :)



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Hi Dan,

due to a bug in my automatized release script the app_lcd.inc file wasn't available in the release directory.

You will find it in the mios_v1_3 archive under update/

just copy app_lcd.inc into the midibox_lc directory and the assembler should pass again.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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:) Yes, tha extra line worked :)

Right, so I have a MBLC finally! But guess what there are a few niggles - well, there was bound to be!! :P

Just wanna clear up this one first - T, as u know i got the same glcd as urself...in ur pics u've got borders on the display, I dont have these and also I've notcied part of the screen go blank sometimes and print the odd random character...:/ is this more that likey a connection issue?

Ah... and this one too...:) Encoders (switched ones from Ian) these are taking a bit of gettin used to :/ the response of them doesnt seem to be that good (I did remove the detent) they take a good few full 360 turns to get from 0-127 - is this normal with enocoders??? can i do anything in mios to make them more responsive - like that speedset function?. or the one u mentioned where the quicker u turn the bigger the param change...or summin :P



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Hey Dan,

My LC takes just over 1.5 turns, using the encoders from Ian, 0-127. Standard settings. I find this ok

if yours takes more turns, then check you have soldered the encoders the right way. (switching the pins incorrect order Ifound will take many turns like you describe)

I have 2 character displays, and sometimes I get funny characters coming on, but usually they dissappear within 1-2 seconds. Sometimes the display for the channel strip next to the one being adjusted goes blank, but that dosen't bother me, as it comes back in 1 or 2 seconds.

good luck, from Steve

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Just wanna clear up this one first - T, as u know i got the same glcd as urself...in ur pics u've got borders on the display, I dont have these

I removed the frames in one of the last versions, looks more aesthetical

and also I've notcied part of the screen go blank sometimes and print the odd random character...:/ is this more that likey a connection issue?

thats a good question - I also notice such failures sometimes when the motorfaders are moved (once or twice during a long-term session, quickfix: change to another display page, and back to the last page), but I wasn't able to determine if this is a soft- order hardware related problem. Now, where you are writing that you noticed the same, it's time to continue with the analyzation. Possible software problem: maybe a variable which is written to the wrong memory location --- errors which are hard to find. On the other hand: the MIDIbox SID is working extreme stable under heavy load, so I guess that it's more hardware related - here it could be possible that motorfader movements are causing some kind of noise on the LCD data lines... however, I will inform you when I know more.

Ah... and this one too...:) Encoders (switched ones from Ian) these are taking a bit of gettin used to :/ the response of them doesnt seem to be that good (I did remove the detent) they take a good few full 360 turns to get from 0-127 - is this normal with enocoders??? can i do anything in mios to make them more responsive - like that speedset function?. or the one u mentioned where the quicker u turn the bigger the param change...or summin :P

From my impression the encoders are not working fine with removed detent, sometimes they change the direction due to unstable digitil signals. Some days ago Steve wrote in an email how to improve the response by bending the wiper contacts.

Steve - I guess it's ok when I quote your EMail?

Steven_C wrote:

Some of the ones I got seemed to have inconsistencies

in the pitch of the contact wheel spacings, as well as

in the phase of the wiper contacts, resulting in the

resultant moves going backwards at regular intervals,

so by bending the wiper contacts slightly, to shorten

or lengthen the wiper, I fixed the effects of this

problem, now they work great!!

The speed setting will not help in this case.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hey Guys...

Yeah, same as LO, i used an outside pin for ground - noticed no dif with the middle one used...

T, I've notcied sometimes the LC hangs for a good few seconds but will come back into action afterwards - y is this? Again, is it hardware/software/firmware?

Also, sometimes a fader will jump right to the max level...abd is it normal for when u exit logic, that all the faders shoot downwards to the bottom and the screen then goes messy?



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I can't seem to post any new topics in the other forums - the forum has been playing alot lately - just like my midiboxes :p...

So, as I cant post new threads my prob with my MB64Seq101 will go here. I can't seem to able to enable the to-com option in the menu settings - the line just fills with arrows??? when i try and change the setting. Is this a bug with the f/w?



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