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Midibox64E - 32 pots.


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First of all please excuse my basic english.

Thinking of midibox64E, I wonder if I can decide for a special number or pots, like 32; (some rotary, some slide) instead of the regular 16.

Plus the normal quantity of buttons.

I just want to stay with only one AIN & DIN modules in a budget proyect.

Can I do that?.


Thanks in advance for the info.

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you have the 8 non motorised faders on the ain board if you want motorised you add the mf board, the pots will be encoders to go on the din they are endless rotary encoders, which means you can turn them 360 degrees full circle no stops. and the buttons connect to the din also, remember you will need 8 buttons for the menu system, and you can use serge's pc editor for it, also look at a bankstick for it as well to store setups.

if you need more info just ask

as for how goto

for buttons http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_dinx4_32buttons.pdf'>http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_dinx4_32buttons.pdf

for encoders http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_dinx4_16enc.pdf'>http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_dinx4_16enc.pdf

for motor faders http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_mf_interconnections.pdf'>http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_mf_interconnections.pdf

lots to read on ucapps.de http://www.ucapps.de/

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Thanks for the reply SSP.

The only remaining question: are digital encoders better than pots?.

I think my Midibox will be 16 pots/encoders, 32 buttons, 7 leds per pot/encoder.

I mean, can I still implement leds cascade around encoders, or only with pots?.

If I choose this set of 7 leds, are they going to display -from 0 to 7- the equivalent of minimum value to maxim. value of the respective pot/encoder?.

Thanks again!.

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May I use 2 DINx4 and one AIN together?.


The only remaining question: are digital encoders better than pots?

Neither is better. It depends on what you want the feel of the controller to be like. Pots have a fixed movement of 300° thus always giving you visual feedback off the position. Encoders can have a much higher resolution, but don't give you any hint about the position and can be rotated in either direciton endlessly.

I mean, can I still implement leds cascade around encoders, or only with pots?.

Either one will work.

If I choose this set of 7 leds, are they going to display -from 0 to 7- the equivalent of minimum value to maxim. value of the respective pot/encoder?.

That's a matter of adjusting the code. But is doable.

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