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mios seems to upload ok, but still sends waiting for upload after reboot


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I have just finished my 1st core, I bought a kit from Mikes midishop pre burned PIC, when I connect to the studio my LCD lights up solid, and I get the waiting for upload message (F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7) - I then upload the update_with_old_mios.hex from the 1.9 zip and it says upload successful:

Upload of 14080 bytes completed after 10.906s (1.2607739 kb/s)

I then turn off the power for a few seconds and reconnect, but the LCD is still solid, and the MIDI IN monitor keeps sending the F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

Any ideas where Im'm going wrong?

Many thanks


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If it's only sending it ONCE then it's all good, MIOS does that at boot up.

If it sends it constantly (every 2 seconds) then you uploaded the wrong file. "with old mios" means you already have a MIOS on the PIC. Which you don't, which means you need to upload the other .hex file from the same folder ;)

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Hi yes its appearing every 2 seconds so the bootloader is on the pic, just not mios.

I have tried the update without mios but I get errors:

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block #1 00000000-000000FF

Received error code 05: Write access failed (invalid address range)

Im just looking through the forum to see if this has come up before.


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You are trying to upload the wrong file!

The .hex file that you used allocates the bootloader range, the upload will be blocked so that the bootloader won't be overwritten.

According to the README.txt, uploading pic18f452/midi/mios_v1_9f_pic18f452.hex is sufficient.

Sidenote: it seems that it's time to remove the other .hex files, and only provide them on request to users who really *need* to update their old MIDIbox (with an installation which is older than two years)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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